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Posts posted by JimKelly12

  1. Every Jet fan I know who has a head on their shoulders say that they are going to draft an every down outside linebacker this year since Maybin isn't the answer.


    A situational pass rusher like him won't make it long in the league, the roster spots are too valuable.


    Not to mention he's making just over the league minimum now so the Jet's just figured WTF...


    He's still not a first round talent, he's just taking advanages of the opportunities prestented to him this year (which he won't be able to duplicate on most other teams).

  2. Personnell is only one part of the equation.


    I know the injury bug came back in force but I was always scared that Chan's offense wasn't sustainable because defenses could just adapt to shut it down.


    So here is teh question, is the team playing that much worse or have teams made adjustments?


    You can't adapt to a strong power run game for the most part because the offense is in control. But with regard to opposing defenses to this Bills offense you can jam receivers in a spread or bunch formation and screw up timing or simply play a 46 Defense and make them mostly ineffective.


    Orignally I worried that Chan's offense wouldn't function well in the snow, wind and cold but now I'm thinking that it's not appropriate for an NFL team with the exception of having 2-3 all pro receivers and an all pro QB.

  3. Starting 0-8 and finishing 4-4




    Starting 4-1 and finishing 2-9?



    This year is more painful.


    Constantly being $20+ million under the cap nets a crappy result. If that doesn't change all the wise drafting and FA "bargans" won't add up to squat.

  4. Not only this year but in general.


    They have a lot of highly priced players limiting their ability to build and maintain a strong team from a Salary Cap perspective (they have roughly 8.3 Million in cap space). And some of their best players are getting older....


    With the play of Dirty Sanchez of late they seem to have had their run at the Super Bowl already and have already begun their decline. I'll be very happy to see that.


    I'd love to look back in 3 years and see the Bills go on a spending spree for some decent FA's (along with some solid drafting) and see that the plan all along was to spend their money as the Jets and Pats were on the decline. After all, the 24 million the Bills have in cap space couldn't buy another Brady or assemble the team the Jets had 2 years ago.

  5. I know it's a few weeks away but after watching the game last night I feel like the Bills lack of a pass rush will help them stop Tebow when they play.


    They have a lot of large bodies that don't necessarily get a huge push at the line but take up space and have corners that are quick but are spotty in coverage, so we seem to be a good match up for them vs a pass happy team with a good offensive line (Patriots and possibly Jets).


    Getting past Miami is obviously priority #1 and then another fun week of build up to the Jets but December could possibly be VERY exciting week to week.


    Guess Russ Brandon discounted the tickets a tad early...

  6. I remember reading somewhere that RW Jr makes arond 20-25 million profit every year.


    If they spent their cap space they would just about break even. Doesn't sound like this will change until there is a new owner. But then again it's not like the Ralph doesn't sell out and merchandise sales would likely increase (marginally) with the adddion of a few more stars.


    Is it financially possible to make money as well as make the best possible effort to field a competitive team in Buffalo?


    (Keep in mind I'm a 20+ year fan, but I'm also a believer that there is a reason things have gone the way they have and that no matter how revenue sharing changes, big market will always beat small market in the long run)

  7. I know what most are thinking.


    Too expensive. Locker room problem, possible bad back etc.


    But with the possibility of K Williams going to IR, Kelsay nursing an injury and a possibly pivotal rematch against the Pats in week 17 this has to be worth some discussion. If nothing else he'll add some insight to the Pats (offense) as we all know their entire defense isn't solid, and he'll have an ax to grind against them.


    Sure he wasn't crazy about playing in a 3/4 in Washington, but how often have the Bills been a true 3/4?

  8. Yes the Bills laid an egg Sunday...Yes I was mad (especially because I was there)


    But what team hasn't this year (besides Green Bay).


    Buffalo has alot of weakenesses to address in the offesason but this year I think they can match up with anybody depending on how prepared they are.


    I haven't watched the game on TV yet but I saw a lot of dropped, catchable balls. Mis-timed jumps. Missed open receivers. Inability to hold gaps on defense...


    I began to hope they'd go to the gameplan used against Brady where they stopped trying to hit him and just threw up their hands to bat up a ball hopeing for a pick..


    My prediction is the game in 3 weeks will be MUCH closer than this one.


    P.S. 99% of the JETS fans I saw were pricks.

  9. Reggie Wayne would be a fun vet to have around but the thought that Mathis is possibly available as well really excites me.


    If he could be had for a 4th I might just poop a little. I know he's coming from a 4-3 but he's so big and quick off the ball he could be a HUGE help generating pressure.


    I guy can wish...

  10. Needless to say I'm happier than I've been since the late 90's but what is most shocking to me is how my expecations going into this season have changed.


    After drafting primarily Defensive players I thought they'd have an improved Defense but without picking any serious offensive players I NEVER would have thought they'd be playing so lights out on that side of the ball.


    With all the Monday Morning Quarterbacks out there I don't think any of them felt comfortable with the Bills offense leading into this season.


    I'm interested to see how it adapts as the weather turns to crap in a few weeks. I'm sure they'll adapt but the empty backfield sets may not work very well if we catch a few home snow storms.


    Great game....it was a long time coming for all of us that hung in there.


    Any updates on Williams?

  11. I called one week ago and am 1 year into a 2 year contract that I renewed last year due to adding a new HD/DVR.


    I simply said that I was a loyal customer for years and didn't feel it was fair that they offer Sunday Ticket to NEW customers as well as EXISTING customers who happen to move.


    Sounds like I caught the right person because she gave it to me for free and thanked me for my loyalty. She also gave me Ticket Mobile...or whatever it's called so I can watch it virtually as well as $7/mo off of HBO, $10/mo off of Starz and a year of Showtime for free.


    Just keep trying if the first person doesn't hook you up. Be courteous and patient.

  12. I've paid a fair amount of attention to the current NFL labor "negotiation".


    The possibility of replacement players has been explored, as has the possibility of no NFL for 2011 until an agreement is reached.


    Why has there been no serious discussion about replacment Owners stepping in and utilizing the players that are already in place? I'm sure they'd have trouble finding places to play but I'm interested that there aren't 30+ wealthy individuals salivating at the opportunity to take part in restructuring a 9 billion dollar a year industry.

  13. In another transition year for Buffalo wouldn't it be fun to try to bring back Pat Williams and Antoine Winfield from the Viks?


    Not implying that they are a long term solution but they are still fairly productive and could bring a lot to the table in teaching younger players how to reach long term success in this league.

  14. Sunday night the Colt's didn't turn in the best performance but did it really call for all of the boo's from the HOME crowd?


    Over the past few years I've seen games where these fickle fans boo a team that they have, frankly, been spoiled with for the past decade.


    I remember well back when they were in the AFC East and traded being the division whipping boy with New England...Manning is ageing and won't be around for much longer and I don't see an equivelant heir on their roster or in their immediate future.


    It's too bad these fans don't realize how lucky they are and have been to watch such competitive football for so long. They need to learn a lesson from us long suffering Bills fans.

  15. A lot of people say the early 90's Bills were so dominant because they had Bruce on defense and Jim on Offense. And we wouldn't have been in a position to draft Bruce if Jim hadn't gone to the USFL so some of the cornerstones of that team were put in place by a unique set of circumstances.


    Maybe something similar will happen with this next season. We'll most likely get a high draft pick and get Mallett, Locker or Ponder. And depending on how the next draft is arranged we could pick up another stud and take a few giant steps forward.


    And if you give Mooreman a year to rest he might just punt the ball out of the stadium from time to time...

  16. This was discussed in a different thread a while back. More a case of semantics. Bell was inactive his entire rookie season (If I'm not mistaken was on practice squad for the majority of the year, and was elevated to roster but not active for last game, or something like that). Last year was not his rookie season, but he was technically a first year player having never been on the active roster before, making him a second year player this year. Regardless, prior to the cap we would routinely "season" OL players for 3-5 years before starting them, so suggesting a player can't develop further because he is now three years out from being drafted is kinda silly.



    I'm so sick of the LT troubles....let's just find a lefty QB and worry about the RT for a change....


    Obviously I'm kidding. Just a slow day and had to throw it out there.

  17. Holdouts shouldn't even come into play this year. If the front office was smart (insert generic slam here) they would make a fair offer. If it is rejected take money away until he signs. What's he going to do, return to college? If he holds out until next year, as a rookie, he'll be subject to a rookie salary cap....hopefully.


    Bills should be pioneers and offer him less than the standard 9th overall pick salary but GUARANTEE a portion of it. Help solve part of the problem that the league faces.

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