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The Buffalo Irishman

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Posts posted by The Buffalo Irishman

  1. All the more reason to have 2 ready players at the QB position.

    Sorry, but I'm pro schedule expansion. And with that expansion should also come a roster expansion.

    I never thought of it that way. That would make sense. How many players do you think? Of course if this was to happen.


    IMO, I like it the way it is.




    Good luck with that. We have a hard enough time finding 1.

    That goes for the whole team....



  2. Whole lotta random guessing and assigning going on here.


    but I guess we do still have 5 WEEKS until the draft still...


    Why does it seem like this year's draft is taking forever to get to? Is it the lack of FA distracting us?

    Yep. It seems that there hasn't been a lot of signings at all.

  3. Deal. He will be a very poor pass rusher and weak at the point of attack. Would make a solid WILL LB in a 4-3 though.





    - Because they won't hire me.


    - Results.


    - If a team is rebuilding, the last position they should look at is RB, Especailly when it is your most-stacked position.


    - Maybe. Gailey denied that, but I didnt believe me. Correct me if I am wrong, but Lynch produced more than Spiller when he had the ball.


    - 6-10in 2009 and 4-12 in 2010. Our RB position is also weaker than it was last season after spending a top 10 pick on the position. Yes we took a step backwards last season.


    - Yes. We were close in a bunch of games under Dickie J too. All NFL games are designed to be close. Losing close games doesnt make you good, winning close games makes you good. 3-4 points in the NFL is huge and is not easy to make up.

    - Of course they won't hire you. How far did you get with your Football career? College ball? I will admit that you do your research, but it upsets me to see you that negative about OUR team. Nobody on these boards even know what the FO is thinking. We blabber on these things from rumors and articles. I'm sure draft day will be another year of us scratching our heads.


    - Results? Funny how you avoided the question about, would any of those players that you mentioned would have been better than Spiller. (I don't think so. we have to many holes) Maybe, just maybe some of those guys played on better teams. Just saying!!!


    - Yes you are right about the RB position at this time last year, we were stacked. I do agree with JohnC that it starts with the lines. I won't lie, I did scratch my head when we picked Spiller, but I want to believe that there is a plan in place to get OUR team in the right direction. Yes Lynch had more yards then Spiller before he was traded. God, I would hope so after being in the league for three years. I believe they were shopping Lynch the whole time. Even before the season started.


    - I'm suprised that you believe we took a step backwards... I'll leave that one alone and agree to disagree.


    - It is about winning the close ones, but I feel we were more competitive then we were in the 08 and 09 season under DJ aka "Skeletor". Just my opinion, but it has been fun arguing with you on this topic. Not only that, we are way off the subject which you started in the first place. Jake Locker..



  4. Hey "Thoner 7", you still can't answer the question can you....... Why are you not working for our FO???? I'm glad you have time to look up all your past post to prove somebody you have never seen wrong... I don't want to hear about your dumb curse either.... Besides your past posts and what you read in articles, what makes you a better evaluator than our FO? Any time in the NFL coaching??? Do you have access to film?? Any of those players that you mention that you wanted over Spiller would have done better with our first year staff??? I really don't see your point with Spiller. O please correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Lynch playing the first part of the year because maybe the FO was shopping him? Do you really think that Nix and company thought they were going to a Super Bowl their first year??? Come on Dude!!!!! They knew this is a rebuilding stage from the ground up.... THE GROUND!!!! HENCE RB!!!!!! Can you really say we took a step backwards last year??? I say we went forward. I've said this before, besides the Vikings, Packers, last Patriots and both Jets games, we were in the rest of those games.. Do you disagree???? Please though, make some decsions for our team so we all can see them finally win the BIG ONE!!!


    On that note I need a beer!

  5. You have to understand, Thoner7 is not interest in the Bills as much as he is in 'having company'.

    LMAO :lol:

    I still can't figure out why "Boner 7" and "Why So Serious" are not in our FO. Both of you guys bring up the past ten years all the time... Let me ask this way.. What decision did the FO make last year that you two would have done different? I also want to know when you two put your applications in to be part of the FO to make wise decisions. Oh yeah it's those highlights you keep seeing or reading about and not the actual whole game film.... DBAGS!!!!!!

  6. No its not my opinion.

    It is fact.

    Locker went to the Draft Advisory Board and didn't get a first round grade.



    Despite a proclamation by ESPN’s Todd McShay that Locker would/should/could be the first overall pick, a league source tells us that Locker didn’t receive a first-round grade from the Advisory Committee.


    My posts are sometimes personal to you, because you tend to be a purveyor of cluelessness as is the case with this statement:


    "Locker would have been a top 10 pick last year and now all of a sudden he is awful?"


    No suddeness to the awfulness. He was consistently awful.


    Its just a pet peeve when nonsense is recycled and regurgitated.




    If Locker is a big leader, where did he lead his team? Just curious what is his win-loss record as a starter? Not really sure that being a competitor is big differentiator, its a pretty much a pre-requisite to being an NFL player.


    Why is the talent surrounding him inferior, but his talent is not inferior?




    There are a couple more knocks other than Accuracy. Crumblling under pressure, inability to win games, a 20 Wonderlic to start but the list of "positives" is tiny compared to "negatives". Yes Locker can run real fast, maybe a team can convert Locker to a TE.


    Charlie Casserly is the FORMER GM, that drafted Heath Shuler #5 and David Carr #1 not really putting too much weight behind his opinion when it comes to drafting QBs.

    Well then... It's settled... You should be in our FO making the decisions...


  7. Yes I do Care about this alot. Think about it for a minute everyone here reading this. You waited you're whole life to get to this point, and you have the former NFLPA telling you not to attend. To not hold your jersey up proudly at your accomplishment. Put yourself in the kids shoes.


    I'd say F them and the players who stand in their way. This is supposed to be their day. Not the existing players day. What a bunch of selfish bastards. Tom Brady, Mannings, whomever, get payed plenty, and their suing their respective teams. This is ridiculous and has really pissed me off as a fan if you can't tell by tone. How dare they... I don't see much good coming out of this unless one side humbles themselves to do so.


    Trust me, it's not like the NFL isn't paying these guys to play football. They pay them well. It's their job to go out and play whole heartedly for their respective teams. Players like Carson Palmer really piss me off. "I'll retire if I can't be traded" That really pisses me off now. This right of entitlement. I have no say in my job. It's either I show up or get fired. Carson Palmer gets paid to do a job. There are people out there right now who'd die to be in his shoes. If I was Paul Brown, I'd say fine, we can get someone else to play football, and you can sit there for the rest of your life then. But that looks bad on Paul Brown's part...


    If I was absolute ruler of the NFL, I'd get some players who want to play football and say the hell with NFLPA or all the existing players. What a bunch of ingrates, seriously...

    Agreed!!! I think it's funny how the NFL stays out of the spotlight and lets the players and owners battle it out.

  8. Other than the 04 draft when we got Evans our picks have been 8 through 13. Can anyone say we got a good player at those picks? Stay with #3, because when we pick at 8 through 13 we pass on stud players (Ngata) and pick guys like Whitner, Lynch, Maybin and McKelvin. No first year pro bowlers there.


    O, what does it matter? We'll mess the #3 pick up too!! :wallbash:

  9. It's hard to be positive when you've got 1 winning season in 11, the GM hypes a 1st round RB who gains 440 yards from the LOS his rookie season, they don't know which defense they're running, and they've won 31 games in 5 years. A fan can be and should be critical, unless they're casual fans or started watching within the past few years.




    NE can and does play a 4-3 at times. Marginalize them all you want, but they are improving with Mayo, McCourty, Warren, Meriweather and of course Wilfork along with having Belichick.


    Then again, you've never been wrong on this board, so I'll just bow to your omniscience.

    Actually I've been watching since we lost to cleveland in the playoffs. 88? I think we are heading in a good direction. Did you see the same games I did?? Am I wrong in saying we played better than we have in the past? Other than not stopping the run, our D kept us in some of those games. Put Fitz in good positions to make plays. As for the rookie RB you talk of, come on!!! He was a rookie with a brand new offense that everybody was learning. I think the guy deserves at least 2 years to develop.


  10. That was a positive post!


    O, and I actually hate being a Bills fan. Its a hopeless addiction I wish I could free myself of - but I cant. If you can show me one reason to be more positive, I promise Ill try to be more positive, I just dont see any reason to!

    I have to admit, at least your not a band wagon hopper. The positive thing about the Bills right now is at least we were in a lot of those games last year and they showed us signs of hope. IMO... Other than the Packers, Vikings, last Patriots game and both Jets games, we were in all of those games. We did much better than the past few years. I think if we could have stopped the run :wallbash: , we would have won a lot more of those games...

  11. The Bills Brass not only determined Chris Kelsay was worth keeping on the roster, they actually extyended him for 6 mil a season. Go figure.

    Is there one positive post you can show me that you have written??? I'm confused why you are a Bills fan... Unless I'm foolish and you have some inside source of the FO, why are you so negative?????? Just sayin!!!


  12. This is the very reason people should calm down about Mr. Wilson. We can be critical of his ownership at times for good reason. However, when it comes to the future of the Bills we have to think reasonably. The Bills are his legacy. The Buffalo Bills that is. The man named a stadium after himself so he seems to care about that. He is also a successful businessman in general. Put those two things together and I think we wouldn't be wrong to assume that man has a plan of what will come of his businesses, including the Bills. The Bills in Buffalo means Mr. Wilson's name lives on forever. He's not going to detail what his plans are because he doesn't have to. Also because public knowledge could cause something to get off track for whatever reason. I wouldn't worry about the Bills moving anywhere.


    Give him his gratitude now for bringing a team to B-Lo and keeping it there when he could have moved them years ago. Hasn't always been a perfect product. Been a lot of angst, a lot of heartbreak and some great thrills too. There has been success and there will be again. Mr. Wilson knows what that team means to WNY and what WNY means to that organization.


    But think about this: the Bills have existed since my father was in fourth grade. He turns 60 in June. Mr. Wilson is still the owner. That is crazy!

    I agree. It's so easy for us to criticise Old Ralphie when none of us even know what's going through that old mans head. You are on the money when you say the Bills are his LEGACY. I to think he would want that live on in WNY...

    If the team was ever to move though, I wouldn't be a fan of another team. Keep the name in B-Lo just like the Browns did.


  13. for the umpteenth time Kelly has stated numerous times emphatically that money is not the issue.


    And, if money is not the issue, and Kelly is putting the group together, IS there an issue?


    Now, if one wants to disbelieve Jimbo - one can. But if you believe him, then one has to think about under what circumstances that Jim would head up a group of investors

    that would allow for the team to leave Buffalo.


    I, myself, cannot think of the circumstances.


    So, I conclude the Bills are not going anywhere.


    :worthy: JIMBO

  14. 2011 UFA and RFA QB's

    Most of them provide a better option then a drafted QB, many will be resigned, some will be out of our price range, and others will become available after cuts.


    I mention each as only a backup to Fitz.


    Some of the highlights: Kyle Boller (Raiders), Bulger (Ravens), Bruce Gradkowski (Raiders), Kevin Kolb (Eagles), Jim Sorgi (Giants)


    Some that garner thought: Kerry Collins (Titans), Chad Pennington (Dolphins), Brodie Croyle (Chiefs), Seneca Wallace (Browns)


    Some that are still worth mentioning: John Beck (Redskins), Luke McCown (Jacksonville), Patrick Ramsey (Vikings), Rex Grossman (Redskins), Matt Moore (Panthers), Troy Smith (49ers), Alex Smith (49ers), Sage Rosenfels (Giants), JaMarcus Russell (UFA)


    Unlikely to be available: Matt Hasselbeck (Seahawks), Peyton Manning (Colts), Michael Vick (Eagles)


    Also: Carson Palmer (Bengals) will be available via trade.


    None of those provide a more confident starter then Fitzy.

    Thanks for the link..


    We could get Losman or Edwards back.. :wallbash:

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