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Posts posted by youngjebrey

  1. I was at the game tonight.... Freezing. I thought both teams were pretty flat overall.


    This was Brady's best/worst game of the season.

    There were a lot of passes he could have forced and thrown a pick. Instead, he threw the ball into the dirt and didn't force a pass. That was smart play. His stats don't show it tonight but he played very smart.


    As for the bills, this wasn't as bad a loss to swallow as most. Yes, the bills could have easily won if they executed and blah blah blah,... This was a wash game for the bills. Aside from the Chiefs, the wildcard is very much in favor for us.

    Mckevin- let's just sit him from here on out when we play the pats. He obviously sees ghosts when it's time to play the pats


    McCoy- He's very good. VERY good. Kept us in the game once again.


    Patriots- Won't go undefeated. They're going drop one. Might be next week against the Broncos, might be in the playoffs, But I doubt they have a perfect season. They're vulnerable. Brady is frustrated with this offense without Edelman and Lewis.


    Pray for the Chiefs next week. They're about to walk into a buzzsaw




    P.S. Got chirped hard by pats fans tonight. I was in the 300 level. Heckled like crazy but it was total Karma for how I heckled pats fan in buffalo week 2. The stadium was like night before Christmas. SILENT. Really embarrassing for pats fans. The tailgate was a snooze fest. As bills fans, we are champs at tailgating/ fan experience. No one comes close.

  2. No joke, last night I had a dream the bills were on Thursday but for some reason it was a day game and I was at work. I got to work and my boss set up a tv especially for me to watch the game. When I turned on the TV, to my surprise, the bills were wearing their 90s throwbacks. Not sure what this means but I might go to the casino tomorrow and put my whole paycheck on RED at the roulette table

  3. Guy was cool and calm all day. Knew exactly what he was doing. He holds the ball sometimes for a little bit too long but you can tell he hates checking down and rather wait for daylight to open downfield than check down. He's the complete opposite of ej Manuel and that's not a bad thing at all.

    Im all in on the Kyle Orton train. He simply gets the job done. He's better than fitz was, and he's better than Manuel. What else could you ask for this season at 5-3?

  4. Goo Goo Dolls and Third Eye Blind. Great Studio Bands..please dont sing live!


    But I like that song they have..I think its LONG WAY DOWN! Its actually a great driving song!



    Great song. Underrated band. So much better than bon jovi

    Also, ive seen them live twice. Saw them this summer in Boston. I was hammered so that probably played into it but they put on a hell of show both times. Nothing like 90s nostalgia.

  5. I find hating the Goo Goo Dolls funny. They rep Buffalo to the fullest and became a pretty big mainstream act. Good for them and I got a few of their songs on my Iphone. And if you want good makeout music, Name is not a bad song.

    I honestly thought they were a hometown favorite. Guess I was wrong. And yes, Girls my age (Mid 20's) love the goo goo dolls and if the girls love them, then Ill play them on repeat. Thats how you play the game gentlemen.

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