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Posts posted by ntjacks79

  1. I've been reading through the threads lately and all i see is " oh the bills will suck" or " Trent sucks" or " There is no hope".

    Guys. Relax. It's the first preseason game for crying out loud. There are still 3 more preseason games to go. I guarantee that if we light it up in Toronto against Indy, everyone will be talking about us going unbeaten.

    Here is one reason why we should panic:


    1. Both the Buffalo Bills and Washington Redskins knew they were playing the 1st pre-season game of the year, and clearly were treating it as nothing more than "practice". When a team gets blown off the field by another team under such circumstances, the only conclusion that can be drawn is that team doesn't even belong on the same field with the other. So, unless the Redskins are going 16-0 I would say there is serious cause for concern...

  2. not a negative reply - but i have had dtv for 8 years also and recently we had to go to the southern tier for my wifes' mom's funeral. we stayed at her sister's place and she had dish network - it was horrible compaired to dtv - but i hope that is not your experience.

    +1. I too feel that Dish Network is horrible. Cheap? Yes. Any good? No.

  3. Those links showing an awful new Sabres 3rd jersey are completely false. I have seen the new jersey and it does not look like that. They are also not wearing the old Pepsi cap jerseys either. Everyone should be quite pleased when the new jersey is unveilled. The whole package has a real throwback feel to it.

    +1 in regards to the Pepsi jersey. I heard they explored that but there were "legal issues"... or else it was in serious consideration.

  4. The Sabs should use the old school Buffalo bottle cap jersey as the third jersey. That would be perfect.

    Believe it or not, this was brought up by the Sabres. But I believe it's dead, because of "copyright" issues with Pepsi. I'm not sure why it's an issue now, and not in the 60's, but that's what I recall hearing. It's a good idea though...

  5. Does anyone else find it strange that "The Bills" have nothing at all to do with Buffalo Bill?


    The "Bills" part of the Buffalo Bills is just completely ignored.


    There's not even a lasso and a bucking dude on a horse anywhere on the sleeve.


    We're basically the Buffalo, Buffalos.


    I'm not saying we should change that but we have to be the only team to just completely ignore their team name.


    Even when the Sabres went with the big Red Buffalo on the Jersey they had Sabres on their sleeves.


    The Slug is RIP, thank goodnes. I really like the darker Classic look of that will be the new hommies. Those colors should look pretty bad ass as white roadies too. Is the Slug the new alternate or is there a new one? Will the Black Jerseys with Big Red Buffalo be the new 3rd jersey for the Sabres?


    As for the Bills, I really like the current, classic 3rd Jersey, BUT COME UP WITH SOMETHING NEW, Not the crappy "IN THE YEAR Two Thooooouuussaaaand!" Jerseys they wear today.


    The current jerseys looks like a generic NFL knock-off jersey. Ralph went shopping in the Philippines for the design "You wan super, #1 fooball Jer-rey? Fooball #1! 5 dolla"


    Ralph thought, "This just might work for my NFL Franchise; and what a deal!"

    Awesome Comments, especially about the Bills current uniforms. The Slug is GONE, thank God. There will be a completely new 3rd jersey... to be announced.

    Although I'm not sure the current Bills uniforms aren't as bad as the slug. Can't Brandon do ANYTHING right? Not only does he not know football and instigate the Toronto-fiasco but something like uniforms, which should be right up the alley for a so-called "marketing guy", are a joke. I would bet if a vote were taken league-wide, the Bills uniform would finish in the bottom 5 in the NFL if not AT the bottom.

  6. There is an article about him posted on this website today. I think we've found a diamond in the rough with this guy. It's just a gut feeling, but I think he's going to be a really solid pass rusher for us.

    I knew about this guy before the article written today. When Buffalo signed him a few weeks ago I had to pick my jaw up off the floor. I probably watch SEC football as much or more than the NFL, and trust me, this kid is GOOD. I guarantee that the only reason he got passed is "size". He's kind of a tweener... too small for DL and not quite a LB body either, based on "classic NFL stats". But I think teams are SO STUPID for looking at these things and having them outweigh what you see on the field. Maybe he's not a top-3 pick because of size, but not even drafted? That's crazy. This is the SEC he was playing in. I think Buffalo did a GREAT job in this draft - but in this case they just got lucky. A guy that should have been a 4th or 5th rounder at worst signed with them because he probably thinks he has a chance to prove himself on Buffalo's roster.

  7. Some regular season games would be sold to LA. Of course it would be for marketing puposes only. Expanding the marketing base is the key to keeping the Bills, at least that would be the organizational script. The owner would be at the podium announcing the transfer of these games with a shirt bottoned down to his navel and rambling about the wonderful weather and hot babes of LA and mocking the weather and poorly tanned girls of western NY.


  8. definitely. if it wasnt for his programs to draw fans from rochester and canada its possible the team would already have been moved. a very talented and under-appreciated guy for what he does

    I am going to bring out Archie Bunker to Mike Stivic quotes if I hear you defend Brandon any more. :doh:


    Sorry, but my opinion of his marketing skill is low, say nothing of his football knowledge.

  9. unfortuately you get the whole package with Gaither


    in addition to his experience at LT, you get his bad attitude, bad work ethic and desire for a huge new contract


    maybe he will be better than the last 2 OL that got huge money deals


    maybe not


    but the Bills have not left themselves any real options since they have continued to ignore the OT positions with their premium picks for the better part of 2 decades


    typical Bills fans reaction - though

    run a bonafide proBowl LT out of town, but welcome a lesser talent who has a much worse track record of being a malcontent and slacker

    +1. If the Bills give up a 2nd rounder here, maybe they can get 2 1st rounders for Lynch? Seems to be fair. :beer:

  10. Ok so i know everyone is pissed about the bills offseason and there draft. but to be honest i don't care what happened. i just want the season to start.. I'm I the only one who can't wait for i wanna say july 18( training camp)


    what do u guys think



    and as always



    The only things I'm upset about are:

    1. The Toronto-Disaster. But I'm upset about that every year.

    2. Our uniforms. They are AWFUL. Kinda surprised there isn't the same outcry there was with the Sabres.


    Other than that, I thought the draft was one of the most positive things in years (it's obvious they finally drafted for talent, not merely to plug holes) and I'm willing to give new management a chance (except Brandon... he is Public Enemy Number 1 in my book, for Toronto alone).


    Also, I can see a "Ravens Style" developing in Buffalo. Tough, hard-nosed D with a conservative but efficient offense. Honestly, that suits the QB's and OL on the roster anyway... so there is a lot to be hopeful about.

  11. Frankly the Bills really need to capitalize on this. I don't know how you take independent control of this in the NFL but the Bills need to promote the heck out of themselves in China.


    Take players over there, translate NFL Films stuff about the Super Bowl years, etc.

    Hush your mouth. If Russ Brandon hears you we will be playing a "home game" in Beijing. I mean, who needs a home field? Buffalo folks can just sit at home and pull for their Wang while playing all 16 games on the road so Russ can "develop markets for the long-term good of the franchise". :D

  12. OK a lot of concerns surround the offensive side of the ball our QB situation is one of the worst in the NFL, our O-line is one with huge concern, our WR's outside of Evans are unproven HOWEVER I have a very good feeling about our Defense.

    I was thinking much the same thing after the draft last Sunday. I LOVE what they did on Defense in the draft, although I admit you can't count on a defense of rookies. To me the Bills biggest challenge on D is that they will be in the 1st year of the 3-4 and probably still learning the defense as oppose to reacting. But beyond that, talent-wise, I see the Bills building a Ravens-type team. "Put a Hurt on you D" (especially if they become turnover focused) and a conservative, "take-advantage of what's given to you" O. Edwards can lead that type of offense, no matter the constant QB-bashing that goes on around here. Edwards failures are as much or more to do with the situations he was put in by the prior coaching staff as his ability. You add Spiller, and it supplements this type of O even more. If the OL can perform OK, and the D learns the 3-4 quickly enough, I think a lot of fans are going to be surprised. But, realistically, we could be 1-2 years away from realizing what I'm describing.

  13. ANd the sooner you accept that, the sooner you'll probably be willing to give Buddy Nix the benefit of the doubt on this draft.


    Jauron and Levy left this team void of talent. Our 2006 first round draft pick has been rumored to be on the trade block, our other one can't get on the field. Our 2007 first round draft pick is now 3rd string, and rumored to be on the trade block.


    McKelvin looks promising when healthy, and Maybin too early to tell.


    But the point remains, Levy and Jauron tried to base this team around smaller speedy guys, and now Nix and Gailey are forced to retool this entire roster with adequate sized players.


    I think Nix and Gailey understand this team is probably not going to be in the mix this year, and they need to fix whats wrong under the hood before they worry about the paint job. They had a top 10 pick, and instead of doing what Levy did EVERYTIME, picking a player who fit the number 1 need, Nix took the absolute best player available. How can you fault him for that?


    If this team is built up in 2 years, Spiller will still be here. So, drafting for your primary need in 2010 made very little sense when 2010 is most likely a throw away year . You can't overcome a decade of mediocrity in one off-season. Hopefully RW is patient enough with Nix, and hopefully Gailey turns out to be the right coach for this team.

    I think all your points are very valid. On the other hand, the 2009 team somehow finished 6-10 and the 2010 schedule looks a lot easier to me than 2009... so it's possible that the Bills could struggle with what you suggest above and still be able to improve record-wise.

  14. Winning in the NFL isn't about drafting for need???

    Sure it is. :lol:


    We needed a QB so we should have drafted Clausen, right? No matter that his value was shown to be as a late 2nd rounder, since the Bills needed a QB we should have taken him at #9. That's what teams who "draft for need" do. And it's no coincidence that such teams are at the top of the draft every year, looking to plug another hole.


    You CAN'T do that unless you're a team that was in the playoffs last year and is looking for a piece to put you over the top. And those teams draft at the bottom of the rounds anyway. When you are a team like Buffalo you HAVE to go after talent like Spiller... I don't care if you don't need a RB. If you don't want that guy then you TRADE BACK... not do something stupid like draft a player far too high just because you needed that position.


    LOSERS draft for need in the first round. This is the biggest sign that something may have changed in Buffalo... that they actually took Spiller.

  15. I'm just thinking out loud here trying to rationalize why we would take Spiller in the first round with Fred and Marshawn on the team and (supposedly) not being interested in trading Marshawn.


    What if Gailey's thinking about some wildcat-like scheme where, on a chunk of the plays (not all, obviously), they go with Fred under center with Spiller in the backfield? Fred's done it before and had more TD passes than Brohm last year (1). Marshawn acts as backup or you could convert him to FB. It could explain the desire to have three RBs.


    Of course, it could also be that Ralphie is really calling the shots (which I believe) which have become seemingly more random over the years...

    WHAT? Why in the HECK do you need to rationalize this pick? Talk to anyone that knows anything about this draft and they will tell you that C.J. Spiller is a rare talent... a combination of outstanding athleticism and results on the field. Similar to Sam Bradford. I think most would rank the best players in this draft as Bradford, Suh, Spiller... in that order. This pick FINALLY shows that someone at Bills Drive is understanding that winning in the NFL isn't about drafting for need or drafting for selling tickets, at least not in the 1st round. Now if Bradford were available, and the Bills took Spiller, I could see someone trying to rationalize why they did it. But at PICK NINE? The only rationalization you need for Spiller at 9 is that premium talent wins in the NFL... not plugging your holes with the best player available, even if sub-par to other players.

  16. You are flat out wrong!!! Spiller was their guy and there's no way he would have lasted had they traded down.

    +1. Many called CJ Spiller the most talented player in the Draft. It's not like Buffalo is the only team that knew that. This was GREAT grafting by Buffalo... for ONCE they drafted on talent instead of reaching for someone to plug a hole. That's OK in round 4... NOT at #9 overall!!

  17. If I had a dollar for every time that phrase was uttered on this board, I'd give Buffet a run.


    The team FINALLY picks the most talented football player on the board - a guy who has absolutely zero question marks. Doesn't fumble. Is a dynamic playmaker regardless of scenario. Has tremendous vision. Doesn't need "Hall of Fame" level blocking. Isn't a douche bag off the field.


    Pretty much the anti-Lynch.


    He compares favorably with both Marshall Faulk and Chris Johnson. The first game changer in Orchard Park since Thurman's heyday.


    This pick is a home run. Baluga, Claussen, or Williams were ALL reaches at 9.

    Completely Agree, but I must admit I didn't expect this response from Bills fans. To me the draft is ALWAYS about taking the BEST player in the top 1-2 rounds. When you draft for need, you end up with GM's and Coaches getting fired. This was GREAT drafting by Buffalo... and this is coming from someone (ME) who could not be more critical of things the Bills have done over the past 5-8 years. I think Brandon is a Moron. I wasn't happy with Nix and Gailey. But this pick of CJ Spiller makes me think that maybe something HAS changed at One Bills Drive.

  18. Maybe none of these free agents want to come to Buffalo.

    Everyone wants to give Russ Brandon a free pass and blame the current state of the team on coaching and bad player decisions by the GM/Player Director at the time. It is my strong belief that Mr. Brandon has made the Bills such an unattractive destination for BOTH coaches and players, that it would be ranked in the bottom 3 easily if a poll was taken as to most desirable NFL destinations to be in. When you have such a situation, you DON'T get free agents, you DON'T get top-notch coaches... all you get is the opportunity to draft well and hope/pray that the perception of your team changes because of it.

  19. I'm no cap or CBA expert, so I'm lookin for some clarification.


    Cash to cap-has nothing, or something to do with ticket prices?


    I've seen a lot of people say they have no problem with the ticket price increase if it means an improved product, but my understanding is that ticket prices have nothing to do with cash-to-cap budgeting, and the money paid for talent will not change whether the ticket price is 1.00 per seat or 1 million per seat. Is that correct?

    My two cents to make it simple... "Cash to Cap" was the Bills policy in the past whereby they imposed greater restrictions on themselves than was necessary with the salary cap (and versus what other teams spend). This was done because the Bills are a smaller market team and don't generate the revenue, so therefore couldn't well operate their business spending what other teams do. So, theoretically, if the Bills raised ticket prices it's possible they could spend over the cap on a cash basis (still within the cap because of deferred money) and make themselves more competitive. But it would be completely up to them, and how they want to run their business.

  20. I suppose some of us out here will be upset about the timing of the Bills' raising ticket prices. How dare they, right? All those sell outs during the playoff-less years this past decade. The overwhelmingly underwhelming hiring of Chan Gailey to turn everything around, when every loyal season ticket holder and individual ticket buying fan were hoping for a Bill Cowher-type coach for the job. We can certainly go on and on about how we are being screwed.......


    ......accept for one simple fact, even with the increases, the Bills will still offer the CHEAPEST tickets to see an NFL football game in the league. In fact, they will still be cheaper by about an average of $18.00 per ticket, instead of $20.00 per ticket, below the NFL average.


    So let's all keep this in mind as we begin our assault on the "greedy and selfish front office of the Buffalo Bills."

    Agree. I would even take it a step further. They should raise ticket prices even MORE if it stops them from doing absolutely INSANE things like giving away home field advantage for games in Toronto!

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