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Posts posted by 217014170

  1. These guys are at the round table if we limit the discussion to the Super Bowl era.


    Bart Starr

    Bob Griese (standing at the table serving drinks - he is weakest of all)

    Terry Bradshaw

    Joe Montana

    John Elway

    Tom Brady


    Tom Brady and the Patriots have dominated the longest - ~13 years - in an era geared towards parody. In another sport, the Yankees were able to sustain a similar level of excellence. The big difference is that baseball has a soft cap/luxury tax model which makes it easier to keep core players together.

  2. Is it possible that BB was saving the timeouts for his offense feeling that the Seahawks would run the same play and score? Some have suggested they would have just let the Seahawks score and go down and try to score themselves. I think this may be more likely strategically in BB's mind then just simply "blowing it". I would think he was two plays ahead and planning what he would do. I am sure he was as surprised as anyone that they got that turnover.

  3. This is the 4 play sequence the Seahawks should have run. Notice the very familiar opponent. All 4 snaps are taken from the shotgun and includes a 1st down run by Marshawn Lynch. Granted, this is not a goal line situation but it works anywhere on the field - especially against defensive goal line personnel. Seattle has "Jumbo" personnel in the game at midfield.

    It's what everyone is talking about - make it a two man game, Wilson and Lynch. Lynch lined up next to Wilson in the shotgun leaves the defense having to account for every possibility and lets Wilson decide based on what he sees. This is from 2012!


  4. This is the 4 play sequence the Seahawks should have run. Notice the very familiar opponent. All 4 snaps are taken from the shotgun and includes a 1st down run by Marshawn Lynch. Granted, this is not a goal line situation but it works anywhere on the field - especially against defensive goal line personnel. Seattle has "Jumbo" personnel in the game at midfield.


    It's what everyone is talking about - make it a two man game, Wilson and Lynch. Lynch lined up next to Wilson in the shotgun leaves the defense having to account for every possibility and lets Wilson decide based on what he sees. Honestly, when I saw Wilson in the shotgun I was sure they would run the last play in this sequence but Lynch was no where to be found - I expected to see him next to Wilson.


    This is from 2012!



  5. We're supposed to expect a trick play from Seattle involving their 3rd string QB?





    Expect may have been too strong a word. Let's change that to "don't be surprised". The fact that he was activated prior to the playoffs and not used leads me to believe that Carroll may have something in mind that the Patriots have not prepared for. He can also line up at any skill position on offense and potentially throw the ball. I would love to see Carroll use a similar play as the Edelman to Amendola option pass against Belichick with Daniels.

    Why would you want a clone of Russell Wilson??


    Some on this board still think that Russell Wilson is the beneficiary of a defense and nothing more than a shorter darker Trent Dilfer…. :doh:


    Not sure how "darker" makes a difference but the Seahawks program with Wilson as QB is one worth emulating. The Bills have a strong defense...like the Seahawks. The Bills offensive line is still suspect until proven otherwise. So...if Daniels has the smarts and understanding of Trent Dilfer and the elusiveness of Russell Wilson I would take him.


    If the 49ers saw enough in him to draft him and the Seahawks saw enough in him to claim him, sign him, and give him a promotion to the active roster it might indicate he would be a calculated risk worth taking.


    He really is similar to Wilson in many ways.... I followed him when he played at USF... The thing i can say about BJ is that he has grown ALOT as a QB since his USF days... He's far more versatile than I thought he'd be, and has a very strong arm for a guy his size... I like the idea alot myself, but OBD will NEVER do it.


    I am glad you see what I see. I was very impressed/surprised by his arm strength as well. He is a tough guy with an attitude as well...very elusive and hard to bring down with arm tackles.

  7. I am not here to piss on anybody's ideas of fixing the qb situation.....I certainly have my own that people wouldnt agree with


    For instance...the thing QB Webb is the best qb that nobody is talking about for competition to EJ


    But that said I want STARTING EXPERIENCE for my bills QB.....honestly I like Bryan Hoyer

    I don't disagree. Daniels would likely be a prospect/backup. I am trying to suggest players that link to the current coordinator - Roman - and consultant - Chris Palmer. Palmer was a paid consultant with Roman and the 49ers but did not have an official title. The other, more veteran, name too scary to mention is Eli Manning with his connection to Palmer.

  8. I have mentioned him before inside the countless QB threads on this forum. He is currently the Seahawks third string QB and a clone of Russell Wilson.


    We was drafted by Harbaugh/Roman and the 49ers in the seventh round. He is someone that Roman is familiar with and vice versa. He performed very well in preseason for the 49ers when given the chance.


    Be on the lookout for a trick play involving BJ Daniels during the super bowl. He was promoted off the Seahawks practice squad for the playoff run this year. I believe he is currently under contract for 2015 but maybe could be had via trade. The Seahawks have been trade partners in the past.



  9. Has Greg Roman said anything to anyone? Is he going to telecommute and call plays from his Microsoft Surface? It does seem odd that Ryan seems to be playing "you snooze you lose" with the offensive coaching staff. Roman is coming off as either uninspired or supremely confident.


    I really believe Roman as OC was a contingency in Ryan being hired. He was all about Trestman until the Bills hired him and Roman became the choice. Terry Pegula's Penn State Greg Roman. Something to ponder and watch.

  10. 1. Seattle - Comfort with Darell Bevell

    2. Houston - He has a home in Houston - only reason (except for the fact that I live in Houston and would take him over Foster)

    3. New England - One year deal if no one takes an immediate shot at him

    4. Dallas - long shot...too many skill players already on the roster...Although Jerry will be highly intrigued


    Buffalo could be in the mix as they would definitely feature the run and Rex would do a great sell job. A lot would depend on where the QB situation is for the Bills at the time. I believe he wants to go somewhere and win in the immediate future.


    I would see him preferring a Texas team just because of what has happened off the field this past season.

  11. I'm sorry, but that's such a crap argument to think Whaley's shortcomings have anything to do with not finding a franchise quarterback. It's easy to throw random names out there, but the minute Kolb went down the plans changed. Guilty of striking out with journeyman back-ups and seriously flawed newcomers to provide unforeseen cover? Maybe. But I won't condemn him for not doing what 2/3 of the league hasn't done in finding the "guy."


    And seriously, AJ Smith? As a self-proclaimed offensive-line nut like yourself, you'd be happy with him coming to the Bills? Rivers was almost out of the league a few years back because of Smith's inability to provide him with adequate protection. He got the crapped kicked out of him. Also, what QB did Smith ever identify?


    Doug Flutie, Drew Brees, and Philip Rivers...to name three very quickly.

  12. Case in point: Andy Dalton was named to the PB today. He was the 7th alternate after Flacco, Rogers, Rivers, manning, Etc. dropped out.


    "Dalton makes the team after throwing a career-worst 19 touchdowns in 2014. He guided the Bengals to the playoffs for a fourth straight time, despite ranking 20th in the league in yards per attempt (7.06) with a passer rating of 83.5, which ranked 25th in the NFL below the likes of Shaun Hill, Austin Davis, Kyle Orton and Mark Sanchez."




    How many need to drop out before Orton gets a free trip to AZ?


    Congratulations Andy for making the Pro Bowl! All american kid from Katy, TX will represent the league, his team, and his hometown well.


    Andy Dalton's selection is not the breaking point that will trigger necessary changes to the Pro Bowl. I am pretty sure he was not sitting at home hoping to take time out of his offseason to pad up one more time in an exhibition game. However, when called on, he accepted his responsibility as a professional and did not cite a random, undocumented injury.

  13. I think that Rex would not have gone for 2 because he would have known his D could stop anybody....and I actually agree with that philosophy but it depends on a lot of different factors.




    My son was being recruited by USC coming out of high school when Pete Carrol was the coach there. One of the things my son came away from his meetings with Carrol is you could tell he was an absolute control freak (and my kid was a LB and Pete was a defensive guy)


    I get the sense that NOTHING happens on that field without Carrol approving it.


    Good information...

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