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Posts posted by T.O.

  1. I tend to agree w you, but it would be nice to see him in a Bills uni.



    Trade up. All it takes is some ba--s. We trade our number 1 draft picks a few years afterwards any ways. Lets reverse the trend and give them up now. Same difference, who knows we might get more for them than a future 4th round draft pick down the line and think of all the money we would save! Make an offer they can not refuse within reason.

  2. If they do get another QB, it will probably be a late-rounder at UDFA. I don't believe Chan is looking to start anybody but Fitz next year.



    If he does that the only thing he needs to start is an updated resume for his next job! Great guy, good football mind but very hard headed. That trait had ticket holders at Georgia Tech calling for his head. He needs a quarterback one he can groom and who will generate ticket sales. If he doesn't he and Nix could be gone by the end of next season. I hope he has learned from his past coaching mistakes. I just don't see ticket sales jumping next year with out a possible young franchise quarter back on the roster next season. If Fitz gets hurt next season I don't see a back up plan in place. Franchise quarterback = ticket sales = job security in the NFL. Kind of simple when thing about it.

  3. We are not taking a tackle ....Outside of injuries we had an offensive line that had openned up lanes the NFL leading rusher...and gave up the least amount of sacks.... we will draft DE,OLB or WR....


    Zach Brown .... if we go defense



    Very good point on the offensive line! Draft a quarterback or two and spend the rest of the draft on defense. I remember the JETS drafting 2 quarterbacks a few years back. Ok I lied, it wasn't a few years back. It was 65 I believe. One won the Heisman Trophy, Johnny Huarte was his name and the other was a loud mouth kid from Alabama named Namath. Four years later one of them had the audacity to predict a Super Bowl win. MY point, if you need a position or positions go for it and don't play around! This not rocket science. Yes it is sometimes hit and miss but if you double up you can improve your chances. Oh by the way the JETS haven't tried that formula since then and haven't been to super bowl either, just a coincidence I bet. PS......... This formula can apply to any position. Just an idea for Buddy and Company.

  4. Truth be told, say what you want about the guy, but Ralph Wilson has never had a problem firing anyone who does or does not perform. I expect a shake up. If they don't quit or resign, they will be fired. You can call him a lot of things guys but the "old man ain't afraid" to much Buffalonian has rubbed off on him over the years. From Lou Saban to Dickey J the man is not afraid to pull the trigger on anyone regardless of their contracts. If he wasn't the owner of the Bills he would probably be in asked to join the Mafia as a hit man! Been around the man a long time, You can call him cheap, dumb, senile, but afraid to let some one go I'm sorry thats a big NO. "Scared" is not in his his vocabulary. A shake is going to happen. When he flies them to his house in Detroit, well you guys know the rest of how the story goes!

  5. I like the way RG3 spins that ball and I'm not alone on this, he has one of the best spirals I have ever seen. It seems almost that the ball never wobbles regardless of the type of throw he makes. Very accurate passer and makes very few mistakes we have to consider this along with the supporting cast he works with. Blackmon reminds me a little of Dez Bryant without all the off the field mental baggage. Luck is a no brainer a skilled player who was reading defenses at 10 years old. I would trade up make " an offer you can not refuse" sorry Godfather to get either one of these quarterbacks especially in light of our prior 1st round track record. Lets face it boys and girls we've have had some real boners when it comes to first round picks. Another one won't hurt we should be all immune to this stuff by now. Before the Fitzpatrick fans jump on me. I like Fitz a lot. But... God forbid if we are in a position to make a run next year and the guy breaks an arm. We are back to square one. Do we piece meal that position together to make a run for the play offs "playoffs what playoffs" with an old vet or do we have some one our roster who may be our quarterback of the future to fill tis role and learn from it. A Competition at quarterback or any position is a good thing. Pull the trigger get the quarterback of the future in the first round and draft mostly defense. Find a free agent wide out and an "O" lineman and lets move forward. Or should we use that old quote from the Chicago Cubs following "wait until next year" to make these moves?

  6. Could he want to start learning the business of NFL for some future purchase? :worthy:


    My link


    It could be a first step to get his foot in the NFL'S ownership door. Lets face it the man has enough money to buy the Bills, and build his own stadium. Understanding the players side of the business is crucial when owning any sports franchise. The timing of this purchase is very interesting. I for one hope he does buy the Bills, can you imagine the possibilities for the franchise if that should happen.

  7. If you were the Bills front office would you take either of the following quarterbacks if available in the first round of 2012 to groom behind Fitzpatrick for the team's future, Matt Barkley USC, Landry Jones Oklahoma, we are assuming Oliver Luck is gone or would you go defense with the first pick?

  8. Lets move on and forget this stupid redneck's comment and his mentality. As a Vietnam war veteran I served under a number of Commanders some I liked and others I did not, but I never belittled any one of them or fellow Americans by comparing any of them to Hitler. What a JACK ASS! He shouldn't be fired he should just quit I'd have a little more respect for him if he did!

  9. Are you on crack or how about just saying no to drugs. To say he has a "weak arm" shows you no little about the man or have never seen many of his games at the college level or at training camp. Below is one of many scouting reports which are all basically all about the same in content. He will get a shot to show his skills in Gaily's style of offense. If he doesn't start it won't be because of your notion of having a weak arm. You can take that to the bank.



    Smith is incredibly versatile. Strong arm. Smith is 6'4", and runs close to a 4.6 second 40 yd dash. Smith is the only QB in NCAA history to pass for 8000 yards and run for 4000. When Smith got outside the pocket and was allowed to rollout he was also a very effective passer.


    Smith sometimes does not take enough time to let the play develop before taking off and running (Seems a guy named Vick had the same problem early in his NFL career). Also, Smith has had decision making problems in the past trying to fit passes where he needs to throw them away (I think a guy named P. Manning had this problem big time his rookie year.


    Smith should be drafted somewhere in the 2nd or 3rd round. If Smith gets in the right offensive system he could be a solid starting QB in the NFL.

  10. Been watching Bills football since the days of Kemp and Gilchrist. Watched every good corner back since Butch Byrd In short have seen them all. This kid impressed me the most with his combination of size, speed, aggressiveness and toughness. I am trying to remember an interception made by any Bills corner back that was that pretty. I am sure there are a few, but its been a while since I've seen one. Did he have a few moments, for sure they all do. I must say his pass interference call was close to a horses **** close but it was a correct call. His extension leaping ability and extension was awesome but not enough to deflect the so called one pass he was burned on. Mckelvin was no where near where this kid is as a rookie as far as coverage skills are and that does include understanding defensive schemes on where he should be! Again is he there yet? No. Will he be your starting corner? Yes. Probably by week eight if not before then. Excellent pick from a winning program. Will be a starter soon write it down! From an the Old Time Bills fan, nuff said.

  11. "Outstanding" staff of college coaches Gailey got from his stint as HC at GT?


    From what I read the Bills offered Clabo what they offered Derrick Dockery back in 07 ! geez the difference is that Claybo is a pro bowler and young enough to lock down the RT position for years....doesn't look like a worthwhile offer to me.


    Clearly the O line and LB's are the weakest area of this team and still need to be addressed, especially if they plan on utilizing a 3-4.


    Some more time to build this team into a contender in the AFC East..... looking now like around 3 more years.


    I read Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley are still alive!. Read it in the Star!

  12. Mike Florio blasted him (Sullivan) today if you read between the lines on PFT today. The guy is a Jacka--. Sadly even out of towners are beginning to see it also. I have never said anything bad about the man until now. Let me get this straight he's not from Buffalo which is obvious by the way he whines. Came on board in 1989 from under some rock looking for a job. The guy is a joke and has embarrassed himself on numerous occasions! The Buffalo News has to be embarrassed or should be by his antics. Will be glad when Tim Graham replaces him. Oh I let that slip out! A total embarrassment for WNY to say he's a Buffalonian. Believe me guys I'm not looking for a homer! But the guy will never be a Larry Felser who is highly respected when he reports on the Bills whether in a positive or negative review. Is there a way real Buffalo Bills fans can rid the area of this knuckle head? I have a few ideas stay tuned! Been a Bills fan since there inception born and raised there, his columns of negative journalism have played out. Time to move on Jerry to where ever you came from and I think we the Buffalo fans can help you. Your reporting act has played out Jerry on the national media level! Face it fans the guys a bigger loser than the Sabres or Bills will ever be or ever have been........Nuff said!

  13. Could not agree more. It will take time to evaluate the very young talent on hand. The linebacker corp has finely got some size to it. In fact the whole defense is much larger. Competition will be exciting amongst the kids we have on defense now. I know where Nix and Chan are going with this plan, to create a very large and fast team. For those of you old enough to remember the Hank Stram KC Chiefs of yesteryear they were a large physical team even by todays standards. Bill Parcells used the same approach every where he coached. The Steelers of old and even today put an emphasis on size at most positions. Talking about the Steelers has anyone noticed how active they have been in free agency the last 6 years and the results they had! Is it a "perfect system" that Nix and Chan are building on? I don't know. But I am enjoying the ride. So sit back enjoy and and give them the time they need to put the pieces together. You might be seeing the makings of the NFL's next great defense. As far as tight ends go I would not put a lot of faith on the Bills going crazy to get another one. The "Wild Bill" offense that Gaily will incorporate relies on multiple receivers on the field which includes the backfield positions (Jackson, Spiller and Smith etc) along with multiple outside receiver sets. I have followed SEC football along with Gaily's Georgia Tech teams for a number of years having relocated to Atlanta Georgia a few years back from the Buffalo. These men are very capable and have a plan so give them the time they need, and for you naysayers you may be very surprised of the results. Patience my fellow Bills fans patience. Our time will come sooner than you think.




    who knows

  14. Sadly, we have continued to pay the price of Donahoe. He ripped and tore the franchise apart filling our roster with those who just couldn't play.


    All too many people cannot see the possibilities of this new regime because Chan and Buddy cannot turn around the failure overnight. But, unfortunately they are not seeing the pieces that are being put together and that's what it takes in the beginning a building process.


    These new Bills have an outstanding wide receiver corps that can compete with any other team's (Yes, I think Stevie is for real and I am an Easley fan but I loved what I saw from Nelson and Jones plus Roscoe finally has a coach who knows how to use him.). I think our offensive line is going to keep getting better and if you really look at the statistics for the second half of last season you can see their improvement over what we had to put up with for the first nine years of the new century. Got to love Fred Jackson and we'll see if Spiller was a mistake (No, he didn't come in and win every rookie award but he was a rookie with potential so let's see if he ends up like Maybin or with a year under everyone's belt we will figure out how to use him.). Brad Smith just adds lots of dimension to the offense and I love Fitz' attitude, a gunslinger whose team is behind him and they all want to win!


    So, we lost Poz who can't cover receivers and never was a factor at the line of scrimmage. All those tackles came from chasing down opponents and I will gladly entrust that Shepard can at least match that. Our defensive line will be ten times better than last year, which means our defensive backfield will have more opportunity to make plays rather than worrying about the run. Plus, this new 'D' will get the ball back quicker than last year's giving the offense that put up more than 19 points a game a chance to put more up.


    So, get excited about where we are heading ... yes, we lost out on Clabo but we were in the game for him.


    We are moving forward ... good things are ahead of us!

  15. Mallett is an impressive prospect. After watching last weeks game he'll need to have the game of his life to beat Alabama. Arkansas, IMO, lacks the running game and defense to beat Alabama. The only shot they have is if Mallett goes off and versus a Nick Saban defense I don't see it happening. I expect Saban to throw a ton of blitzs up the middle and force Mallett to move outside the pocket.


    Arkansas was up big on Geaorgia last week and then let Georgia right back in the game in the 4th quarter. They can't have any slip ups like that this week, but playing at home should help.


    Today is a great test for Mallet and if he wants to be a top pick he has to perform well. If he puts up a stinker, Luck will continue to dominate the headlines and Mallett will lose a lot of the momentum he's been gaining in the media. I've been an advocate of Mallett on this board, so to be honest I'm a little fearful of what I may see out of him today vs. Bama.


    My gut is Bama wins comfortably and Mallett has one of his poorer performances (a couple on interecptions and low completion %).


    Bama -250 moneyline is a solid bet today. I'm not betting it though because I want to be able to objectively assess Mallett without screaming everytime he makes a nice play.


    Andrew Luck is playing at the same time (3:30 PM) @ Notre Dame, for anyone who doesn't already know.


    BTW here are my takes on Mallett:



    -Playaction fake is deadly. Really sells the ball fake and can freeze the defense

    -Arm strength is the best of any College QB. Can throw a laser anywhere on the field.

    -Has a good feel for the pocket around him. Is able to buy time moving around and isn't afraid to step up into the pocket.

    -Can deliver the ball downfield on the move

    -His height helps him see the entire field

    -Not afraid to take chances downfield (which some may view as a negative, but after watching trent edwards the last 3 years it's a positive in my book)



    -Accuracy can be suspect at times especially on the short & short/medium passes

    -Needs to work on his touch on the short balls to create a more catchable ball (sometimes they come out too hot)

    -Thows off balance more than you'd like to see, often throwing off of his backfoot when it's not neccesary.

    -Is not a very thick QB, kind of lean looking.

    -Plays in a Petrino "spread like" offense (same as Brian Brohm) and isn't under center very often. Perhaps a learning curve when he enters the NFL.

  16. I went to games at the Rockpile, so none of this "non-fan" baloney. I dont get hung up on this player sucks or this coach sucks kind of stuff. It's a team effort whether you win or lose.


    Last year I was spot on with a 6-10 prediction.


    This year I predict 5-11. There will be no improvement, especially on offense.


    You dont need to be an insider, a former player, or a former coach to figure this team out. We suck. We have sucked, and we will continue to suck. Then RW will pass on and the team will leave. It's all pretty straightforward.



    Like you I have been to the "Rockpile" more times than most. Seen all the good teams play, and bad ones also since then. You are obviously not from Buffalo like me or a real fan sir. I was born and raised there. I remember when Ralph took a chance on Buffalo and the people who lived there and put a team there. Real Buffalonians and Western New Yorkers don't cry or quit like cur dogs. They are a tough, proud breed of people who get up off the ground when knocked down regardless of how many times there butt has hit the canvas. You sir with your ability to predict the future of gloom and doom should try playing the N.Y. lottery. And if you hit you should take your money and buy a ticket to San Fran where your sucking abilities can be put to better use. When you say "we suck" speak for yourself and the lineage you come from. The Bills and their fans will be winners again someday and it won't be in another city! You see "real winners never quit and quiters never win". A quote from Mr. Herrell P.S # 73 1956. That's Public School # 73 Buffalo, New York quote for you out of towners who don't understand the people or our regions mentality. Better yet go see a training video like "Rocky" it may help you and then again maybe not. And If you are sir, by chance remotely from the Buffalo area, you are probably the loser we use to beat up and sent home crying. If we didn't we should have. "No guts, no glory" remember that you POS!

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