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Everything posted by blzzzfn2009

  1. I think he compares to Hank Bullough--very well, actually. And once he is fired mid-season, it will be an even better comparison
  2. IN watching this game tonight, I noticed some GLARING differences in what a QB with a BAD offensive line should be able to do: 1. Rodgers was arguably under siege MORE than Edwards vs Miami, yet he found the time to pass the ball to the middle of the field and hit receivers in stride between the hash marks. 2. Rodgers did not panic but bought as much time as possible to extend each play 3. Rodgers RARELY checked down but kept his progressions going even under fire to try and find a receiver down field. While this might be a bad comparison, they have played roughly the same amount in this league with two pretty bad O-lines. For my money, I would take Rodgers in a heartbeat. My point of all this is that no matter how many excuses we keep making for Edwards, he still is the exception and not the rule when it comes to an NFL QB making plays. Others can do it behind worse lines and worse circumstances, yet TE struggles much of the time and makes excuses why he cannot get the ball down field. We should be able to expect from our starting QB what we see in Rodgers tonight. Now I'm sure coaching plays into it, and obviously McCarthy is better than Jauron, so maybe that makes it an uneven field. Thoughts??
  3. You must be delusional saying we lost to 2 of the best teams in football! I like to have hope, but with a sound coach we could have won all 3! Keep drinking the cool aid and I'll send you a box of tissues when Dickie is fired at some point this year....
  4. I have got to believe that if we lose to the Dolphins AND the Browns, Ralph will not wait any longer to get him out. THere is no reason (except for Dickie J) that we should not be 3-2 after these games, but you can guarantee he will outcoach himself and find a way to lose it. If this is what it takes to get this picture of mediocrity (at best) out of here, then I am all for 2 losses to get it done. I have got ot believe Ralph will be all fired up and hopefully get a head start on looking for the next coach to right this sinking ship. There is no way that a coach who has been 3-12 in his previous 15 games (if they lose the next 2) should be retained for any longer. I am tired of seeing the players look lifeless like their coach and one has to wonder if they secretly feel that wayt also. His actions in the 4th quarter of last week's game might have lost the team for good. This is agaonizing to me as a life-long fan, but I just cannot bear to watch what he is doing with our marginal to good talent we have on this team. Any coach who knows what they are doing and has any fire would have this team in serious playoff contention and not be afraid to make the necessary changes to win and become a WINNER. While I say this about 1-4, I am sure Dickie will pull one win out of his a** to at least keep the dogs off him a bit longer, to which then I say he will be gone by the bye week. I look forward to the feeling of HOPE and POTENTIAL once he is fired, because as long as he is there, I have neither.........
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