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Posts posted by wnyBacker

  1. My money goes to Chandler - more Red Zone targets overall this season and he's more hungry. There are 2 Gronkowski's on that Pats team and Aaron Hernandez coming back - my pick is Chandler for the AFC Pro-Bowl tight end :)


    hernandez has a nagging knee injury which will prob stunt his production allowing gronks to put up even larger numbers than before. also, chandler has to prove himself for more than 2 weeks before the probowl talk starts up. hopefully chandler does have a great season and puts up good numbers, and if he does then hopefully he will get rewarded for it with a trip to the probowl.

  2. Where are all of the Kelsay bashers today? C'mon admit it. The man can play when he is used properly.


    Yeah he has played well the past two weeks but kelsay haters are justified in criticizing him cause he does not play well like this on a regular basis. If he were able to play like this consistantly like this there would not be kelsay haters.

  3. Hey guys,


    I tried to use the search function, but couldn't find anything like this. If it's in the wrong place or if there is a similar thread feel free to delete. I am finally going to my first Bills game this weekend against Oakland. I scored tickets in 114 about 20 rows up. I've been a fan my whole life, despite the only playoff performance me being cognizant of is the music city miracle. I grew up in the Erie are and am now at University of Pittsburgh. My question is: What should I do? Best restaurant (cheap, I'm used to ramen) ? What to do at the stadium? What's parking like? Are there any bills related chants I should know? I'm really excited and just want to get as much out of the experience as possible. Me and a friend (Raiders Fan :thumbdown: ) should get there around 10AM. I joined this forum because this may be the most civil, knowledgable message board I've ever seen. Prove me right and deliver the goods on Buffalo!





    Just pack a cooler and get rowdy, the rest will take care of itself. Have fun, I'm sure you will want to come back for another game

  4. This kid from Oakland that showed great promise a few years ago was cut. Has received rave reviews in the past from some of most knowledgable names in the game. Just needs to be given a chance. His name is Trent Edwards, what say you?




    Seriously? there is a reason why he could not make it as a third string qb in oakland and why jacksonville wanted nothing to do with him, its cause he sucks. every bills fan should know this too after watching him for a couple years. As for needing to be given a chance, he has had his chance, three of them to be exact.


    now i admit that thigpen appears to be a joke at the backup position thus far but bringing trent back would do absolutely no good cause trent already has proven worthlessness to everyone. AND at least give thigpen is mobile and will throw the ball past the line of scrimmage; which is a lot more than captain checkdown ever did.

  5. The Bills may still some day rue letting Brohm walk, and Chan Gailey's "fair and open QB competition" :rolleyes:



    i doubt we will ever rue the day for letting brohm walk. both losman and edwards are better quarterbacks and more accomplished than brohm, so that does not say too much about brian brohm as a qb. and since losman and edwards were given their walking papers they have been practically unheard from. (go figure)

  6. I seriously did not know that he was gone from the Bills. I never heard about him when he was with us, so I figured he was somehow still locked into whatever ironclad contract he had that wouldn't let us get rid of him.


    i had no idea he was gone either. he is just one of those guys that never really stands out on the field cause he never did anything to catch anyones eye

  7. only time will tell, but he is looking more and more like a less than useful running back all the time.


    hopefully chan is smart enough to stick with action jackson this year cause there is no doubt that he deserves as much playing time as he can handle. he is hands down the best player on our team, period.

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