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Posts posted by billsfaninvgs

  1. You can't be serious ? How many wins do we have compared to Eagles since the Jason Peters trade(who was only 24 yrs old) . I will not pass judgement on the 3 guys we picked up but as of right now NO ONE HAS DONE A THING IN BUFFALO . That includes WOODS. Problems we had when Peters left are still here . Qb is still a problem . Philly do have Balls to tell the public to shut the F**k up and let them handle football business. The differnce between the two organizations is like night and day . That is why other teams laugh at us while they are actually playing (damn!!! can you believe that ) compared to Philly were they make plans for the playoffs every year. The Philly front office laps the BILLS in every manner, please take off those rose color glasses. WE blew it we could of had vick for nothing 2 years ago , Heck we could of had Vick for a 4th this year ( What is our 4th round choice doing again ? ) . Fact is we as Bills fans tends to overvalue home favorites Kelsay , schoebal , F. Jackson , while the NFL look for FOOTBALL MEN . That is why so many teams is trying like Hell to steal M.Lynch away from us and could care less about our beloved Fred Jackson . The other teams don't just laugh at the BILLS PLAYERS but their FANS as well because frankly we put stock in some of the STUPIDEST THINGS . We should only care about one thing can this player make us better. This is something Andy Reid did after giving KOLB that contract . Do you think we could give someone a monster contract and then after 1 game go to VICK our Coaching staff is a little too weak for that right. My prime example: Kelsay - Why is he on the field as a LB ? ( I almost felt sorry for him until I realized he makes 7mill a yr) THATS WHY WE ARE THE JOKE OF THE LEAGUE right now .........BUT HOPE SPRINGS ETERNAL


    I really have to say....


    Well said

  2. I want Mallet.... Even if he is the second coming of Bledsoe... I just want a qb who will throw more than 5 yards


    I would draft either Luck or Mallet depending on how they perform the rest of the way during their respected seasons. There's a QB out of Nevada "Colin Kaepernick" that is intriging but I don't think he's a sure thing by any means. He has a rocket for an arm, he's big and he runs like Vick. If we get a guy like Kolb in here then maybe we grab a tackle but without a QB things will never get better. We need to draft about 3 lineman in next years draft for sure but QB would be my first choice.


    He is a stud.... I actually hate UNR with a passion but this guy is a stud... Keep an eye on him this year... I would rather the Bills draft him then Locker

  3. Being a new father is what got me through last season... My baby was born the day after the panthers game... It was nice to sit on the couch and hold her while I watched the Bills games all season... This season is fun too although she won't sit with me but she plays in the living room wearing her bills clothes and claps when I clap and yells when I yell. So far it has helped to deal with this mess the last few weeks....


    What I am trying to say is that although it sucks that they suck... There ate more important things to worry about....

  4. I am a Bills fan because my mom was born there.. I grew up watching the early 90's team. My dad is from LA. I hate the Raiders and use to also like the Rams. If the Bills do actually move to LA I would strongly consider being a fan of them. I couldn't love them like I do now. Depending on where in LA it would only be 3-4 hour drive max for me to go to games. I hate the idea and don't want it to happen at all. I want them to stay put. But, For me it's better if they move to LA.


    If I had to choose another team it would probably be the Ravens. I don't know why. I think it's Poe connection. Or the Bears. My cousin is a big Bears fan and I follow them a little.


    I have begun to expect this to happen eventually. Not saying in the next couple if years. I just don't see them there in 20 years

  5. [quote name=TheChi

    mp' timestamp='1284929010' post='1975544]

    Did you see the play where Maybin ran his "stunt" and instead of taking the direct line to the QB, which was actually CLEAR, he tried to run around the outside and ended up about 10 yards to the right of Rodgers? I actually laughed at that one, it was so obvious. The guy has a coconut for a brain.


    Yes and I even replayed it to make sure I saw what I saw... Then I pointed it out to my sister and wife... They said they know understand why I hate him....

  6. Pig? that's classy bud. Why don't you find something else to do. I put my life on the line everday for the citizens I'm sworn to protect. PIG= Pride, Integrity, Guts) Keep your opinion of Law Enforcement off a Buffalo Bills forum.


    Well said Mike. I live close to Syracuse as well. So you obviously know about the garbage that goes on in the streets of that City.



    Ditto... A lot of people who talk **** about law enforcement don't have the guts to pin a target to their chest before work each day.. I am proud of what I do...

  7. "Pig"? Really? 1970 called it they'd like their outdated slur back.


    You do realize that these guys risk their lives almost every day? They also deal with the absolute bottom of the human garbage can.


    Sure they have some arrogant idiots in their ranks but then again, so does this forum.


    My opinion exactly... Writing tickets is just apart of the job. If you feel the need to fight the ticket then that's what the system is for. He probably made a bad judgement call in writing the ticket. He could of warned him. That was probably the 10th ticket he wrote and they all used the same story. He cant warn everybody. No need to call him a "pig".

  8. Unfortunately, I think most pro football games are far from family/kid friendly environments. Even if 90% of the people are normal and courteous, that still leaves a lot of drunk a-holes screaming profanities at people over what hat they are wearing.


    College football by contrast has almost none of that. That is where to take your kid if you want a family environment.



    Not all stadiums don't sell beer... For example in Las Vegas and Reno you can buy beer until the start of the fourth quarter.. Now Unlv usually is a bad team (like the Bills) so the games don't sell out and are usually pretty good.. When a big time school comes to play the games sell out and those fans aren't use to drinking beer during the game so they get way to drunk and start fights and it's usually a mess..

  9. Ok I'm relatively new to being a Bills fan. To be honest I just wanted to get in to the NFL and every time I tried to pick a team I just kept getting drawn to the bills. For one I think it's the weather, snow is something people like me in the deep south don't deal with much and when I think college football I think SEC when I think NFL I think snow Packers, Bills, Bears ya know. So since I'm jumping on board I want to know what are the essential things all Bills fans should know?


    I would start with tums... And then call your medical insurance to see if counseling is covered.... They do things that nobody can understand so you will need a professional to talk to... Welcome to BILLS NATION.... You will also need to go to Buffalo and watch a game live... There is nothing like it

  10. I think we need to force gb into at least 2 turnovers and the offense needs to play ball control and dominate the time of posession battle. With Grant out and with our secondary, I like our chances if we do these two things.



    I agree I don't think Buffalo gets the W but I hope the secondary has a few picks... Rodgers will probably throw 30-40 passes. We need to pick a couple and turn them into points

  11. It might be the last opener until 2012 with the lockout looming. But I think you're overreacting a touch too much. In order for yesterday to have been the last opener, Ralph needs to pass away, the team would need to be sold to an outside owner ... the chances that all that happens before kickoff 2012? Slim. Very, very slim.


    It might be the last opener until 2012 with the lockout looming. But I think you're overreacting a touch too much. In order for yesterday to have been the last opener, Ralph needs to pass away, the team would need to be sold to an outside owner ... the chances that all that happens before kickoff 2012? Slim. Very, very slim.


    I wouldn't say "very very slim" more like unlikely

  12. IMHO if it worked and we won the game he would of been a genius.. Instead it didn't work and he is retarded... Damned if u do damned if u don't... He tried something he thought would give them the best chance to win the game late. Either way the game was over I would rather give them 2 and hope we get the ball back. Then give them the ball on the 1. I think Chan is a better coach then dick... Even if we go 0-16

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