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Lockport Bills

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Posts posted by Lockport Bills

  1. While I feel bad for his family (even though he had a long and wealthy, privileged life), this is one of the happier days I have had in a while. While he rebuilt the Yanks, he also ushered in the era of non-competition in baseball (yes, with Bud Selig's help). I can't stand the fact that the Pirates and Royals used to be perennial winners and now they are out of the pennant race by May - they simply cannot compete.


    As a Red Sox fan this is somewhat hypocritical ... but even the Sox cannot compete with the Yankees' money. The Yanks bought last year's series win and I am sure will attempt to purchase the 2010 title. Well, at least there is Hank Steinbrenner to still hate.


    The only thing that would make today sweeter is if Dick Cheney bought the farm, too.


    What is wrong with some people? You are happy that a man lost his life?!? A Red Sox fan complaining about non-competition. Hilarious. How are you guys doing after "buying" Adrian Beltre, Mike Cameron, and John Lackey? Unbelievable that people can fault a man for wanting to be the best and having the will to do whatever it takes to do so.


    They're !@#$ing GAMES pal. For amusement. Get your priorities straight.



  2. i will not wish Steinbrenner to rest in peace. Everything that man stood for is every anti-small market. He basically made it hypocritical to be a Yankee fan and a Bills fan.


    FACT: If Steinbrenner was the owner of the Giants or Jets, he would have pushed to have teams like the Bills moved and outspent


    FACT: Steinbrenner would not support any salary cap and revenue sharing to support the other less fortunate franchises of the league.


    In my opinion, he paved the way for owners like Jerry Jones and Daniel Snyder to be greedy money hoarding bastards in the NFL.


    Give me a break man, the guy just passed away, if you are not gonna show some respect then just don't reply at all.

  3. WOW!


    Because he celebrated his own 30th birthday party and somebody else fired off a gun...Michael Vick is gonna get in trouble?


    Haha, this is so rediculous...and half the reason I cannot even read through this garbage on here anymore!




    You people keep grasping at ANYTHING to beat-down some of these football players...


    I bet he does not get in trouble...and once again, if some of you had a brain...you would realize that Michael Vick is still a darn good football player....and yes folks, yes he WOULD help this team.


    I find it very "rediculous" that people continue to defend this scumbag. It's also "rediculous" that you get so worked up when anyone on here criticizes Mike Vick. I don't care what his football talents are, he is a low-life POS and that's all there is to it.

  4. Sensitive much? I'm sure that had zero effect on Myers and his family. And great for him but individual awards do nothing for me. I'd trade his Calder in for a Cup. 0:)


    How is that being sensitive? I'm sure they just laughed it off but it was a dumb joke regardless. JMO





    I don't know what team you root for, but I'll be nice and extend to you an invitation to our next World Series parade.





    If you are gonna hate on the Yankees, at least end it with a Let's Go _________ with the team you root for. I respect other people for the teams they root for, unless it's the Red Sox of course. 0:)

  6. Keep Shout. Just don't play it after field goals. I refuse to "shout" after watching the Bills run three times up the middle on the 25 yd line and settle for three points. Really though, what's the big deal? Do you want them to play some new hits like Lady Gaga or Justin Bieber? Why aren't you complaining about the playing of "Sweet Caroline" after wins? Who cares.

  7. Just got me a PS3, and since I'm new to consoles (and haven't played many AAA games on the computer lately, either) I was wondering what everybody thinks are a few of the best ones you'd check out from the start.


    When I picked it up I found cheap copies of Assassin's Creed and GTA IV, so I started off with those. Had to see what all of the hype was about. So far, AC looks pretty f'ing amazing (especially in 1080p).




    I have a 360. AC is pretty awesome, but AC2 is so much better. I definitely recommend it once you beat AC. They are also coming out with a third in mid-November. GTA IV always has endless replay value for me. I also enjoy Tiger Woods and Madden.



    just got a PS3 back in February and I'm not a big gamer, but I will recommend:


    Red Dead Redemption - Cant say enough about this game. GTA3 made the PS2 a worthwhile purchase. This game (also from Rockstar) is the same for my PS3. I think about this game while at work or in traffic. I look forward to the end of the night when I can play it. That is all very rare for me. It's GTA but in the Wild West. Get it today. It's a game that you can play forever and not get bored. Not sure if you are into the online/multiplayer stuff (I havent gotten into it yet), but it's supposed to be amazing as well. A bunch of free online content and missions, or just ride around and challenge people to duals all day. Get this game.


    I was wondering if I should get this game even though I'm not a big western fan. This just about seals it for me. Thanks. :thumbsup:

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