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The Wang From Sang

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Posts posted by The Wang From Sang

  1. KC a playoff team? Yeah right.. How the hell did you figure that out? 4-12 last year and they beat a bunch of horrible teams this year.. Bills included! SD 3-5, CLE, 2-5, SF 2-6, Bills 0-7, and Jacksonville.. the only team with at least a .500 record at 4-4. KC hasn't beaten a team with a winning record with their losses to Indy and Houston. The AFC west is total garbage and KC is the shiniest turd for now.. whoopie..


    K.C. is in the hunt, like it or not and we were an 8.5 dog in this game and we were on the road~

  2. The Bills have become competitive. Which is a step in the right direction but.... THAT DOES NOT MAKE YOU A GOOD FOOTBALL TEAM WHEN YOUR RESULT IS 0-7 AND YOU'RE RANKED 32ND!!!!!!!!!!!





    The beginning of the season was wasted in the Trent Edwards experiment!

  3. The Bills are a good football team now?


    I think you were trying to say that the Bills are the literal worst team in the NFL, but I can't figure out how a typo could have come out saying that they are good.


    But I guess if a fan base will be satisfied with Ryan Fitzpatrick as your 'franchise qb', you could be happy with 0-7 too I guess...


    THE BILLS ARE A GOOD TEAM, OT in two games although heavy under dogs


    I am with APOV

  4. I thought Die Hard was tired of all the negativity directed at the players and said good-bye to TSW.




    Oops. Looks like DieHard was just blowing smoke up our asses and is now posting again after saying he wouldn't be back.


    I am new to the board and I didn't realize we had a former Bill on this website. If this is true then Mr Wonderful is a complete idiot!:doh:

  5. Thats how it goes in Buffalo . All there is , is hope. And when we as fans see a glimmer of light , we assume the best. And then , without fail , we come crashing back down to Earth.


    Fitz is playing great. But Im holding myself back until week 10 or 11 and see where we are then. If he's still lighting it up , hes our guy obviously , if not , we're in the same position we were a month ago.


    Even the best Quarterbacks have an off day.


    Mark my words, first off game by Fittz and the Luck fans will return :worthy:

  6. Nix said Kelsey is one of the core defensive players and a team leader a couple weeks back. I think thats BS. I think they owe kelsey for something behind the scenes.Or it could be that Nix is just that stupid. I dont know, but I wish they would tell us the truth. Also welcome to the board.


    I have to agree, makes no sense at all!

  7. Green, Kelsey. If you could give me a viable reason why they got ridicules contracts then i might consider thinking that NIx knows what he is doing. I certainly could have not done worse in the free agent market than then this guy.


    To me an extension for Kelsey is a mystery.


    Hopefully we get the real story before the end of 2010

  8. #1 Ryan Fitzpatrick, when was the last time he has thrown a wild pass? Inconstancy used to be the issue. Fitz needed time to adjust and he certainly did!


    #2 Offensive line play? I am an ex offensive linemen myself and there is a huge improvement here, less holding penalties, good protection and the pocket is larger then last season. Used to be defensive linemen in our quarterbacks face on almost every down. But Fitzpatrick does a better job avoiding the rush. Most defensive linemen seem to be aware of his scrambling ability so they don't take a direct route to the quarterback.


    #3 Chan Gailey, Who is really the main architect of the Bills more explosive offense ?


    #4 Buddy Nix, You may not like the players added to the roster but these are highly skilled prospects and most will eventually become solid depth IF they make the team.

    Most fans believe Buddy is looking for starters from the waiver wire, Not true, yet he may get lucky on one or two.

    This is a rebuilding project and I assume the team will improve over time.....1 or two years.


    P.S. Just in case you were wondering my last name is Wangner and I used t be a manager for Sang Tax Group in Garden Grove California.



  9. You can count on it......extra time in the film room for the K.C. coaching staff and players


    You can also expect a focused team in Kansas City.The Bills are now considered dangerous!


    When a team runs up over 500 yards on offense, the entire NFL takes notice! Trust me!


    If we can improve on Defense this should be a great game!


    Man, it feels good to be game planned for. Its been years!

  10. I know everyone wants to blame the refs, but the 2 calls everyone is in uproar about that we got screwed on were not mistakes by the refs at all. I went back and watched the plays again, and the refs actually got them right.




    I have already stated in other threads that the refs got the call right on the INT in relation to the rules regarding instant replay and the need for indisputable evidence to over turn a call on the field. Since the call was out of bounds on the field and cant see if the whole elbow is in bounds or not as there is only a front shot and its right on the line, then the refs were right to not over turn it.


    Initially I was still upset about forward progress not being called on the Nelson fumble. However, after watching the play again I realized I was wrong and the refs made the right call of letting the play continue. This was entirely because I kept rewatching the play from the head on perspective. The truth is, when you watch from the side line view his forward progress actually wasnt stopped as he was continually moving forward including get a big push from the back by fellow teammates fighting for more yards. By definition his forward progress was not stopped and refs were correct not blowing the whistle.




    1. Turnovers: Spillers fumble and the 2 Bad INTS by Fitz killed us to start the 2nd half that gave Baltimore control of the game. Then with a chance to win the game Nelson fumbles. This is the #1 reason why we lost because we gave them free points on all 3 turnovers. You wont win close games against better teams if you turn the ball over to them with great field position 4 times.


    2. Defense: The defense had a solid start to this game, but once the turnovers started happening this D just broke down. Its not a very good D and the best way to hide it is to keep it off the field. With the D being a liability, we cant be turning the ball over 4 timesEdwards I would say is sitting in a very hot seat at this point, but I dont expect him to be fired during the season.


    Sure the officials missed 2 PI plays, but thats football and I am sure we got away with plays too like holding and PI as every team does just about every single game. The 2 plays in question just happened to be in the view of the camera for us all to see and complain about. Truth is, we got some breaks by the refs in terms of spots and stuff in this game just like Balt got some breaks.


    Bottom line is that WE BEAT OURSELVES...the refs did not beat us, the Ravens didnt beat us, WE beat ourselves. Still, it was quite an encouraging outing, espeically seeing the passing game continue to build life. Lots of positives to take from this game as well as stuff we need to work on. We won't win a game if we keep turning the ball over 4 times to better teams given the weakness of our defense.


    Reality check is we had no chance in the game and we almost won........nothing esle means anything

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