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Posts posted by Fitzmagic

  1. Do you think its pure talent or do you think Chan Gaileys offense is a great help?


    When I watch Bills games - I see a high powered passing attack... and that makes me think that Trent Edwards was just a hesitant little girl that didn't want to throw the ball downfield.


    What do you think? Is Gaileys offense the real deal?

  2. Police reported an individual attempted to "egg" Dick Jaurons' house. An empty egg carton was recovered at the scene. 1 egg hit Mr.Jaurons house, 4 eggs went over his house and hit his neighbor's back door, 3 eggs hit the houses of his neighbors, and the remaining 3 eggs were found at Darrelle Revis's house. Looking at the pattern of what was hit, police officials say they are considering Trent Edwards as the primary suspect.

  3. We are the Bills!


    Deep inside of us, there lies an emotion,

    When Trent Edwards throws ... it looks like slow motion.


    A living feeling, it’s real… it’s true

    Ralph Wilson Stadium smells... it's practically a zoo.


    We sense this feeling, we understand

    I'd rather sit in front of a computer with lube in my hand


    We’ve seen players come, we’ve watched coaches go,

    JP Losman had an arm, and Stroud - an afro


    We live for this team, we feel it breathe

    The Bills are the bible... we'll never believe



    We will not change, certainly not switch,

    Trent Edward works at Abercrombie and Fitch


    Hand in hand we cheer, our voices one,

    the only way we kill a team... is with a sub-machine gun


    We stand together as sisters and brothers

    L.A. fans are calling... and so are their mothers.


    Go Bills!

  4. Can I get those tickets for my dying vietnam vet father whose lifelong dream is to just see the Bills ONCE in person and my blind and deaf autistic son? PPPLLLEEEASSEEE!!! :devil:


    I want these tickets for... my...ugh... skin deteriorating mother with Alzheimer's and my uhhhhhh... my decapitated son with no limbs...


    PLEASE?! :worthy:

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