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Posts posted by theman331

  1. we should throw a trade proposal at the colts to try to get gonzalez. it's obvious that the colts don't need him anymore since garcon and collie both burst onto the scene this year and he would be pretty cheap to get via trade to i would think it should only take a 3rd or 4th rounder to aquire him. he has great big play potential but if he comes back to the colts next season what roll would he play in their offense. I say we offer the colts a 3rd round pick and see if we could get him. it could be the sleeper pick of the offseason. thoughts?

  2. and drafts don't usually always go they way that the experts and some people think. like last year nobody though that michael crabtree was gonna fall to number 10, the experts had orakpo going in like the top 7 or 8 he ended up going 13 to washington and they also thought that knowshon moreno was gonna go as a mid 20's pick and he ended up going 12 to the broncos, nobody expected brady quinn to fall all the way down to 22 the year he was drafted and nobdy thought aaron rodgers would drop to 24 the year he was drafted. so who's to say that if we were to do this that none of the offensive tackles would be there i think there's good odds of one of them maybe 2 slipping down to the number 24 pick.

  3. No !@#$ing way! How about we keep our draft picks and don't trade them ala Bledsoe, JP, Denney, McCargo, etc. When is the last time draft picks traded away by the Bills actually worked out?


    i do believe that whoever we draft should start day 1 because there is no sense in having him sit behind fitzpatrick for a year. i'm just saying that if the front office decides to go with a veteran quarterback mcnabb is our best guy to get so we should try to get him if thats the direction we end up going. and by the way yeah bledsoe was a good quarterback but mcnabb is better than he was.

  4. NO. If we trade for McNabb make it conditional and dont give away the chance for LT or NT that are desperately needed unless off course you solve those issues in FA. A first is too much for a guy ya expect a few years from

    we wouldn't be giving up a 1st round pick we would just be swaping 1st round picks. we could use that 24th pick to try to move back up to the middle of the 1st round if we have to.

  5. if we give the eagles our number 9 pick and a 4th rounder for their number 24 pick and mcnabb i think that would be the best way to go about getting him. we would still be able to get a great offensive tackle in the first rd and then we could go either qb in the 2nd or 3rd or linebacker in the 2nd or 3rd. i'm more for drafting a quarterback and having him start day one. but if we decide not to go that way then were going to need to get a veteran guy to come in here for a year or 2 and mcnabb would be the best guy to pursue. so if the eagles are willing to trade him i'd say this is how it gets done.

  6. unless we plan on having which ever quarterback we take in the draft this year start on day one, were going to need to get a veteran backup for the new guy to sit behind and learn from for a year or 2 cause he won't learn anything from fitzpatrick.i for one want us to draft a guy and start him week 1 but if we choose not to do that and eagles are willing to trade mcnabb and they are only willing to take a 1st or 2nd round pick for him then why don't us and the eagles just swap 1st round picks. we could give them our 9 for mcnabb and their 24th pick and then throw in a 4th rounder in which case we could still get a good offensive lineman in the first round and still draft a quarterback in the 2nd or 3rd round since it seems there is a deep class of quarterbacks this year or we can go linebacker in either the 2nd or 3rd however it happens to fall.

  7. either way whether we get mcnabb or not we are going to need to get a veteran guy to come in here to build the quarterback we take in the draft this year to sit behind and learn from for about a year or 2. what if us and the eagles swapped first round picks. we could give them our 9 for mcnabb and their 24th pick in which case we could still get a good offensive lineman and still draft a quarterback in one of the later rounds since it seems there is a deep class of quarterbacks this year.

  8. julius peppers is available in the offseason? i don't think the panthers are gonna pay him 16 mil a year again and i don't want belicheat getting him so if he manages to be out there we better throw everything at him. i know he wants to play in a 3-4 if the new regime installs a 3-4 and he doesn't resign with carolina we have to do it.

  9. Yesterday, I was trying to think about who would be on the all decade team for our Buffalo Bills.


    Here is my take:


    Brian Moorman, Fred Jackson, Lee Evans, Jairus Byrd, London Fletcher, Ruben Brown, Antoine Winfield, Eric Moulds, Travis Henry


    I'm having such a hard time with this list, I can't even think who I would put down as the best QB, TE, etc. for this decade. I guess it would be Drew Bledsoe at QB (ouch!). I look forward to seeing what you all come up with.


    i think nate clements should be in there somehwere

  10. If we bring in a free agent to help develop Brohm there are a few QB's in their 30's who might work. Jon Kitna 37 (Dallas) is a possiblity I just don't like him much. The two that I find intriging are Charlie Batch who as back up in Pittsburgh may be willing to jump ship to start somewhere and Joey Harrington who has been behing Drew Brees in New Orleans for a year now and probably has learned a ton. Harrington is only 31 so he could stick around for a while but who knows. Also intriging is David Carr the back up in NYG right now. Thoughts anyone?


    one of these qb's is nothing more than a career back up and the other two are a busts. why would anyone want harrington or david carr on the roster. if u want to pursue a veteran backup or possible starter with a good resume a guy like jeff garcia would fit the bill

  11. Nothing! He very well could be the future and should be our young talented #2. We need a veteran with expierience to bring him along. I just don't know who is out there that fits the bill. We need a Testaverde type who is 35-38 willing to start for a year and step aside to be a back up.


    i could see a guy like jeff garcia fitting the bill

  12. just curious with what people think brohm would have to do these next 2 games to be a starter week 1 next season. does anyone think it's even possible with only 2 games experience. if he has 2 great games i think we should still take a qb in the draft, but should we waste a first round pick on a qb if he has two great games. u don't want to invest so much money in a guy from the draft that may turn out never seeing the field if it turns out brohm does start week 1 next season. which is why i think if brohm has 2 great games and i mean 2 possible 300 yard passing games with like 4 td's and an INT in that strech. that qb should still be an option in the draft but maybe more towards the later rounds. what do u guys think?

  13. Parcells 20

    Bills 19


    bill parcells has proven everywhere he's been that he can turn a franchise around. he is a better head coach than belicheat. belicheat was a failure in cleveland where he did have talent taking over marty schottenheimers team that schottenheimer had taking to the championship game three times prior. belicheat's record in cleveland was 41-56. his first season in new england without brady starting he went 4-12 and then started the next season 0-2 before brady took over. and be honest if bledsoe would have never have gotten hurt that year when the cheatriots won their first super bowl they would have never have made the playoffs and belicheat would have been out of a job again and would probably just be a coordinator somewhere right now. so when belicheat is standing in canton making his hall of fame speech he better thank brady for everything cause without him the cheatriots don't get to any super bowl much less 3 of them and belicheat isn't looked at as a great head coach.parcells turned around 2 1-15 franchises that he took over and turn them into winning franchises in a matter of a season or two each time, he's won 2 super bowls with the giants. and actually made quincy carter look like a decent quarterback the first year he was in dallas that is no easy task. parcells is a sure fire hall of famer.

  14. He likes to be part of winning organizations though, not trash.


    He went to the jets after a 1-15 season in 1996 and took them to the playoffs 2 years later and then he took over the dolphins after a 1-15 season and turned them into a playoff team the following year so it seems to me he doesn't mind coming to trash teams if thats what u want to call it

  15. Just read on profootballtalk.com that bill parcell's name has surfaced in cleveland. Now that cleveland has put his name out there maybe it will make us try to go after him as well. he's free to walk away from miami at anytime and get paid the remainder of his contract. He has proven time and time again that he can turn a franchise around and in my opinon is the best coach to ever coach. so if ralph is willing to spend the ten million a year to bring in a proven head coach. parcells is one man that is well worth the money i'd say we take a shot.

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