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Posts posted by obie_wan

  1. Everyone is right about the leaders on defense. The offense just doesn't have anyone stepping up to that role full time.  Drew has never been known to take an on the field get in your face type of guy.  I do remember him in the 1st half of 02 getting in there and vocally leading the team, but nothing since.


    I think it has got to be Drew who steps up and takes charge. He is in there every play, and is after all leading the offense.  It would be nice to see him on the sidelines hyping the team up or chewing someone out who is slacking.




    you are right- it should be Drew.


    But it won't be.


    Drew has not shown that leadership in 10+years - why will he start now?

  2. yeah - as we know it takes 3+ years for 1st round OLineman to be productive. :D



    We'll see, but considering that Gallery wasn't deemed ready to start at EITHER tackle position and is only getting the shot because the previous RT stunk, I'm hoping Kelsay and Denney can show him a thing or two.  That's not to say that Gallery is a bust, just that he's probably not there yet.


  3. Gallery will be playing RT



    The DT's should be our primary concern. We need to run the piss out of the ball and get those two old fatboys winded. I expect the offense to execute a hell of a lot better this week.


    Should Troy Vincent  be on Jerry Porter and Nate on Rice or vice versa?


    If Gallary is on Schobel than the LDE needs to step up big time this week also.



    I have said this before and I'll say it again, it will take a little time for this offense, and I include the rookie OC who is play-calling for the first time, to recognize the best plays, formations and personnel for this team in different situations.  I hate seeing the Bills take losses while this offense matures, especially when they had it won, but that is just the reality of a new OC who is calling plays for the first time and a brand new offense.




    Blaming the bad goal line play on an inexperienced OC sounds like something from the Bledsoe Excuse Generator.


    You're seriously deluded if you think TC made those calls on his own without input from both Wyche and MM, 2 experienced OCs.


    So what's the timetable for the maturation of this offense - 2 games, 6 games, 2 years?


    Inquiring minds want to know

  5. Just how crazy is a shithouse rat anyway and why is he crazy??


    You know, it always easy to second-guess people who are paid for their expereince and expertise in a particular field.


    The fact is, we ran the first two plays and ended up witrh two yards.  If we are so damn good running the ball, I would think we should have scored on one of those plays.  On third down, they expected us to run it again, as evidenced by the fact that had the line completely stacked.





    Maybe they had the line stacked because the Bills lined up ALL of all players within 3 yards of the ball.


    why not spread them out, then run it.


    Or run the play action away from the only possible receiver so the defenders coming to stuff the run don't get a free shot at Drew.

  6. My feelings exactly, Rico.  Willis showed a knack for getting in the endzone from inside the 5 during the preseason.  They should have tried him at least once maybe even twice if they went for it if it was 4th and 1.



    Too bad we couldn't go for it on 4th as the coaches intended because the sack moved us too far back.

  7. The Bills did change OC, but as MM said himself the offense did not change much.


    The Bills have had 8 months to get reaady for the season.


    Its a poor copout to blame inexperience with the system for lack of production.


    Unfortunately this is not the NBA where you can fine tune your team for the entire regular season becauae almost everyone makes the playoffs. Bills will soon be in a hole they can't get out of if they continue to lose winnable games




    I know it must chap you a bit, not being able to blame Drew directly for this loss.  Instead, you have to do it indirectly by saying that he was overpaid for his production and conceding in a backhanded sort of way that perhaps it was the offensive scheme such as it was on Sunday and the play-calling that failed to get Ralph's money's worth out of Drew.


    But there is some merit to the post in the sense in that it recognizes symptomatically that this offense is still in its infancy.  It will take some time for a rookie OC to get the grasp of this offense and its capabilities.  It will take some time for the players to get comfortable and completely in synch.  After all, it is tough to blame Drew (although not impossible as this thread demonstrates) for Travis setting up for a screen on the wrong side of the field, let alone for the play's failure to succeed.


    The reality is that it takes a bit longer than slightly more than 4 quarters of a preseason game for this to happen.  It is the unfortunate result of changing HCs and OCs.  The question is whether the offense continues to mature and make progress, and how many games we have to lose before it gets to a competent level of point production.


  8. No - he should be in the booth where he can actually see what's happening on the field.


    Not sure where Clements was, but he should be up there too- with Wyche on the sideline.



    I mean, I dont know if it made any difference at all, but maybe, instead of him sitting in his luxury box, if Jerry Gray could come down and give a pep talk, or maybe even just drill over and over "just knock the ball down".... I dont know. Im not blaming it on him, as coverages seemed good, we just got beat on them - but I would like to see him on the sidelines, yelling at some people, slapping some asses after good plays, etc.


    And, a side question. How does he call the plays down? Does he relay them to someone else who then relays them to Spikes? Or does Takeo have an ear piece in where he can hear Gray through directly?


  9. here is the problem with the play call given our QB-


    Since our defense had been stuffing the JAgs all day, the Bills were in obvious 4 down territiry to go for the TD.


    A quick pass may have been acceptable, but not a sack which forces the field goal (or worse a pick).


    The play call and execution lost the chance for a TD on 4th down.


    Funny how many are giving props to Drew for taking a sack instead of throwing a pick on the play - no real expectation that Drew would actually produce a TD.




    With the exception of the Clements play.....I disagree with both....


    - We had just attempted 2 plays for no gain and we were putting the ball on the turf all over the place.......I have no problem with a quick pass after attempting to run it twice in a row..........


    - Our defense kicked their ass all day long......


  10. You're exactly right. This offense is going to be a season-long work in progress. Unfortunately, we will be out of the playoff race by the time our OL finally "gets it."


    It's always next year for us Bills fans...



    not a problem - Drew still gets his $8.75 mil for playing caretaker in 2004.

  11. Drew did not cause the loss.


    But it is pretty sad that the offensive braintrust has so little confidence in our HoF QB that they felt compelled to dumb down the offense so much that a rooke could run it. (Gee- I may have stumbled onto something here. too bad our rookie got hurt)


    However, you are incorrect in that the Bills paid Drew $5 mil for this limited production. TD will pay Drew $8.75 mil in cash for 2004.


    Another dubious decision by Teflon Tom if they are not even going to try to exploit Drew's big arm with play action passes, especially with as much as they ran on Sunday.


    Hopefully, the coaches will get bolder as they get moe comfortable and the OL starts to jell. Much will depend on if Fat-Slow Mike will ever develop into something more than a turnstyle.







    Unfortunately this board is unwilling to have any debate anymore over Bledsoe's ability to lead the Bills to the promised land. If you disagree with Drew's play AT ALL, then you are automatically labeled a "crusader."


    Yes, Drew had a technically sound game yesterday and made no major mistakes like he routinely did last year. Yes, the blame for the offensive woes against the Jags was partly due to a superior Jags run D and to Mularkey's conservative play calling and to Moulds' fumbles, etc...


    However, we have $5 mill+ invested in our starting QB this season, and for that amount of dough I'd like to see the starting QB be asked to do a little bit more than hand off the ball 60% of the time and make only a couple pass attempts per game greater than 20 yards. 10 points of total offense off of 2 defensive turnovers is not going to win us a lot of games. Shane Matthews can easily do all that we asked of Drew yesterday, and Matthews costs us only the veteran minimum. If Sunday's game was a sign of all that we expect from Drew this season, maybe we should have flat out released him in the offseason and used that extra cash to get some real interior linemen. That's all some of the anti-Bledsoe people are saying.


    Drew is a Bill and I still support him all the way. In the weeks to come, though, I hope we can debate his worth to the team without being torn a new one in the process.


    Foxboro Mike, as long as you're willing to accept positive criticism of Drew, then I see no reason for you to not continue posting on this forum.


  12. Lee Evans is really, really fast - what more do you need to know :angry:


    unfortunately, the Bills brain trust doesn't trust our Hall of Fame QB to run a play action fake and then throw the ball down the field 20 yards.


    A big problem is that Mike williams can not block anybody not standing still. Paul Spicer spent the whole day in the Bills backfield. On a running play, Spicer went around MW and tackled the ball caarrier about when he got the handoff for a loss.





    Funny you should mention that...I posted a similar comment after the Game and was met with usual, Rookie impact, hindsight arguements, etc...


    First off, it was the Bills Brass who said Lee Evans would impact the Offense with his deep speed, not the Fans. And I don't think anyone expects him to go for 1200 yds. and 10 TD's. But I sure as heck expected the Bills to try, just try, to get him the Ball deep at least one time....


    Secondly I believe the Draft Pick speaks volumes to the "Offensive Philosopy" issue. Yes we all know the Bills needed to get Moulds help at WR. But if in fact the Bills were bound and determined to pound it out on the Ground and only throw shorter to medium range Passes, than I question the Pick. What I mean is, are we looking at another round peg for a square holed Offense? The Bills snagged Evans at #13 Overall, and 3 picks later the Eagle got OG Shawn Andrews who by all early accounts is a Bulldozer. Now granted I wanted Andrews on Draft day, but again my thought was the Bills planned Offensive philosophy dictated the Need, along with the fact we really did not have a LG at the time. Nothing against Lawrence Smith who obviously did a decent job on Sunday, but I'm sure any NFL GM will tell us there is a MAJOR difference between Smith and Andrews...Plus, it's obvious to me that McNally has helped already with the O-Line, but how much better would it be with a Player of Andrew's calibre at LG?


    Look I know it's all hindsight and such, but damn if I don't worry that this Bills Administration keeps making moves that make you scratch your head. I mean I love Lee Evans, he's one of ours and I hope He's the next great NFL Deep threat. But if your going to Run a Ball Control, pound it out, 3 yards and a cloud of dust Offense, and OG is a Need, do you take the 5-11 speedburner or the 6-4-360 mauler? I think it's a fair question... B)


  13. The problem is that an ultra conservative Bledsoe isn't good enough. We need our QB to do a little more than just hand off the ball and throw short, quick passes all game. The rest of our offense isn't talented enough to sustain long, mistake-free drives. Our defense is solid, but not outstanding like recent Super Bowl defenses. At times we will need to play more aggressive on offense. We will need Bledsoe to do what he used to do best. Can he still do it? I don't know, but this new conservative Bledsoe - as the Jags came showed - may not be good enough.




    Drew did not lose this game directly - but for $8.75 mil he sure didn't do near enough to win the game either.


    For what the offense required of Drew, TD sure didn't have to spend the big bucks.


    Where was the play action pass to take advantage of the commitment shown to the run?


    Another pass (and sack) from short yardage near the goal line?


    Play calling at times was not much better than under Gilbride.

  14. The issue is whether there was a de worthy of a thirteenth pick on board.  I don't think so.  I agree that trading down and going for a de and ol pick would have been very understandable given the need for help in the line dept., but he did get a pretty good de out of the draft.  Moulds Evans Reed will give us a chance to develop a Drew Bledsoe passing game to complement a Travis Henry WM running game. If Evans is a game-breaker...great pick TD.  If the bills don't make the playoffs, I don't think we'll have TD to kick around anymore.



    could have traded down and taken Vince Wilfork, who instead went to the best talent evaluators in the league

  15. You draft a guy with the 13th pick to start, not sit the bench behind a guy that has proven he couldn't be the #2 guy. 


    If reed could be then why draft Evans?  You draft STARTERS with a pick as high as 13. We could have picked up a DE that could START opposite schobel with that pick.


    Is it a "we're billsfanone" type of deal? Nope...just a bad personel move. WR's don't get better on the bench.




    yeah - really, really fast guys should be on the field, no matter what :lol:

  16. what were the other players drafting to enable you to stockpile such talent?



    We did a snake draft, so my first pick was #7 followed by #10. I was pretty shocked to get Alexander and McAlister even if it is only a 8 team league.  In the past few years lack of RB's has been my downfall, players getting hurt, underperforming...etc. So my goal for this season was to get as many "sure things" at RB and then focus on possible RB sleepers in the later rounds.


    I neglected the WR position in doing this but I still think Mason, Johnson, Porter, and Robinson can give me decent value. Even if they don't I have enough Running Backs to possibly look for a trade down the road.


    Tony G. is the best tight end available so I have an advantage at the tight end position almost every week.  Plus I have Trent Green throwing him the passes so that could either be a very good thing or a very bad thing (double points or nothing).


    Bottom line I think I have the best talent in my league this year, however knowing fantasy who knows if that will hold up or not.


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