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Posts posted by weehawk

  1. Not a lot being said about San Antonio. I'm not sold on LA. Chicken and egg thing. They need a stadium before they can have a team, and they need a team in order to get funding for a stadium. Long shot IMO. I think San Antonio is the front-runner. TO a close second.



    City officials are said to be attempting to lure the National Football League permanently to San Antonio and have also said that a strong showing at the Alamodome for the three local Saints games was vital to showing that San Antonio can support an NFL franchise. NFL Commissioner Paul Tagliabue stated San Antonio was successful in hosting the team, and that the city would be on the short list for any future NFL expansions. The city has also hosted the Dallas Cowboys and Houston Oilers preseason camps in the past, and they have signed a contract with the Cowboys in which the Cowboys will practice in San Antonio through 2011.[25] Cowboys owner Jerry Jones has acknowledged his support for the city's efforts to become home to an NFL franchise.[26] Although it is the second largest city in the United States without an NFL team (after Los Angeles), San Antonio's smaller metropolitan population has so far contributed to its lack of landing an NFL, MLB, or NHL team.

  2. All you need to do is ask the Senator how much money the State of NY is willing to spend to keep the Bills in Buffalo.


    I can tell you that now...$0


    Talk is REAL cheap in the NFL. It's a show me the money league and the State of NY ran out of money long ago.


    As far as anti-trust goes, not everyone in the Senate will be on-board with that. Especially those from TX or CA that may benefit from the move.





    One thing I haven't seen mentioned is the political pressure that can come to bear on the NFL. For whatever reason, Chuck Schumer has been very vocal in his opposition to the only NY team moving out of Buffalo. Chuck can and has brought up the specter of revisiting "anti-trust" and "fair competition" hearings which the NFL wants no part of.


    It's all political BS, and no one really knows how strong Chuck really feels or will push if it comes down to it, but don't discount the power one senator can have on this issue. They all may be douche bags but they do wield some power.



  3. The NFL wants out of Buffalo in the worst way, so I dont buy the notion that they disdain movement. Jerry Jones and others are fighting to get the team out. If it means more money for them, they'll have no issue with a move. Dont for a second think that "NFL Rules or docrtrine" will get in the way of a sale that ends in a move. The Bills do OK money-wise, but they would do far better just about anywhere else. This is about money and nothing else. If they thought they could squeeze another $100 million out of a franchise by letting it move, they would take Hitler in a second.


    Sure Buffalo interests will have a shot. But when it gets down to brass tacks, you better believe that money is gonna talk loud and clear and that all of the other "stuff" is going to take a back seat. Dont misunderstand me. I want the team to stay even though I dont live there anymore. But you need to be realistic about what the chances are of the team staying. I put the odds at about 4:1 against.






    Not so fast. Ralph owns the Bills, but it has agreed to operate within the rules of the NFL which gives the league the right to veto any sale made by any owner which goes against the business interests of the NFL.


    Thus, if Adolf Hitler (or the living equivalent) was the highest bidder (or Ed Roskie to use your example) if the NFL rejects by vote this owner then the deal would not occur.


    It is certainly the case that Adolf or Ed could then sue the NFL claiming that its veto was an arbitrary and capricious act. However, it is pretty clear that Adolf would lose this case and having an owner who was hated by everyone does not make sound business sense for the NFL or the City of Buffalo. This is an easy case and it get tougher as the prospective owner is not so anathema. However, the recent Rush Limbaugh hoo-ha in St. Louis is instructive and my sense is that the NFL would have a pretty good case for rejecting a bid that Limbaugh was a significant part of as his presence as a significant (or peripheral) owner would make it harder and to some extent untenable to run an entertainment business called the NFL. The business model makes the most sense if it does not offend regarding non-football questions.


    This element is relevant to the Bills in that the NFL business plan seems pretty clearly to expand the product to get at the TV network dollars associated with getting eyeballs in Mexico, Europe, Asia, Canada and anywhere to watch the product.


    Any doctrinaire thought that a Bills team would simply go to the highest bidder wherever they want to move the team to does not properly take into account that the business model of the NFL which has a clear say in who can become an owner in this collaborative that the Bills are by rule and agreement bound to is one that actually gets more value from the Bills remaining in Buffalo rather than moving to another city.


    1. The business model seeks to place new franchises in foreign lands and link them to the tradition of the NFL. While the league could acceot (or even encourage) a team moving from an original NFL or AFL town, having these teams remain in these towns and connected to the original merged NFL is not without value. For an individual owner the customers and $ may be be measured by the franchise, but for the NFL, the customers and dollars are eyeballs across the nation (and globe for NFL purposes) and having links to the traditional story is of greater value to the whole than where those links are located as long as the fans in that municipality are wild about that product for TV viewing. The Bills coming in with near record season ticket sales despite their 0 for a decade playoff performance holds the team in good stead as a marketable item.


    2. The current policy of the NFL is to actually disdain city switches by team. If the NFL is pursuing a business model of setting up new franchises in new towns and asking new customers to join their merry band in allegiance to their new team, having the marketing of the NFL be centered for a couple of years in seeing videos of downtrodden Bills fans as their franchise leaves town is not a good selling point for new franchises.


    The NFL would have a challenge in vetoing a Ralph's estate sell to the highest bidder, but any bidder will want to weigh carefully if they want to put together the significant amount of capital and partnership needed to wage a winning court battle against an NFL which does not want the new owner as a partner, against a town fighting for its team, and also against the US government where folks like Chuck Shumer and other elected officials will be demanded by WNYers to threaten the NFL's exemptions from anti-trust laws.


    It depends on who your high bidder is but my sense is that pro-Buffalo Bills folks would have at least a fair chance (or a good chance if the high bidder included somewhat like Limbaugh) of blocking any new ownership team that wanted to move the Bills.


    In part this is why one of the first statements from any proposed new ownership group for the Rams needs to be a commitment not to try to move the team.

  4. According to Forbes last year, the Bills are worth $909 million. Who is this Jim Kelly group that's being referred to? I dont think Kelly knows people with more than $90 million, let alone $909 million. Golisano cant afford the team either without some major backing. That major backer is not going to want the team in Buffalo.


    Two teams are up for moving..Buffalo and Jax. Two cities are first on he list to get a team...So Cal and San Antonio.


    There is no corporate base in Buffalo to support a $909 million investment. It's not about the fans selling out the stadium and it's not about the TV ratings. It's about corporations that can afford big ticket boxes and advertising. Rich Products, Labatt, and Sahlen's wont cut it. Considering that GM is now the largest employer in the area, we're screwed. The team is as is good as gone. It certainly left the playing field years ago.

  5. You're right. A Bills game is a cheap date. The problem is that you end up with the crabs after all the fun is over.


    I used to think like this. Just go for the party. It's still a fun thing to do. That's really only true for the first 3 or four home games. When the team is out of the playoffs and it's 20 degrees at RWS, the fun is gone, the experience is tainted, and you question why you bought those tickets in the first place.


    You honestly cant find anything better to do on a Sunday? Hard to believe. Watch them lose in the first half on TV and then take your money and spend it on some well-deserving area business. Giving RW money to take back to Michigan is just shameful.



    If thats the case and we do go, I will hold on to my tickets and enjoy the NFL experience (cheaply Id like to add) as long as we have the team. I was rooting for a loss yesterday and laughed at some of the absolutely horrible play by our team. But I still enjoyed my experience.
  6. Man, there has to be some stupid people in the area. Dont they read? The Bills are leaving either way. The franchise is valued at $909 million. No one is going to pay that keep them in WNY after RW goes. They are not saving the Bills by buying tickets. They are simply over-filling Ralph's wallet and they will get no quality football in return. Dummies!





    It won't be Ralph thinking it up, it will be Brandon. He might not know squat about being a GM, but marketing he does know. And it won't have to be anything real big. Just look at the people on this board who have already stated, and proudly, that they will buy tickets no matter what. I believe that is a common sentiment among many season ticket holders. The majority of the others are looking for something, almost anything, some sign of life, so they have an excuse to buy the tickets next year. This year it was TO. That was announced and ticket sales soared. There will be some other sign of life that Brandon is probably already working on this off season as well that probably will be enough to make old Ralphie boy smile when he looks at the sales figures.


    You almost have to feel for the die hard Bills fan that buys tickets no matter what. In their mind (a lot of them anyway) the choice is buy the tickets, or the Bills may move out of Buffalo. And given that choice they fork over their hard earned cash to Ralph. Ralph has them by the balls, and isn't afraid to squeeze.

  7. BUFFALO, N.Y. (WIVB) - Bills owner Ralph Wilson tells News 4 that he is not ready to make a decision on Bills Head Coach Dick Jauron Monday.


    Wilson also says he doesn't want to comment at this time on Jauron's performance because the media will only twist his words.


    True leadership.

  8. Screw him!


    He's a lousy owner that's fielded a lousy team for a decade. On top of that, he wont even make the effort to try and get this team sold to a WNY owner that will keep the team here. I hope you're still in love with RW after he dies and the team moves.


    I hope he gets boo'd out of the stadium. Maybe he'll wake up that those 73000 fans actually expect something in return for their money. I hope he chokes on that ring.




    I know its been a tough stretch here lately, but I would hope no one would resort to booing our owner on the day he gets his ring.
  9. A) Because RW does not really care about WNY, regardless of what he says. He takes his millions from the Bills back to Michigan. He donates/invests/spends very little of our money in WNY.


    B) Because no one will spend $750 million to keep the team here, so pre-conditions like that would make the team impossible to sell.




    C) RW does what you say and we get an extra season or two from the new owner. After which they move due to no new stadium.


    I'll swear off the NFL if the Bills leave. However, all indications are that they wont be around much longer. The vultures are circling RW now. Not to pick his body, but to take the Bills. Really sucks that our last few years of Bills football have to be this bad.



    If Ralph really cared about the city of Buffalo like he always says he does then he should be selling the team now and put conditions in the sale that would keep the team here in Buffalo. His family will still be very well off when he passes away so why not care for the city of Buffalo one last time?
  10. You're right. The team is not moving, YET!


    The NFL owners cant wait for the Bills to be sold and moved. Way more money for them. NFL ownership opposition is the last thing to worry about. The NFL wants Buffalo out. This team could easily end up in San Antonio, TO, or SoCal.


    No one in their right mind will keep the Bills here. There is no corporate base on which to build. In other words, what they make now is what they'll make twenty years from now, minus small ticket price increases and TV money. No new revenue stream, and no new stadium. Dont forget, if they keep losing, the fans in WNY will eventually figure out that they have better things to do with their money and then they'll lose their ticket money too. This team is on borrowed time in WNY. These last few season are Ralph's parting gifts to WNY.


    The stadium lease is up in 2012 and the Bills refuse to negotiate an extension. Sure, it could be a bargaining ploy. I think the team is gone after 2012 whether RW is alive or not. We'll see.





    the team is NOT moving!!! Jesus christ folks! WHERE are they moving to? NO WHERE! There are so many damn things that have to go into moving a team (Ownership aproval for starters) that it isn't funny. This isn't the days when Modell could just pull up the trucks at night and move out.


    And the OP is RIGHT! Until that old fart isn't owner any longer, nothing will change.

  11. More laughter from me.


    It's great how the cows are led along the trail on each post.


    It's DJ

    It's RW

    It's the QB

    It's the OL

    It's the D

    It's the FO


    Folks, it's ALL of the above. We have reached bottom and simply getting a new coach and/or QB is not going to change this teams fortunes. Long-term mediocrity has set in. No individual change is going to right this ship. The only real solution is an ownership change. When that comes, we also lose the team to another city.

  12. This team is gone from WNY. Right now, mentally. In a couple of years, physically. It's been reviewed in other threads, but there's no way this team will stay in the area after RW is gone. The State of NY cant/wont do anything and no one else will spend a billion dollars to keep the team here. The idea that WNY has to fill the stadium to keep the team long-term is foolish. The team is gone either way. Time to find other ways to spend your Bills money, instead of sending it to Michigan to overflow RWs family coffers. There will never be a Super Bowl team from Buffalo. We had four shots at it. We're done once Ralphie goes.




    Won't happen. WNY doesn't want to lose this team. If games don't sell the team gets moved. Fans are caught between a rock and a hard place.
  13. I took my kids once and that was it. We were not in the family section, but I dont think that matters. Drunks sit in the family section too. They're bombed when they get there and they sneak in hard liquor. When I went, at least four fights broke out within close viewing distance of our seats.


    You'll probably be ok as long as a fight does not break out within a row or two of your seats. However, drunks spilling drinks and food all over you is a distinct possibility. It will get ugly if the Bills are losing. Browns fans are not known for being the nicest fans around and there will be fights. Unless you're going for free, I'd find another way to spend $200+ on the kids.


    At least you're not bringing a newborn baby like the idiots we heard about last week.





    I'm planning on bringing my kids to this weekends game but I am concerned for their safety. Add the current rage of Bills fans and fuel it with Alcohol and it makes for a combustible situation. At least it isn't a 4:00 game which would mean 3 more hours of drinking...
  14. I have to laugh at some of these posts. Ralph has you right where he wants you. He has gone out of his way to build a *losing* franchise. He has not done one thing in the last decade to truly make this team a contender. Why? Because he wants us to hate on him, so when he does sell and the team moves he'll hear "good riddance" instead of FU.


    This team will not be in WNY much longer. Ralph will not spend one dime more than it takes to put up appearances that he is trying to field a winner. He has at least 73000 suckers in WNY who'll pay to watch this fiasco. I love how most of that money goes back to Michigan with Ralph and that he puts very little into WNY.


    It's all very sad. I was holding out for a 6-10 season. It's now down to 3-13. Maybe they'll beat the Browns and the Chiefs and that's it. I'm going to get a lot of landscaping done this season. No way I'm wasting three hours a week on this.

  15. Guys, let's remember that this team should be 2-1. I think most of us agreed that we were unlikely to beat NO and that's how it turned out. However, if we cant beat Miami, then I'm on board for a 6-10 season.


    I think DJ is back next year either way. I do not believe that RW is interested in fielding a winner as much as he is fielding an asset that he's preparing to sell. Why would he put himself through the hassles of hiring a new staff? The Stadium lease is up in 2012. I think it's very possible that Ralph will sell before his death, if he is still alive in 2012. This is not a Super Bowl-bound franchise and it wont be under Ralph's ownership. Ralph knows this and he will not make any major personnel moves, either on or off the field.


    By the way, news today is that LA is one step closer to a new stadium (I know, we've heard it before). They are already talking about whether Buffalo or Jacksonville moves there.

  16. Just make sure to put it in a steel box, so that when the beers and fists start flying the kid does not get hurt. A parent that takes their baby to a Bills game (outside of a suite) should have their head examined. I sure hope I dont read on Monday how some baby was crushed by some drunk a**hole who never knew the kid was there when he decided to start a fight. You should try to change their minds. Why not just take the kid to Genesee and Bailey and hope for the best? The crazy continues.

  17. Ok, so we've gotten through week 2. We've seen a lot in those games, including some pretty major injuries. Does anyone want to revise their predictions?


    09/14 @ New England Patriots L



    10/04 @ Miami Dolphins W


    10/18 @ New York Jets L

    10/25 @ Carolina Panthers W


    11/08 BYE

    11/15 @ Tennessee Titans L

    11/22 @ Jacksonville Jaguars W


    12/03 NEW YORK JETS (Toronto) L

    12/13 @ Kansas City Chiefs W



    12/27 @ Atlanta Falcons L


    9-7 and probably no playoffs.

  18. I never said to trade him. I said he has a lot of making up to do on the field and that there should be no sympathy for him, considering he plays a game for millions of dollars. These days folks are fighting to feed their kids. Moron sports, movie, and music stars are doing very little to ease that pain, and in fact are making it worse by not performing to basic standards of excellence and milking the system for all they can get.


    So what if he led the league in *anything.* He contributed greatly one of the biggest losses in team history and I for one am sick of people backing these guys up simply because they play for our town. I repeat, there is nothing to make up for. He gets paid big bucks to PERFORM. He did not perform and therefore deserves the scorn he is receiving. Idiots vandalize property everyday. So he got tagged this time. Boo freakin hoo. He needs to get out there and score touchdowns, make interceptions, and EARN his money. When they start winning and demonstrating that they deserve praise and sympathy, then I'll back them. Until then, I'm sick of seeing them lose and I certainly would not pay a dime in person or on TV to see this travesty we call a football team. :D


    This nightmare will only end when the team relocates, and then we can all go back to getting things done instead of watching this crap. Yeah, I'm pissed about this loss. I gave them more than the benefit of the doubt for a decade and this is what I get in return. I'll save my sympathy and goodwill for people who truly deserve it, and trust me, millionaires are not on my list.




    He led the NFL in kickoff returns average last year, and he's a young corner who has only played 17 pro games. Lets all resent him because he got drafted in the first round and he makes a lot of money. Maybe we should trade him because he fumbled.


    This thread was about what to do to support the guy because some people went to his house and vandalized his property. If your son witnessed five fights in the stands then stop taking him to the games or sit in the family section. Doesn't mean you have to stop supporting your team and its players.


    This message board has far too many negative complaining whiners for my taste. It doesn't make you a real fan boys.

  19. In my mind, his bonehead play ranks up there with the top ten of all time. Now he has to WIN us a game just to break even. Then he has to win another one to get back into the fold. This guy has a long way to go to prove he's anything more than another Bills game killer.


    Sorry about his lawn, but I didn't do it. I'm sick of apologizing for idiot Buffalo sports fans. I live in NC now and the morons that came down here for the Eastern Conf finals against the Hurricanes created a bad rep for Buffalo sports fans that will be long remembered here. As soon as I say I'm from Buffalo, that's the first thing they mention.


    I used to have Bills season tix, but gave those up when my son witnessed five different fights in the stands. We're on a downward spiral and McGamekill will get no props from me for adding to this misery. He needs to wrench some of those millions from his pocket and get a decent security system at his house.

  20. Decent QB Store-that's a good one.


    C'mon though. Losman and Edwards? That's the best we can do? Although without an OL, we could have Unitas in there and it wouldn't mean squat. I dont think you can justify a losing record just because other teams are worse. So we're shooting for mediocrity. We made that a long time ago.




    Well, the Bills are 21-27 the past 3 years; plenty of teams that are worse. Not sure where you want him to 'buy a decent QB' (at the Decent QB Store?) And no, I don't think a guy who has built a $900MM business is stupid either. I think he's just maximizing his team's value for his heirs.
  21. If we spend on talent like the rest of the league, why do we suck so bad? RW is cheap. He wont buy a decent QB and OL and he cheaps out on the FO staff. If he's not cheap, then he is incredibly stupid to spend so much money on such a lame team. Personally, I dont think he's stupid.


    As far as the relo topic being discussed to death, ok, I'm cool with that. It's apparent that folks are sick of it. I was just curious if there was any solid news beyond what has been previously discussed. Apparently not.


    FWIW, 6-10 this year. DJ is fired, another loser is brought in, and we start all over again.

  22. Hi.


    When the Bills first started talking about going to TO for games, there was a lot of talk on the board regarding the Bills future in Buffalo. That talk has mostly ended. I'm bringing it up in relation to how this team is being run into the ground and probably being prepared for a sale to interests outside of Buffalo. In other words, why would Wilson spend money on a winner when he knows he's going to pass on soon and the team will be gone anyway? Sure, you can argue that making the team better will increase it's value at sales time, but Wilson is notoriously cheap and probably does not care. If he really wanted a winner, he'd pay for one.


    I am unaware of any group that has the financial means, who intend to keep the team in WNY. Jim Kelly and his group, Tom Golisano, and others previously mentioned do not have the money to buy a $700 million team and keep them in Buffalo. The Bills lease is due in 2012 and the Bills refuse to talk extension or otherwise negotiate with the County or State. I'd like to hear people's thoughts on why they think the Bills will stay beyond 2012 (or Wilson's death) and back it up with solid data regarding buyers and their intentions.


    I'm not trying to bring you down. However, we go on and on about how bad the team is. I think we are at the point of no return. As long as Wilson continues to run the team like this, you can forgot about a Super Bowl. It's just not in the cards. We had four chances and couldn't do it. I've been to games at the Rockpile and have been a life-long fan. I'm just as bummed as anyone else. I just dont see a future for this team in WNY. No flames please. Let's try to keep it reasonable.



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