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Nix Buddy

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Posts posted by Nix Buddy

  1. that sounds like the typical lee evans game from last season....2 or 3 catches for about 60 yards....including a 30 or 40 yarder. decent, but nothing to write home about.

    wish him the best of luck in baltimore becuase he is a class act and plays his heart out, but it was time for him to move on.


    Sorry this is the schmuck I meant to reply to:


    You schmuck, Evans only played 1/4 of the game tonight at most and put up these numbers

  2. An alternate? Is that some sort of fancy Air Force word for homo? Because it better not be.


    You didn't say you're a flyboy but your name says it. I can figure out stuff pretty good even though I don't fly a plane Mr. Brains. So all I wanted to say was the name should be Soulja and you start in with me. Maybe you are Soulja's alternate. Why else would you defend him and pick a fight like that?



    P.S. J-E-T-S Jets JEts JETS.

    Spoken by a true genius

  3. Wondering out loud if Wang raises the awareness of the NFL and particularly the Buffalo Bills in China if the spike in interest might help the Bills stay in Buffalo. Maybe a wealthy Chinese owner may get involved and keep the Bills in Buffalo...HSBC is there; maybe it's not so far fetched.


    The thing you need to think about is that once we insert Wang, we just can't be pulling him out any time we feel like it. Wang needs some time on the inside to get some experience, and once Wang gets more time in, Wang will be better equipped to last 60 minutes. The City of Buffalo will love Wang after some time.

  4. Wilson got to play Blige's boyfriend in the video, which is based on her latest single, "Hood Love." It is due to be released in a couple of weeks


    I was having a senior moment.. thinking why would Blige want her video boyfriend to be 90 year old Ralph Wilson? Bad visuals came to mind.


    Then it dawned on me.


    User error. More coffee...


    Boy, I remember Ralph in that old Patsy Cline video. Those were the days

  5. No wonder this guy has never been in the NFL as a coach very long. Also it's no wonder why he's never taken anyone to the playoffs as a head coach. Get him outta there


    Further proof the cyber highway is strewn with complete morons. Gailey was a head coach for two years in Dallas and took the team to the playoffs both years. You should think before you post.

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