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Posts posted by MarkKelso'sHelmet

  1. Who is doing color for this game? He refuses to criticize the Rams at all. He's afraid to say anything negative. He keeps talking up Stafford, who is having a miserable outing.  One gem: "Nacua is the guy who got them to this point. They've got to get him involved." Dude has played in two NFL games. 


    Is the best THE WORLDWIDE LEADER IN SPORTS can do? 

  2. 35 minutes ago, Bubba Gump said:

    Jordan Poyer mentioned the alignment problem before we heard from McD. Wonder if there is some miscommunication happening. I really think Sean is taking on more than he can handle by taking over the defense. He also had a strange comment when he said "T-Bass made a great kick". I never knew doinking one off the upright was considered a great kick. And 9/10 kicks that hit an upright usually bounce out. That was pure luck. But I will say that kick was booted. From 50 yards out, it hit the flag at the top of the upright. It woulda been good from 65+ if straight. 

     If it the football goes through the uprights it's a great kick. If it misses, it's a terrible kick. It's pretty black and white. 


    Aside from that, McDermott should be on the hot seat. If you're not getting better, you're getting worse. What's his plan for team to get better?

  3. 12 minutes ago, DapperCam said:

    Mahomes frequently has wide open receivers that get him huge RAC. This is because Andy Reid is twice the play designer and play caller that Dorsey is. He also frequently has Kelce inexplicably wide open when the play breaks down.


    Mahomes struggles (just like Allen did today) when the other team gets pressure with 4 rushers. See the Bucs Super Bowl for a recent example.

    Agreed, 100%. With a coach like Reid, or Sean Payton, Allen would win multiple super bowls over his career. Without a doubt he is talented enough, but he has to do it ALL on his own.


    But Pegula won't fire McDermott because he's a "strong Christian man" which is what he wrote in the statement explaining his contract extension. It seems his Christianity is the reason he'll be here forever. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, Pine Barrens Mafia said:

    Monday night loss to cowboys



    Also worse: mckelvin fumble game


    I could probably list 10 more of I tried 

    Leodis McKelvin! Fumbling away the game fighting for an extra yard: yes—that was worse. But nobody thought the Bills were good then. They lacked talent all around. Now, the expectations are high and they can't live up to them.

  5. Fire Dorsey NOW.  He has no feel for the game and has consistently proven to be unable to make adjustments in-game.


    McDermott is holding this team back. Young QBs need good coaching, and Allen doesn't have it.  McDermott is ultimately responsible for bringing in an offensive coach who can manage the game well and confuse and compete with good defenses. Dorsey is a S__T SHOW. Why is he here? How is he qualified?

    • Like (+1) 2
  6. 14 hours ago, Matt_In_NH said:

    Every game was like that in that era.  People have no clue how much officiating has improved due to reviews.   All those game changing plays they now get right.  

    True. And what's wild too (instant replay was in its early stages) was how bad some of the camera angles were in 1990. They often couldn't get the calls right on replay because the camera views were not sharp. That aspect has improved a lot with the high def cameras. Now, we almost always have a great shot.

  7. The officiating is atrocious. Wow.


    McKeller had a TD that he didn't get credit for.


    Refs called a TD when the ball had clearly bounced off the ground (which I saw even in this grainy feed).


    Lofton had a ghost PI called against him. "Pass interference 81"


    Mark Kelso had a vicious headshot!!! for which he would be ejected in 2023. (rightfully, he knocked the receiver out, who was clearly dazed, announcers "oh yeah he's clearly OK."


    "injury update: "MILD CONCUSSION, MIGHT RETURN"


    Toon had a beautiful catch which was called not a catch.


    All in the first quarter. 






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  8. 10 hours ago, TBBills Fan said:

    Vick was here last week.  If it came down to a game or two, I'd rather have Vick. If Allen goes down longer than that the season is ***** anyway


    Good idea. While were at it why not kick the tires of Donovan McNabb or Daunte Culpepper . . . Randall Cunningham maybe?

  9. 37 minutes ago, Ed_Formerly_of_Roch said:

    Ehh, Kyle Allen ≠ John Allen ... Reading




    I don't buy it!!


    Josh Allen has looked very good.  Granted once in awhile he's struggled, but for the most part has done well.


    1 hour ago, DJB said:

    I have the game recorded and I’ll be watching today or tomorrow and ill

    listen for it. Any rough idea what quarter this was said at?

    It was after the INT at  3.07 in the first Q.  On the international DAZN feed.

    • Like (+1) 1
  10. 1 hour ago, loedward22 said:

    I can verify what the original poster said.  I watched the same feed and heard it too. It was during commercial break and you could tell it was an accidental live mic. 

    Thank you for confirming what I heard.


    It was definitely a hot mic moment, before halftime. I think it was after Kyle Allen's first INT.



  11. I live outside the U.S., so I have to watch the feed from DAZN (which is awful, but that's another story)


    This week we got the Chicago feed. The announcers were Jim Miller and some other guy. They actually did a good job focusing on both clubs, not only paying attention to the Bears.


    But here's the interesting part. During the commercials, the feed stayed with the stadium broadcast. In one break, Miller and his partner's mics were left on and we got to hear their off air conversation. This is almost a direct quote (not sure if it was Miller or his partner who was speaking)


    "Beane told me Allen has struggled from the very beginning. He just doesn't have what it takes / it's never gonna happen for him. He said he was very concerned."


    Anyone else want to corroborate what I heard?







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  12. 16 minutes ago, 947 said:

    Dorsey's play calling with the starters was still idiotic. Our OTs are getting throttled by Pitt's edge rushers, and we're still featuring long-developing 20 yard routes with double moves. To the point that Josh had to move around the pocket & evade rushers while waiting for receivers to complete a route.


    This exactly. Dorsey does not adjust. He just does what he wants to do. Passing and shotgun 85% of the time unless they go up by four scores.


    This was exactly like the Bengals game. Dominated on both sides of the ball, sloppy penalties, just getting pushed around like rag dolls.


    It looked like men vs boys out there.  Obviously men are being coached by Coach Tomlin.


    Fire the whole coaching staff and bring in an elite coach like Sean Payton. With this talent Bills should have multiple super bowls. McDermott is a falling star.

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  13. This game was reminiscent of the Dick Jauron era. There was nothing good to take away. The team struggled with basic things: taking a snap, getting a clean hand off. 12 Penalties in the first half is a clown show. This team is coming apart at the seams. If they play like this, they won't win a game.


    By the way, Tre White should be cut. He was getting carved up by the second team. He avoids contact and he's slow.  Some guys never come back from major injuries. It's sad but true. He's done. 

    • Vomit 1
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  14. 3 hours ago, Beck Water said:



    I haven't posted on this forum for about 10 years. I wanted to post once again simply to say "good riddance" to the hack writer Jerry Sullivan, an unfunny and mediocre sports journalist, a man who is, without a question, a miserable p**ck.

    3 hours ago, Beck Water said:



  15. Thank you, Jack.



    A very interesting comment here. Let's review:


    1) Story comes out that someone falls off upper deck.

    2) Everyone assumes guy who fell must be drunk a**hole.

    3) Without any video evidence available at the time, I suggest an alternate scenario where someone could have simply lost their balance.

    4) You jump on me for being "contrarian" as if I'm spoiling everyone's fun by not going along with the mob mentality.


    Does someone not agreeing with the crowd really upset you that much?




    you conveniently left out the part where you're wrong. sometimes if it looks like a spade, it's a spade. it's great to be a contrarian when common opinion is flawed (which it often is). but you don't seem to get my point -- you take the outsider's view just for the sake of having an outsider's opinion. there are drunk people at sporting events that do stupid things -- why did you think to object to that MOB MENTALITY?

  16. Well I could see someone trying to get past people in the aisle in row 1 and losing their balance.


    you could see that happening? that's not what happened. some suicidal maniac slid down the side. but as usual, i enjoy your measured contrarian voice of reason. never mind it's nowhere near accurate.


    there will be no lawsuit. if anything, he should be charged with criminal mischief/attempted suicide, or many even manslaughter for injuring the guy on the second level.

  17. every f*ucking time the jets win someone posts this. seriously, after every jet win this year someone posts this. then they lose the following week and no one says anything. geno smith has been below average this year. football fans are, by and large, stupid, borderline retarded. Watch the games. Geno Smith has been poor, to downright bad, 75% of the time. Do you realize he was benched last week due to incompetent play? Thad Lewis is better at this point, objectively speaking. grow some brains.


    just wanted to +1 myself here, and ya know, once again call out all the dummies who prematurely said smith is better than manuel -- without even watching how awful geno smith has been for much of the year.

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