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Posts posted by MarkKelso'sHelmet

  1. The blackout extends stricly to Buffalo & Rochester, yet it appears that Syracuse will not get the game. But is the game blacked out in Syracuse -- or simply not being shown as the primary game. i.e., can I go to a sports' bar in the cuse and catch the game??? (which I know I couldn't do in Buffalo or Rochester)...


    If anyone knows the answer to this I'd appreciate it...

  2. For those who watched the NFL Network broadcast of this game and got the Redskins crew... Theisman was already in midseason form last night. I loved how they kept calling Joique Bell: Jordan Bell. Ironically, he has a son named Jordan. I think very late in the game they finally started getting it right. But aside from the bone crushing hits that Perry Ellis was out there making, there was one other Theismanism that just slayed me. When they were talking to Snyder did anyone catch how after we punted Theisman said the Skins got another INT and a big turnover it was? He went on and on... but aside from the obvious that there was no turnover... did you see the look he flashed Snyder when he said "and another big turnover for the defense!" His eyes lit up almost in a longing fashion for Mr. Snyder and it was downright creepy. I can't even describe it... if you have this game on TIVO you must go back and check this out. All in all, not a very entertaining game from a Bills fan perspective, but at least that clown brought some entertainment to the show.



    Funny, I thought the same thing! He looked at Snyder with an almost erotic intensity!


    How many hours does he spend in the tanning booth before gametime?

  3. people are still clinging to this notion that Dick J wouldn't let Trentative throw the ball downfield. Like he was just following orders, he could have completed the long ball given the chance.


    The long ball was there, Trent just didn't throw it.


    I agree with this 100%, and I have been among Trent's biggest detractors. I wanted Gailey and Nix to cut him when they assumed control of the team.


    I'm just allowing for the possibility, however small it might be, that after a few weeks in camp with Gailey, Trent becomes a different QB with more confidence. I've never heard Trent say "I need to fire it in there and be accurate with it" before. I'm just saying that this is an encouraging response, not the bland "we need to keep working hard" nonsense that Trent usually offers up for the media...


    I mean, what's the point of having all these practice sessions, watching film, having meetings, if it doesn't mean that some players improve. Gailey and his staff, after all, are known for being great teachers...

  4. This is perhaps the most encouraging thing I've heard Trent say in quite some time, per Gaughan in TBN:



    "Lee's one of the best go-ball route-runners in this league, I feel like. He runs them down, he pins the guy, he gets open downfield. We just have to protect. I've got to be able to let it fly. I've got to be accurate with it."






    Maybe Gailey can get through to Edwards after all? (or maybe I'm trying too hard to find something to be optimistic about?) I think all along Trent's problem has been confidence and a sort of psychological hesitancy. If Gailey can be Trent's shrink and get his confidence level back up, who knows, maybe he can still turn him into an NFL QB. He has the prototypical size. Let's hope Gailey tutors Edwards the right way and unlocks his dormant potential ...


    Or am I just another irrational die-hard fan trying too hard to find a shred of hope as the season approaches?

  5. While I certainly understand the criticisms directed towards Mike Schopp (he hates football; he hates the Bills organization; he is arrogant and rude to callers on a consistent basis, frequently ignoring the main points they make and instead choosing to pick out some minor flaw in the caller's logic, which shows how petty and mean-spirited he is)... I must admit I've never understood the negatively directed towards Jerry Sullivan....


    Look at his recent piece on Eric Wood. It can hardly be construed as negative or pessimistic. Sullivan is a good journalist. He's not from the area and he gives the team a fair shake. Yes, it's probably true that he has written more negative things over the years than positive things..., but maybe there's a reason for that? After all, unless I've missed something, the Bills have done more negative things than positive things over the last decade! His running commentary on the Bills simply reflects a poorly-run organization. Nothing more, nothing less.


    And in fact, Sullivan is by far the best journalist on staff at TBN. He has a good sense of what it means to be a journalist -- and it's clear that he is a student of sports in general. He reads a lot of sports' history and he has insightful things to say about the games, and about the culture of sports. What more could we ask for? If you want sunshine and optimism, read Chris Brown, whose recent pondering about what C.J Spiller's birthday tweet "hinted at" (absolutely nothing) surely satisfied the "hope springs eternal" section of our fanbase...

  6. John- You really show a total lack of professionalism flaming it out with other posters. Have some class.



    I disagree entirely. Since when has good journalism ever been dispassionate? Don't conflate or confound objectivity with a lack of passion and conviction... Good for you, JW, for having the courage to buck the trend...

  7. Whitner does nothing that doesn't benifit himself. He did it for his EGO and nothing more. The world is better off without the moron twitting things.



    Whitner did NOT QUIT TWITTER -- just like he didn't give away the superbowl tickets he promised. He is still tweeting away...


    He's an absolute idiot. He must have the lowest IQ of anyone on the team. He can't even follow through on his pledge to quit a social networking site -- and yet some believe he's going to follow through on his guarantee to make the playoffs...


    I can't understand why anyone would defend him...

  8. Look to the Pats and copy them. Go hybrid, and game-plan for each team you face. You have, will draft, and will sign players; you've got to build your system around them.


    I agree completely, but I'm not sure Gailey is smart enough to go hybrid. Remember, he said that most of the time what wins you football games is blocking and tackling. Everybody has the "bumble-ruski," after all...


    I don't think Gailey is the sort of cutting-edge innovator that will design creative and versatile schemes, like Belichick always seems to do in New England. I predict the same old boring Tampa 2, because it's the easy choice.

  9. The retention of Bob Sanders on the staff seems to indicate that Gailey is planning on sticking with the 4-3. Sanders coached a 4-3 while he was with the Packers, and while here. He doesn't seem to fit the bill if Gailey is planning on switching to a 3-4, unless he reassigns Sanders to coach a different position (which seems unlikely)...

  10. Not too politically correct!


    “From that very moment, he took ownership of the team,” Wilson, the Bills’ veteran safety, said the other day by phone. “He changed expectations, he changed the way we traveled, he changed the way we practiced. Guys rallied around it, and we played our best football when he was leading the way.


    I guess it was not only the fans that thought DJ was a complete ass.



    You seriously need a lesson in reading comprehension...

  11. OK, 3rd time I've seen this on the 3rd different site. It's a condensed reprint of an article from Feb. of last year, as well as Oct. of last year. Old article, same author (who is actually a very good reporter for AP) condensed and republished by a different news outlet.



    exactly: I think this story has been circulated even more times than you're suggesting. Every two months or so we hear the same thing. The stadium builder has AP writers on his payroll, to make sure this stays in public consciousness. The very idea is absurd. Teams don't move themselves -- specific people make decisions. Ralph Wilson won't move the team while he's alive. Everyone involved in this article is an idiot ...


    According to a source I have:


    Jauron has every intention of coaching again next year. He told my source that his agents are actively seeking a position for him. This isn't exactly news, or even inside info, but this is the only place in the world where someone might be interested in knowing such a thing...


    I don't have a link, because it was communicated to me verbally...

  13. Carucci sniffed around the Ralph today at the game and followed-up on the media reports about Bills, Cowher, etc.


    Carucci reported on 97 Rock that:


    -Fewell gets interview on Monday


    -Meeting with Cowher was "hey how ya doing" conversation. Not a meeting of huge substance. At least nothing on par with the 7 hour conversation with Shanahan.


    -Cowher up to this point still hasn't viewed Buffalo as the perfect, right situation.


    -Cowher is still quietly keeping his eyes on the Carolina situation. And would be happy to return to CBS


    -No Weiss. No Marty Schot-ball.


    -Billick will NOT get an interview in Buffalo


    -Carucci is unsure about Fassell, Haslett but senses they are not high on list. Bills don't seem to be pressing for them.


    -Grimm, Harbaugh, Rivera could be in mix, but nothing definitive


    So basically Carucci says that it's unlikely that Weis, Cowher, Schottenheimer, Billick, Fassell, Haslett, Grimm, Harabaugh, Rivera, or Grimm will be hired... okay? are there any likely candidates?


    Also, it would appear that Carucci is calling Jason Cole a liar...

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