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Posts posted by whodat

  1. So, down goes Manning, down goes Brees, down goes Flacco, down goes Vick, down goes Ryan, down goes Brady....


    To all of you that think we NEED a QB at #3 this year (none worthy at #3), once again... here is a CLASSIC example of the need for a solid defense. This years defenses prove once again, that a top D is the tonic this team needs. It will give this team the attitude this team and city needs. You want to grab a QB in the third? Ok... no issues, but that better be after a selection of a DE/DT and a LB. Buddy... SOLIDIFY the D through the draft AND through FA. Don't bank on Merriman being "the man"... he's an unknown at this time. Go draft help, go pay the $$ for FA help... The O can use an RT an TE and some depth too... BUT... I hope you're paying attention this post season... D, D, D, D, D, D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Well done. I'll take my franchise Qb where GB took theirs and where NE got theirs. Let's first match their 'D' because offense has a lot of parts in place. Defense is like a wind barometer. I want a hurricane on my side.


    your comments above appear to be the last gasps of the logically addled and clinically blind. you hold so dear to whatever obtuse point you were attempting to make that it's now become evident that many of us here have come to the conclusion that the only point you've made is that of your own hard-headedness and unbending ability toward reason or what's plainly obvious.

    you are like those who persistently argued the world is flat, that the sun revolves around the earth and that this automobile thing will never catch on.


    but to your laughable retorts:

    -- so you're saying that someone like, say, Trent Edwards as the Packers quarterback, would've won that game yesterday?

    -- you've talked ad naseaum how the best defenses win. then why couldn't the steelers defense overcome Roethlisberger's struggles?

    -- some of us did watch the bills game against the steelers, and likely had a different memory than yours. how the steelers defense "won" that game is arguable, considering the steelers themselves talked afterward of how they were already walking off the field when seeing Stevie Johnson alone in the end zone with the ball coming toward him. the defense didn't cause that drop. Stevie Johnson dropped it all on his own.

    -- and you then completely contradict the initial point that you've been attempting to make with your last line.


    after initially positing that D wins period, you have now come around to many others way of thinking by acknowledging that "it's a great thing to have a franchise QB."

    that you elected to add a "BUT" is further proof that you don't get it. and perhaps, i don't either because this response may well be proof that i'm a bigger fool for continuing what's clearly become an exercise in pure, utter, 100-proof futility.



    edited for content...mod

  2. "That'll never happen again," Reed told me last week. "You won't see an assemblage of players like that -- at least not in Buffalo. I know that."

    Reed was always one for mixing negatives with positives to the point of confusing the message or turning it into a sour one. Sounds like he hasn't lost his touch.


    wow, it's stunning how good those guys were compared to the garbage ralph has fielded for the last 10 years.

    I almost forgot how good Jimbo was and that last throw as Joe Theismann said was pretty amazing. I would like to see us with That kind of offensive line again. Damn shame we didn't have Ted Washington back then.

  3. Yep, that's it. We've all been bickering over which team has the higher team payroll. Thanks for clearing that up. I totally forgot that when he signs the payroll checks.


    It has nothing to do with the fact that when the Redskins needed a head coach, Dan Snyder went out and got the best coach available. Or that when they needed a franchise QB, he spent the green and got the most desirable veteran QB available at the time.

    Nothing like lobbing up a gopher ball. That’s what has you upset at Ralph, that he was turned down by Shanahan, an over-rated but well known name in the coaching world and didn’t sign an over-rated well known qb that had stated he wasn’t interested in coming to Buffalo? Well as for me, I am very thankful I don’t have to hear those names very much in my football world. Especially grateful that their not remotely connected to the team I follow.


    Sometimes, you just luck out I guess! :rolleyes:

  4. Do we have to name the players that have left because we wouldn't pay and yet still came in 20 million under the cap?

    Blockheads like this guy and the rest that call Ralph cheap never do any research. This guy tosses out a meaningless number while the others just make empty declarations.


    What could be their motivation? Answer – not having to think.


    Their simple minds haven’t developed past adolescence. So thought is work like homework which equals not good. All decisions from one Bills drive they don’t like are because Ralph is cheap. It’s easier that way for the simple minded person to understand. First make it monolithic. Then make it steadfast. There thinking successfully eliminated.


    Did you know that in seasons 2008 and 2009, Buffalo’s total payroll was higher than Dan Snyder’s Washington Redskins. More to the point, they ranked 16th and 13th league wide.


    You might be surprised as I was to see Indianapolis and New England way down the list. Way down!

    29th and 30th respectively in 2008 to be exact.


    Folks, The Bill’s failings are not because Ralph is cheap.





  5. I would still take dumbass Danny over Tightass Ralphy any day of the week, any week of the year. He is an idiot, but Snyder uses all his resources to try to win, he just doesn't give the right people the authority to improve his franchise. Ralph makes all his decisions on what is the cheapest way to field a team and get seats in the stands. At least the Redskins usually have some reasons to be optimistic each year because of the recent trades and/or free agent signings, Bills fans just plain know we are gonna suck year after year.

    No doubt, you're the guy falling in the urinal because you couldn't stop buying beer sold inside the lavatory.

  6. All right, time to wrap this thread up.


    Well now that we’ve covered all the bases and everyone knows the Chinese kid Hu is on first.


    I’d like to know how I can transfer all this great information I’ve been compiling into beating the spread on the SB.


    But with all this great information, I don’t know how to get to second base or who’s on second. I hear an inner voice telling me I don’t know is on third, who is back on first but what is on second. I don’t care. No he’s in between 2nd and 3rd.


    Don’t get me started. Art Wander where are you?


    Look the super bowl is just 9 days away. It’s time we focus a little of this to that. Together we formulate a considerable force of brain power. If we can come together, perhaps we will be mighty enough to defeat the spread!

  7. If you don't have a franchise QB and you have the chance to get one, you take advantage of that chance. Period. Anyone who would dispute that proposition is simply wrong.


    Well done. Let me remind you of one interesting footnote following Baltimore's SB win and one reason they didn't repeat. Billick traded for a rising star, strong armed Qb with some prolific passing stats named Elvis Grbac. They promptly dumped Dilfer and struggled with Grbac until he quit out of frustration just 2 years later with the Ravens unable to make the playoffs and their offense reduced to a turnover machine. As it turns out, he was missing the intangibles required to play the position.


    Finding a franchise QB can be a roll of the dice. Maybe what we should start looking for is a winning Qb instead. So with that in mind, how good would Manning have looked with this supporting cast. There is a lot of subjection and uncertainty. No one knows for sure until you have him in place with some semblance of a supporting cast.


    I am one of those who hasn't given up on Ryan Fitzpatrick. I think he's a winner.

  8. The Super Bowl will definitely validate his position. If Pittsburgh wins it's because their defense ranked higher. If GB wins, well, their defense was better because they played better and at some key point in the game they will have made a play. Easy game this internet.

    Why don’t you ask why the jets didn’t win. They held Ben Roethlisberger to a 35.5 qb rating and their franchise qb had a qb rating of 102.5.

  9. It's easy to defend a position when it keeps changing. Give me one example of how he successfully defended his original (not his multitude of variations found after he started back pedaling) position that all you need to win is a great defense.


    I'll wait.


    Perhaps you should read his original post. He’s been backing it up the whole time. So here I’ll paste his OP below



    Posted 16 January 2011 - 08:09 PM

    So, down goes Manning, down goes Brees, down goes Flacco, down goes Vick, down goes Ryan, down goes Brady....


    " To all of you that think we NEED a QB at #3 this year (none worthy at #3), once again... here is a CLASSIC example of the need for a solid defense. This years defenses prove once again, that a top D is the tonic this team needs. It will give this team the attitude this team and city needs. You want to grab a QB in the third? Ok... no issues, but that better be after a selection of a DE/DT and a LB. Buddy... SOLIDIFY the D through the draft AND through FA. Don't bank on Merriman being "the man"... he's an unknown at this time. Go draft help, go pay the $$ for FA help... The O can use an RT an TE and some depth too... BUT... I hope you're paying attention this post season... D, D, D, D, D, D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "




    Rather than relive his writings, what if I just give you an example without research compiled in support but my mere mortal memory


    Giants get plowed in

    Giants vs Ravens, 2000 Super Bowl


    NYG had a balanced team. Solid on Off. with both a strong passing & running attack , Def , ST and a good QB who had taken expansion team Carolina to a NFC championship game in his second year.


    Baltimore had a boring, methodical and unimaginative offense composed of a solid power running game (big time power back), a less than average Qb they felt the need to get rid of after the SB and little receiving talent. Their defense was more than solid or even exceptional. It is still compared as the best of all time in today’s NFL annals. In fact, their defense, if I remember correctly scored nearly as many points as their offense that year.


    In the NFL, you just can’t have it all before you have to rebuild again but maybe you can be so dominate on one side of the ball you can hide your weaknesses on the other. The past is proof.

  10. Please, for the love of all that's holy, stop. It's not fun anymore. It's like picking on a blind kid.


    First Take the plank out of your own eye.


    I cannot believe all the venom that is coming out in many of these posts. Mcd makes an OP that has merit. But so many here are just bleeding with animosity.


    What the hells is wrong with you people! :oops: I promised myself I wasn’t going there.


    Perhaps what many of you are angry about is how well he defends his position. You are all coming after him like a bunch ninjas from every angle. Really. I have to admit though, a lot of the enjoyment I’m getting from this thread is the feeling I’m participating as a spectator in an old Steven Seagal movie with guys getting B word slapped, kicked in the mouth and tossed across the room and half expecting the need to duck away from a flying chair while reading each new post.


    I think the Super Bowl would be a terrific culminating event for this developing novel. But then again, maybe the draft would be a more natural end landing. :D

  11. I wouldn’t mind drafting one of the top 2 qbs but not at the expense of losing out on what I feel are defense changing impact players, Reggie White and Bruce Smith types. We have a guy we can win with in Fitz. We have many things in place on offense. We don’t on D and where we pick, we have the opportunity to fill those needs. The point I was making before was none of these QBs are as impactful as everyone seems to thing and the playoffs are the proof of the pudding.


    Sanchez qb rating in this game was 102.5. Roethlisberger was 35.5. I was surprised by the actual numbers. Big Ben made a lot of big plays. But in this game, it was running, defense and game management that won the day.


    In the GB-Chicago game little known 3rd year undrafted qb out of Colorado St. who came into the game as the team’s 3rd stringer considerably outperformed Cutler and even Rodgers (perhaps the best qb in the game) in the second half and turned a one sided defensive struggle into a nail biter.


    I’m not saying you can win with average talent or less at the key qb position. But you see all these teams drafting in search of the next Brady or Manning. Most discover as Marv Levy did just because you covet the skill set of a player like Polamalu doesn’t mean those type skills will show up in the safety you decide to draft early (Whitner). They rarely do. The Jets took Sanchez 5 or 6 in round 1 and I dare to say if he doesn’t remind me more of our Fitz. They will win with their guy and we will win with Fitz. Give me my defense.

  12. To somewhere in this multi layered thread to which this applies, I felt a sudden compulsion to respond after watching franchise qbs in action.


    If how a player performs in big games is a factor in how they are viewed than


    Jay Cutler = Franchise QB

    Caleb Hanie > Jay Cutler

    Ryan Fitzpatrick => Caleb Hanie


    Ryan Fitzpatrick = Franchise QB


    Draft defense, Acquire more defense in FA, Improve defense side coaching √(did that)

    playoffs next year.

  13. That's absurd... The unwarranted bashing many here give Poz is beyond ridiculous. He may not be a star as of now, but he is a very solid player and solid players warrant considerably more $$ in today's game.


    To all those that bash him relentlessly, cut him and then see what's left, absolutely nothing. Zero LB's, with the possible exception of a guy who's been extremely limited due to injury for a couple years. Nice thinking there "Geniuses". Urlacher money, no, but due a considerable pay raise, heck yes he is.


    Simply unbelievable.....

    That would be great if you were right. I don’t think there is anyone here rooting against him. We thought we were getting the second coming of Shane Conlin. Poz is a genuine good guy. The frustration comes from watching the steady flow of te’s beat him in coverage and the weak run defense. You can make an assortment of excuses on a bad defense. I’m sure some apply. But Kyle Williams is going to the pro bowl. You can see Kyle making plays and impacting the defense in positive ways. I rarely see that from Poz.

  14. Was another of those OT misfires when he completed the pass inside Baltimore's 40 only to have the receiver get stripped?


    He was by no means flawless, but here's the thing. He played behind arguably the worst line in the league, with one of the least accomplished receiving corps, in an offense that struggled to make so much as a first down, much less a TD when anyone else played. No Bills QB had thrown for 300 yds in 3+ yrs. People were questioning if this was the worst team, not only in the NFL, but in the history of the NFL. People even questioned if this team could beat a UFL team. Then Fitz steps into this joke of an offense and all of a sudden no one's laughing. And Fitz is putting up 300 yd 4 td games and taking SB contenders into OT. In 13 games he notched 3000 yds and 23 tds (which at that rate would translate to 3700 yds and 28 tds over 16 games). The NE game was the first game all season he didn't have a TD pass. I say we stop nit picking and give the man his due.

    Hear, hear. Excellent points that need to be made. I’m glad Buddy and Chan are making this decision. It’s not going to be an easy one. We saw how bad this offense is under Edwards, Brohm as well as Losman. Fitzpatrick creates something out of this mess. However picking third, they have an open field of opportunity. And having all those options available makes this a little more complicated and interesting. Don't know my wish list other than I’m glad, so glad the past decision makers are behind us. There's at least a chance of something good.

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