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San Diego Bills Fan

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Posts posted by San Diego Bills Fan

  1. I would rather have my QB throw some picks trying to make something happen rather than waiting in the pocket with happy feet expecting the sack. trent has to grow a set and let it rip and trust his receivers. This match up with the Titans has to be considered the Bay of Pigs game of the week? Although last nights 49ers -vs- Bears was a real struggle to watch.

  2. I find it hard to believe that the NFL is maxing out on the Sunday ticket only giving it to Direct TV? MLB,NHL ande NBA all are offered thru Fox, Comcast, Dish Etc. If only giving it to one carrier made the most sense all the other leagues would be doing it! I would dump Diect TV in a minute and go back to Cox if the NFL Sunday Ticket was offered thru them. But getting the first game at 10am on Sunday's is great. I can struggle watching the Bills and still have time to play 18 holes! :wallbash:

  3. Living in San Diego I am telling you that this new Chargers stadium will not happen! The city of SD is broke, they are behind funding the workers pentions, the State also known as the Peoples Republic of California is also busted. They are building a stadium in the City of Industry and it will be interesting to see who finally moves into it? Since the Chargers originally started in LA in 1960 there is no need to change the name, if the Bills end up there, my bet is that they leave the intellectual property (the Bills Name) in Buffalo just like the what happened in Cleveland when the bolted to Baltimore. The only difference here is that Buffalo would never get an expansion franchise. Correct me if I am wrong but dioesn't the Bills lease end in 2012 at the Ralph? Just happens to be exactly the time the stadium in City of Industry is to be completed, what a coincidence? The plot thickens stay tuned! :lol:

  4. It sounds like people are blaming TO for our pop warner offense? The only thing he has done wrong is not standing up and bitching about what's been happening on offense. He is right about one thing, he can't win either way, he complains the writers will punk him then he doesn't and now people want his head on a platter anyways. His run was one of the only bright spots of the game on the offensive side of the ball last week. Let's face it our squad stinks, you can't make chicken soup from Chicken Sh--. He has not quit on the Bills so don't quit on him! This team would struggle to be .500 in the CFL. Thank God the Sabres are playing good! :devil:

  5. ;)

    If this sorry performance doesn't make Wilson realize he needs to make wholesale coaching changes I don't know what will? The offense line can''t stop the passrush and we can't mount a pass rush on the defensive side of the ball. Shaub sat back in the pocket reading a book decieding who he should throw top next? And Dickey boy just stnds there stone faced behind his shades displying no emotion, no wonder why his players have spit the bit! Where does this team go from here other than last in the AFC East?

  6. You have to love an organization that will do everything and anything to win! With the revenue that the Yankees generate and have to share with the other clubs all of the other teams want them to do well also. No body bitches about the Red Sox or Cubs or Dodgers who spend big dollars on free agents. Don't hate the players or the teams Hate the Game! GO YANKEES America's Team!

  7. Ralph' wife inherits the team. As his spouse, she is exempt from federal estate taxes. She then sells fractional shares of the team to whomever wishes to by them (maybe even Kelly's mysterious gang of high rollers will come out of the shadows).


    This way, each "owner" has a relatively low debt to service, Ms. Ralph pays taxes only on the fraction that she sells--and makes a mint---and the coterie of local buyers will assure the team stays in Buffalo. They can all split the 20-30 million a year Ralph takes from the team.


    Isn't this what Miami is doing?


    The Ralph is the second oldest stadium behind San Diego's old Jack Murphy Stadium, for the Bills to stay in Buffalo they will need a new Stadium, what are the chances of that happening? Not good! The Governator here in Cali just waived some enviormental snags so the stadium looking to be built in the City of Industry can begin, The LA paper targeted six teams of interest to fill this stadium when completed in 2012-2013 Buffalo,Jacksonville, San Diego, Minnesota, Kansas City and San Francisco. I think the first three have merrit, the last were thrown in for conversation. Doesn't the Bills lease run out in 2012? Has anyone heard of the Bills looking top extend the lease? If they do move I assume they would handle it similar to the Browns leave the intellectual property (the Name) in Buffalo and rename the team after the move, this would give us fans some false hope we would get an expansion franchise down the road and that folks will that will never happen.

  8. The Bills are valued at $909 million. The Rams at $913 million according to Forbes. There will be no fan purchase of the Bills. In fact, it's doubtful that anyone will buy them for anything close to that price and keep them in WNY. Not enough corporations and not enough fans that will pay $100 a ticket. I'm afraid the Bills will leave the area sometime after RW goes.

    The death of RW or whenever the Bills Stadium lease runs out with the Ralf! Then Hello City of Industry California!

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