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  1. Romney could have had a 1% rate if he chose to give more to charity. Should he have given less to charity in order to raise his effective tax rate? The way your posts keep getting dumber and dumber one would think you are in competition for the most ignorant PPP poster award. Take it easy, it's in the bag. You can rest on your laurels.


    i didnt vote to help the mormon church... thats not the point of taxes..... ugh

  2. But they are not equivalent. Freedom is both the higher and the better idea, and here's why:


    Because we are free, I can form a corporation with friends. We agree to work as a collective, and share the profits equally, for now. Because we are free, we also could have given each guy a different share of the company, based on what they bring to it. Uh oh, trouble: one of my friends isn't holding up his end, but, we can't just kick him out. Because we are free, but also subject to the rule of law, we have to follow the law. If we do in fact --vote-- to approve a buy-out of my friend, we can boot him, but at least we send him on his way with his...real..."fair share". We can't just rip him off, because it's best for the collective. Similarly if the collective we've formed isn't working out, because we are free, we can dissolve it any time we want....or reorganize it, take on new people, etc.


    See? Corporations ARE people.


    Now, take everything I said....and in a collectivist society, turn it upside down. You aren't free, so you can't dissolve the collective and start over/modify it. That's because we are collective first, and free second, such as in Europe, or not free at all = Russia.

    Once a corporation is formed, and hires people, you can't fire them.

    The first people to get the shaft are always the shareholders, so unless you really have a good reason, there's no point in starting a new corporation. From the example above, I can't fire my buddy, and it's cost prohibitive for us to try to toss him out of the corporation.








    In fact that's the recurring theme in a collectivist, then free, society. It's not so much that you can't do things, as it is the process is sooo expensive, and the government has put in so many regulations, that you are prevented from doing them by default, because you run out of money, patience, or both.


    We can't dissolve corporations, or government entities without a massive national push to do so. But, the flip side of that = if there is a massive national push to do something stupid, since collective's "rights" are always valued over individual rights, that stupid thing will be done, no matter what.


    These LCD collectives...are no different than the Roman mob...or the French Revolution mob. No accountability and thinking only in base terms, appeals to the lowest common denominator(LCD, get it?). Therefore the mob is run by the LCD. As with the Ceasers....and liberal politicians of today...the mob is easily placated by handouts, because the mob, whose thinking is also LCD, is only concerned about today.


    Do you see the limitation here? Because we are free, for now, and much more so after Romney wins, our corporations have the ability to adapt, adjust and overcome competition, and other external challenges, as they present. The collectivist society will always lag behind in it's adaptability, if it can adapt at all: see Greece.


    The mob in Greece is making it impossible to do the right things right, in a timely fashion. The rights of the mob, because there are no individual rights, mean it's OK burn and loot, and destroy the country's financial future....because the LCD is in charge. And, the only people who will get elected...are those who promise the mob handouts.


    Freedom, if nothing else, keeps us safe from the LCD being in charge, of anything. Freedom is the superior approach, it's undeniable.


    See, the simple fact is: Americans of today are 200 years removed from the mob. Our founding fathers were 0 years removed from the mob, because all they had to do was visit Europe to find it. Thus, our founding fathers had a healthy respect for the danger of the mob and chose freedom as he best way to destroy that danger. Some people in this country, um, 30 year old college students = LCD, want to turn this country over to the mob. OWS is the mob. You got to see what the mob looks like.


    The choice as to whether to support them, or freedom, is up to you.


    ok, thats a good point. nowhere do i think, people should be able to not work, or cause many problems, and not be fired. the 1st premise in any co-op is obviously you have to work. and markets work from there. your work, effort, personality, etc are evaluated by others. if you are a dick, never show up to work, are always late, well, the group will vote you out. and if the group is really big, then elected reps can evaluate that decision. so yeah, 1st premise, atleast in my book, nobody just gets a free ride.


    secondly, some collective action is needed, because we simply cannot do everything with our group or as an individual. we need courts, we need force to deal with certain contracts, we need a military, roads, police, etc etc etc. and that obviously implies taxes. your individual freedom, is dependent on the collective. ( there is simply no way around this). hobbes social contract, blah blah... from what i understand. feel free to correct me, but im pretty sure we need this very basic foundation of govt in order for a political system to work. yes the reps would be elected.


    if you want to debate capitalism vs democratic socialism, thats fine. but capitalism does not equal a free market imo. ( i could be wrong of course)

  3. humans are so arrogant... you really think you can do whatever you want with nature? with resources that are limited, that can be destroyed? ( which we depend on). this isnt even left/right, its called there is only one earth with only so many resources. green tech has not reached its full potential yet...


    does this mean we all live in trees? no. does this mean we can have 3 jumbo private jets, 15 mansions and 25 cars? no...


    " freedom" doesnt mean, do w/e i want no matter what or how it affects others.


    i lived in oakland, alameda, and humboldt, yes those hipsters can be weird, and sometimes nuts. but for gods sake, stop reffering to "freedom" when a town charges 10 cents for plastic bags or eliminates plastic bags entirely. or when people care about the air people breathe, ya know, to live and stuff... humans have to use the limited energy in a sustainable way, not as much as they want and !@#$ the consequences... it is what it is.


    but it doesnt matter, because we will learn the hard way. and im not even talking about global warming. peak oil is a fact, and the pain just started. and it will get worse, faster and faster...


    like mcgloughlin group says, BYE BYE!!!!!!!!!


    thats another thing i dont get, how is caring about the environment, a left/right issue? it is basic science/math. just like farming, i have these crops. i need to plan this out for the winter, ie being sustainable...........

  4. Why are people A$$s?= internet culture


    Why is it so prevalent on PPP? = irreconcilable positions


    If one side thinks America's decline is caused by New Deal and Great Society programs turning people into soft unproductive parasites, and an over-regulating nanny state stifling businesses.


    And the other side thinks America's decline is caused by neoliberalism, financialization of the economy, pervasive fraud, crony capitalism, a two tier justice system and imperial overreach


    there is just not a lot of room for agreement on the solution for America's decline - which is the one thing they agree on.


    isnt this a false dichotomy? isnt it part of both?


    surely some taxes for the public good are necessary


    surely free markets and voluntary association of the individual and capital diversity are necessary?

  5. Important/accurate as a predictor of the end result? Historically...it's not. But important to Mitt Romney and a huge win? Absolutely. There is no debate about that. C'mon now Marcell...don't be such a party pooper. Repubs are happy b/c Obama did not look as good as Romney. They should be. Let them be. hehe...no need to sour puss everything.


    what does that mean, " to win" a debate. i mean, is that really what we should be doing. i know this is idealism, but i was thinking about this, and my conversations with people...


    it would ideal to go into a political discussion slowly, and more so asking questions, making sure you even know what your opponent is saying...


    idk, w/e

  6. Absurd behavior by this 'teacher.'


    I had a great civics teacher in high school. She encouraged debate in the class on all sorts of issues and, to this day, I still have no clue which way she leans politically.


    the mark of a great thinker, and philosopher, to constantly play devils advocate, not to be fair, but to challenge yourself and your own opinions......

  7. To be fair to Gailey, this is not quite an apples to apples comparison. Harbaugh inherited a very good team in terms of talent. San Fran already had a good defense and a solid running game. When Gailey came on board, what did we have?


    im sorry, but that is just bs.... the teams are not far apart in talent... theyre simply not... ( it is an attitude.) i think it starts with the front office and coach. jmo

  8. Perhaps...but the methods of achieving these are a lot different. So are the end results.


    I don't know about you, but I favor freedom and liberty....over Fascism and having every aspect of my life determined by some social science major, or a committee of them...who now works for the Fascist government OWS has installed, because that's the only job they are qualified to do.


    I mean...if you carry the stated methods and objectives of both groups to their conclusion....that's what you get. Just ask any OWS person(if you can find one)...and they will tell you that they will do...whatever "the committee" decides. Yeah...not Fascist at all. :rolleyes:


    Then, ask a Tea Party member about freedom.


    i agree sorta. some freedoms makes sense individually, like the bill of rights, others makes sense collectively, because your decisions affect others...

  9. both movements at their core are concerned about unjustified power


    tea party- hates corporate welfare/fed, wants a friedman free market


    occupy- hates corporate welfare/fed, wants to democratize finance/corporations....


    again, free markets with contract law or democratic institutions...


    it's the same debate...


    Which is a great thing. You really want some of the bassakwards countries having a say how your life will be governed??



    Really dude, come back to us when you've lived in the real world for a few decades, not the academia bubble you're in now.




    Not on the national stage but it does count in CA. It's amazing how conservative this state becomes with regard to some of the propositions we vote on. Those affect me more than who the damn President is.



    doesnt the same process happen in the US. those commies still have a say lol? would you just jail them?

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