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Posts posted by WisconsinBillzFan

  1. Young folks looking for jobs and to get int oschools, who benefit from AA programs the most, are what? TWO generations removed from the Civil Rights Act? Something like that. End the programs. They dont work and all they do is foster racial resentment, as Webb points out.


    And when they do get a job in a position of authority guess what-it's payback time for all that "oppression", Shirley Sherrod style.

  2. Go ahead--keep refusing to answer the question. This thread is about Breitbart and his video, in case you've forgotten. Your silence on that point speaks volumes about your views. Personally, I view this issue as a litmus test about whether someone has good intentions and is a reasonable person and not just a party apparatchik. FWIW, I've got several very good and very conservative friends (one of whom was sending me e-mails from Monday touting Breitbart's initial video) who've admitted that this guy did wrong and deserves to be at the very least sued. That's because along with being conservative, they're also fair-minded.


    For what?

  3. Now there you go again.


    I know, I know. I knew this was the reaction this would get but this story is just too wild to resist. It's just funny how the mainstream media brand the Tea Party as racist with absolutely ZERO proof while stuff like this gets ignored. I guess when Obama said "change" he wasn't talking about changing the culture of grievances and victimhood.

  4. And I would consider you a racist in that case precisely because you'd call them "black African babies" and not just "babies", you moron. :lol:



    I said "black African babies" because I knew if I just said African babies you's say something like "I'm sure they'd be Afrikaner babies" or "10 Boer babies I bet". Your quips are just that predictable.

  5. I remember that thread so I guess I may have been somewhat mistaken. The fact remains that the impression that you give people is that you are obsessed with race. If that is not true you can change that by backing off the race threads for awhile. If it is true, it'll still show up and people will always believe that you are a racist.


    I could adopt 10 black African babies and DC Tom would still say I'm a racist. It's a no win situation.

  6. I think what KD is trying to say is that many on this board view you as a racist. I could be wrong, but I can't remember you ever starting a thread that wasn't about blacks in one way or the other. There probably isn't much wrong with your posts when they are taken individually. The whole body of your work though, gives the impression that you are obsessed with race. Try starting a thread or two that are interesting but having nothing to do with race. Try thinking of it as a 12 step program meant to rehabilitate your reputation here.


    I have started a bunch like my Rachel Maddow thread. The problem is everyone else wants to impute race into the discussion(s).

  7. Too bad you have no credibility here WBF,


    According to who? DC Tom? I didn't realize he spoke for the entire forum.



    otherwise people might take notice when you post legitimate stories about despicable people in this administration that the left wing Obamedia refuses to report on.


    People aren't taking notice to this? You certainly noticed it less than 10 minutes after I posted it.

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