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Posts posted by ....lybob

  1. Alex Barron while not great has started 58 out 0f 60 games, has played with Incognito, and may be more in the price range of the Bills than some of the higher profile guys. This would allow the Bills to take McClain with their first pick and maybe use some picks to jump into the bottom of the first and take Anthony Davis, Bryant Bulaga, or Mike Iupati to compete for RT.

  2. When I was young I use to hit the bars hard and I had a great time - then I was in a relationship for about six years and didn't really go to the bars much at all- when the relationship ended I went bar hoping remembering how much fun it was, except it wasn't fun, in fact it sucked, but I tried for awhile because I remembered how much fun it use to be- for me the NFL and the Bills are a similar situation, I use to really enjoy the Bills and football in general now most of it seems blah- now I follow the off-season and if the moves seem stupid and uncompetitive I refuse to become emotionally invested, I'll watch if I got nothing else to do but won't carve out any time for the Bills or spend any money.

  3. predictions


    1. Both Liberals and Conservatives will finally realize that there's not a nickels worth of difference between the Democrats and the Republicans they both get their money from the same place, Liberals never get a progressive agenda or stop a war and conservatives never get a ban on abortion or school prayer no matter who has the votes.


    2. A study concludes that the money taken out of the economy to fight terrorist causes hundreds times more deaths than the terrorist acts that it prevents would.


    3. Experts continue to write that China's economic growth can't continue and continue to be wrong.


    4. America continues to lead the world in technological breakthroughs but the gap closes and other countries translate research to product much faster than we do.


    5. After decades long decline crime rates start to trend up


    6. It will be disclosed that computer generated images and sounds can be made so realistic that anyone living or dead can be portrayed to do or say anything and computer generated video will be indistinguishable from actual video with cost being the only limiting factor.


    7. There will be a scandal that statin drugs don't lower heart disease and actually increase overall mortality


    8. The resistance in Iran will declare U.S. actions counter-productive but the U.S. will continue sanctions and trying to encourage minority uprisings and actually strengthen the regime.


    9. Russian organized crime will be found suppling increasingly sophisticated weapons and intelligence to the Taliban in trade for heroin.


    10. A natural gas fuel cell will be introduced to the public that can generate electricity at half the rate charged by the electric company.

  4. I did not want Cushing at the time. I did want them to make a choice from one of Oher or Orakpo though.

    That's how I felt too, I though Cushing was injury prone and perhaps chemically enhanced - wanted Raja to drop but when Green Bay picked him wanted Oher or Orakpo - if a LB I liked Matthews much more than Cushings- I also said WTF on the Bryd selection oh well it's not going to stop me from second guessing.

  5. Over training is an individual issue- effected by genetics, sleep and rest, nutrition, mental stress, general health and so on- in general you'd like strength work outs to be short and very intense 12-20min. - in general you are trying to do three things 1. create an anabolic environment (increasing growth hormone and testosterone) 2. teaching the nervous system how to contract muscle maximumly both individually and in groups. 3. doing controlled damage to muscle fibers then trying to maximize the repair process. The issue usually isn't so simple as more or less but smarter and goal focused- for example a trainer has to know what is going to help a player more- moving his bench from 400 to 425 or increasing his back and hamstring flexibility so he can play a couple of inches lower or losing a little body fat so he can get out of his stance a tenth of a sec faster.

  6. We are a decaying rust belt city that has been losing middle-class industrial jobs and population since the 70s- the state and local governments idea of a plan is to beat a dead horse harder, trying to think of ways to suck more money out of a dwindling pot, our owner can't or won't compete in free agency or staff salaries, and more damaging is that jobs are given out more on cronyism than any measure of performance - oh and they lose a home game every year to a neutral maybe even hostile forum- oh and the owner could pass at anytime- oh and because of our losing rep and rep of bad weather we have to pay free agents a premium- oh and I'd bet we have former Bills all over the NFL bad mouthing us- I'm certain that T.O. will be one of them next year.

  7. Trent and Fitz are below average QBs- Brohm might be a step up but who knows- so yeah we could use a high quality QB, the problem is getting one- I find this years college crop of QBs very unimpressive, in fact if you took the names off the scouting reports and threw Brohm's and Quinn's in there I bet they both rank in the top 3- this year is not a Elway, Kelly, Marino year it's not a Eli Manning, Rivers, Roethlisberger year- hopefully the Bills will be able to improve their OT position but even that's problematic, there is a pretty steep drop off after the top 2 OTs at 7 I'd give a 50-50 shot at the #2 OT at 9 I'd give them a 1 in 10, on the plus side there's going to be a very good player at one of the positions of need OT, DE, LB

  8. you pay big money for a down field WR like T.O. then you rip the Offensive line apart so there's no time to throw down field- that's par for the course with the Bills- Have a mobile QB who likes to throw long? make him stay in the pocket and throw short, Make slow footed Bledsoe roll out and don't forget to take away His long ball(Price) and his safety valves TE, FB- got a 1200 yard RB and a coach fighting for his life, and a bunch of needs? spend a 1st on a RB who won't even be able to play for a year cause his leg almost fell off- Have you guys ever considered that Wilson may not like us? in fact that he may hate us.

  9. QB is the most important position but Offensive line is the most important unit- I've seen both Brady and Manning made to look ordinary by great pressure- none of the QBs coming out are overly impressive to me- if Brohm was coming out this year I think he'd be in the top three maybe #1- as for Free Agents QBs (if they're not all restricted with the uncapped year) I think Campbell has the best tools but he is so blah he looks like he's sleepwalking sometimes, not a Kelly or Favre type leader in any event- so my advice is use the draft to fix the Oline it's a good year for OTs, Bills should have an excellent chance for the #2 rated LT and be able to get a quality RT in the 2nd round- who knows with a quality Oline maybe we will find we have a good QB right here.

  10. If things went a little right for the Bills I could imagine this


    LT Bruce Campbell 1st rd, LG Levitre, C Woods, RG Incognito, RT Ciron Black 2nd rd as starters


    Bell, Butler, Hangartner, Meridith as back-ups


    probably to young to be good right away but enough talent to grow into one of the better Olines in a few years.

  11. The OL sucks and this should be a surprise to no one- rip apart the adequate pass blocking below average run blocking Oline of 2008 and replace it with the suck in every way possible Oline of 2009- it's a good thing the Bills don't set the precedent of overpaying players just the precedent of totally sucking.

  12. The only danger, if we do this, they'd be saying ...


    BREAK UP the Buffalo Bills. Especially the orgone energy tattoos.


    sure orgone energy tattoos would be controversial especially whether iridium ink sacred geometry symbols over the meridian points should be used or nano-gold ink Celtic runes over the chakras - but levitation will be a ratings booster- now excuse me I have to work on my sparkling eyes.

  13. Acquiring Edwards, Jolly, and Jackson will require untold draft picks when each are tendered for at least a 2nd, if not a 1st. They will be RESTRICTED FREE AGENTS as a result of 2010 BEING UNCAPPED.


    MIA, BAL, and ATL have gone from bad to being a playoff team in one season. Only problem is, all of them had/have extremely talented football men like Parcells/Ireland, Ozzie Newsome, and Tom Dimitroff running their football operations. And each of those teams had owners who delegated the responsibility and authority to make football decisions regardless of a bean counter.


    Only if those things happen, can this team have a shot at rebuilding quickly and correctly.


    UNCAPPED- I would say the chances of that happening are low- the players union would decertify and go the Antitrust route- the NFL would be crazy to give this Corporate sellout congress a chance to pretend to be on the working mans side at their expense.

  14. Easy fix


    Free Agency: Ray Edwards DE, Johnny Jolly DT, Vince Jackson WR


    Draft: 1. LT, 2. RT, 3-7 LB, LB, LB, LB


    undrafted Free Agents OGs, blocking TEs,


    Player Development- Kettlebells, Sandbags, tire flipping, plyometrics, whole body vibration, hypnosis, bone density therapy, EFT, Neural transmitter exercise, Eye-Q, advanced nutrition, gene therapy, myostatin inhibitors, stem cell remolding, guided visualization, Tabata cycle, full body computer generated video scenario stimulation, orgone energy tattoos.

  15. The chances that Brohm will be a great QB are not good, the chances of getting a great QB out of Free agency are not good, the chances of getting a great QB out of a 1st round draft pick are not good- I'd say get the rest of the team especially the OL up to par and maybe a quality vet QB might take a spin on the team in the next couple years and not get killed in the process- what the Bills have been good at the last ten years, has been to devise offenses that take away QBs strengths and expose their weaknesses- This is such a strong trend I can't believe it's merely incompetence but must believe that Ralph has standing orders to allow no Bill's QB to get close to Kelly's status.

  16. Trent might have some value as a backup QB - his college and pro career suggest he's not durable enough to be a starter- but he's a fairly bright guy (depending on the concussions) and has enough physical qualities to manage a game or two- so whats an average Back-up QB worth - about a 5- 6th round pick to the right team.

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