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Posts posted by JayD

  1. Read this on another forum and agree 100%. G.Wilson is terrible and a huge liability it can't hurt. Williams was thought by many coming out of the draft as one of the best Safety prospects. Williams lacks top end speed and man to man coverage skills. He has good size and is adequate tackler. My concern is CB but I guess it can't hurt hoping that Rogers, McLovin,and McGee can fill in. I am also optimistic that R.Brooks has a future with this team at CB. All in all it would benefit this team in the future

  2. Sure there is a practical way to replace the current DC Dave Wannstooge, fire his moronic butt and replace him with Bob Sanders who was the DC with the packers 2005-2008


    If the Bills really wanted to make some changes Marty Schotthenheimer is out there currently retired, he could come in and replace Gailey. That is if RW finally feels "comfortable" with him.

    I was just about to write your first point
  3. I justed tweeted Cj to do the thriller dance after his next TD. I heard the nickname on here and I love it. Lets get it out there I know Cj is not a flashy guy but i think it would be great for the team and the fans at the stadium I can see everyone doing the thriller dance in the stands!!

  4. First off Jasper was a nice guy but would have never made a cfl roster at any position.Yeah I am sure they hoped Easley would be there for the practice squad. But he has no experience. How people come up with such nonsense I have no idea. It really paid off to put Jasper at DT he is going to start this year at guard right. Nix must be a magician!

  5. With Lance getting screwed for being good and NO PROOF that he has used any PEDs is it time to legalize Steroids and other performance enhancers?


    I came across this article by Mark Madden making some interesting reasons why (and it was written 12 yrs ago, which shows how long this has been debated)




    " It's time for the government to legalize steroids and similar substances. It's time for pro sports to legalize steroids and similar substances.



    Because so many athletes are using, legalizing is the only way to get a level playing field at this point. Every athlete would have the option legally. Morally and physically, each athlete would still have a choice to make. But at least the situation would be out in the open. Steroids and like drugs could be regulated. They could be taken under the care of a team physician. Dangerous levels of usage could hopefully be avoided.


    There is no way to stem steroid use in pro sports, particularly in football. Guys are jamming needles in their buttocks with both fists. Go ahead, drink spring water all day. Eat chicken breasts and egg whites until you sprout feathers and grow a beak. Lift weights until your muscles explode. But very few men become NFL-lineman size without being on the juice. By legalizing, regulating and supervising, the health risk would at least be minimized.


    Of course, there's no such thing as absolutely safe steroid use. Steroids undoubtedly break your body down over the long haul.


    But that's the choice an athlete makes. By maximizing physical performance, one maximizes earning potential as well. If you offered an athlete a drug that would guarantee him glory and riches but knock 10 years off his life, I dare say most would take it. Heck, I'd take it. Ten years off the end of my life? Big deal. Those are the worst years anyway. Many would gladly sacrifice those useless days in the old folks' home for life in the fast lane now. It's a personal choice.


    I'm not suggesting that teen-agers use steroids, although many do. Steroids should be legal only for those 21 and over. Some underage kids would get steroids anyway, just like they get alcohol. But that unsolvable problem is as old as the idea of controlled substances. If steroids were legalized, some athletes would choose to not take them. Fine. I would not only respect their decision, I would applaud it. Sports should be about an athlete using his God-given gifts with no artificial help.


    Sports used to be that way.


    Not anymore."




    You are a idiot thanks for making the people around me look smarter!!
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