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Billshank Redemption

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Posts posted by Billshank Redemption

  1. Alright idk if you went to the game or not but I did and was watching theorems things so I noticed this random stuff

    Bell-1st play of the game handled harrisons quickness no problem which shocked me. 2nd play the same thing happened and he didn't come to the left side the rest of the game. You mentioned bells quickness and your absolutely right the dude is !@#$kbg fast! He's getting much better at shuffling and I have seen great improvent in his play and actually am okay with him being are lt (idk if you've seen peters lately but he sucks balls)

    Whitner-I'm sick of everyone bitching about him I don't care if he makes tackles 15yds downfield that's not his fault he's playing great and atleast he CAN make those tackles. He honestly may be one of the vest open field tacklers in the NFL never ever misses a tackle.

    Maybin- only had 3 plays but I watched them carefully I gotta say Noone is talking about Him but he did pretty good sti needs to gain more weight but he had a would be sack but was held had a pressure and then just barely missed the sack on the rothinsbergee run. HE MIGHT BE SOMETHING

    Gailey-I love this dude finally a coach that is a good leader and can make !@#$ing adjustments


  2. alright well hes gonna play but honestly with rice still being a kitty theyre passing attack is nothing to fear. We will play pretty much 7-8 in the box the whole game except we should prolly watch out for shiancoe because we always get raped by t.es honestly i dont want to win this game but i hope its close again. At this point i just want the draft pick but I do really think this time that the bills are back! also has anyone noticed that this is the first time since like 04 that the team gets better as the year goes on instead of worse, its !@#$in awesome haha


    and gerheart has a shoulder injury thats apparently worse than petersons fyi

  3. Alright so for the 1st time since 2004 I dont know about you, but its actually pretty damn fun to watch this team play. In the draft next year I think luck is out. My though is to just get the best front 7 player available no matter what that is. If a new CBA gets in place soon maybe try and go after a couple in F.A and trade evans away and even take A.J Green... Look I KNOW THIS IS A LUXURY PICK... But I think that this is a year of offense in the draft and this guy is the real deal. He is a better prospect then both Megatron and Fitz. If we take a front 7 player i will be just as happy honestly though. Then instead of trading back in the 1st for Mallett, why not just take Kellen Moore in the 2nd. 4 year starter, can make all of the throws, etc etc. I actually besides maybe r.t think our line is okay. All Im saying is this could you imagine having Steve J on one side, AJ Green on the other, David Nelson and Roscoe in the middle even Donald Jones looks legit. Spiller in the backfield. This offense could rival the K-Gun. In the 3rd just take pure pass-rushers trade up the 4th that we aquired and a pick next year and grab a d.e and continue establishing depth in the front 7 for the rest of the draft.


    I understand all the naysayers are going to be saying why the F*** would you take 2 offensive players with the first 2 picks but you gotta look at it this way. The colts rush d was ranked 30th in the nfl in 2006 and they went to a superbowl.. plus it takes time to develop a q.b we take him now then in next years draft the first 3 rounds go all d. Then you have already established an elite offense and work on the other side (Jets anyone) they worked on defense first but it doesnt matter. A good offense will hide a defense flaws and vice versa. I understand some may not agree with me but I think this is the way to rebuild the team the fastest. Feel free to think what you would like.

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