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Posts posted by eme123

  1. Fair enough, and a good starting point.


    I believe that if the Native American community were to effectively argue that the term, while having a benign origin, is nonetheless rooted in racism, negative stereotyping, and even genocide, that a name change would rise above the level of mere political correctness. I do believe that is the underlying point behind the NCAI ad.


    I completely agree. The Native American community needs to keep the peddle down on this issue if its truly important to them. They also need to be the face of the issue. I can't speak for every citizen but the more i see congress, political commentators, & lawyers out in front of this issue i roll my eyes.

  2. I asked this question of another poster (who was unwilling to answer), who seemed to hold a similar view in this debate: What level of negative connotation would "redskin" have to possess before a name change became a question of common decency, and not of political correctness?


    I would argue that "redskin" be proven negative in connotation before we discuss a name change. The fact that the word "red" sits next "skin" in a nickname doesn't prove it to be negative. The history of the term is under debate. So that fails to prove it negative in connotation.


    Hopefully this is intellectual enough for 26cornerblitz.

  3. You could probably find testimonials for Al Jolson from the 50's too. Doesn't make it right in 2014.


    Thank god for 2014. The year PC's woke up and realized a billion dollar entity has a nickname that contains the word 'Red' next to the word 'Skin'. Lets shake this issue silly until an overwhelming majority just says "F it......just change it".

  4. There is of course a different avenue to explore for Snyder. I suppose that besides just giving to native american causes, if he truly believes the name is not derogatory, he could run an educational campaign to explain its history and build up the name as positive. I read here, so forgive me if it is not true, that the name was a sign of respect in its original meaning, if true, a great educational campaign may promote native americans and associate the name in a positive light.


    This would be an outstanding move on Snyders part. There seems to be two histories of the name being told. One that it is racist. One that it is a sign of respect.

  5. you see quickly the argument twisted into, you have to look at the intent of daniel snyder and assume the best, while looking at the intent of those unhappy with the name and assuming the worst.


    generally speaking im guessing most of the people that dont particularly want to see the name changed are well intentioned.... but man, the arguments from a lot of the highly vocal ones are rough around the edges.


    IMO the edges on this argument are smooth as ice in favor of keeping the name. Naming your football team the Redskins is 100% legal. Its a free persons decision to keep the name. Its a free persons decision to patronize a team with the name. Its a pretty clear cut edge.

  6. The NCIA should really put its money where its mouth is by convincing its members to stop watching/supporting the NFL. My guess is they know most american indians aren't willing to take it that far.


    It is also quite comical that the two indian nations speaking out about the Redskins name are located in California and New York. Both states where commercial casinos are prohibited. Both states with liberal back bones. There is a lot to gain politically by turning up the heat on a questionable entity like the nfl.

  7. The Redskins were named to honor their coach at the time. The coach was Lone Star Dietz who was an American Sioux. They may have had a few indian players at the time as well. We act as if American Indians are more oppressed now than they were in the 1930's.


    This question gets asked over and over but WHAT has changed where all of a sudden Redskins is cemented as a slur. (Insert your ridiculous answers here)


    Here is the truth. It has the word skin and a color next to it so in the eyes of the left the name must be derogatory. Are we that stupid as a society? Especially when polls exist that say 90% of native americans support the name!! More sunburned caucasians would be offended by the name.

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