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behind a post WMS69

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Posts posted by behind a post WMS69

  1. Please no 4-3. We still don't have a 4-3 end who can rush the passer. We committed 2 draft picks last year to the 3-4 DL and we're moving forward with it. We need at least 2 lb's to get it working okay, and I'm not sold on Moats long term although he may be a short term solution. I wouldn't be suprised if they move him back inside this offseason, especially if he can learn to cover.


    I think the reason we have a hybrid is because of Kelsay. He is the key because his liability in the passing game forced the coaches to put coverage responsibilities elsewhere. I say keep drafting team captains to take over the leadership role and eventually he'll be seeing less playing time as we add olb talent. His contract is friendly to being cut when we have sufficient talent on the roster. I'm hoping he's cut or traded after next season.


    I'd love to see us sign Woodley from the Steelers. I don't know how Pit is going to be able to afford him and Timmons (after 2011) along with all the other money they have committed, and I think they like/need Timmons more than Woodley. Pit drafted an olb in 2010 (2nd rnd, J Worilds) so they are prepared if they can't sign Woodley. They have J Harrison on the other olb position signed til 2014. Probably won't happen for the Bills because of the pricetag, but I can still hope.


    There was a very good post during training camp pointing out that the transition to 3-4 often takes a few years to complete, and that quite often a hybrid is used until all the pieces are in place. This is whats going on right now.


    Gailey said he likes the 3-4 because a) it's what we face in division games, making it a bonus to practice against, and b) because as an offensive guy, he feels it's harder to prepare for.


    Expect us to stay hybrid next year again with maybe a bit more 3-4 as the guys become more accustomed and or suited to it.

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