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Mike in Syracuse

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Posts posted by Mike in Syracuse

  1. Not that I disagree with your point.  But is it really necessary to call someone a moron?  Would you really say that to someone face-to-face?





    There are hundreds of lines typed here every day that wouldn never get said in public. One of the unfortunate by products of a message board is that people become a lot tougher and more confrontational than they'd ever be in person.

  2. I'm not sure how much this year will really matter. First of all, he's not out for the entire year. We've still got 2 weeks before the season starts. With the bye,he's possibly back by week 8 or 9. If Losman is not the #2 QB then he'd get virtually no snaps in practice anyway. His time to shine was clearly during this preseason. If he managed to play his way past Brown then he'd still only get minimal snaps with the first team.


    It's a setback but were how big a setback is tough to gage.

  3. If you don't have religion you might want to find it. :flirt:


    Say what you might about Bledsoe, the guy has been proven extremely durable throughout his career. Yes, we all know about his freak injury, but overall he's been a tough SOB.


    If he gets hurt for any length of time this season is over, kaput, done.



    Losman's injury doesn't really change anything other than a depth calculation. We live and die with Drew this season!

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