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Posts posted by envirojeff

  1. the thing is, i am in no way ignoring any evacuation notice, but right now it is just too early too tell what the safest path is. Hell, i could leave now and drive to Orlando, but Frances could hit there. I could go to New Orleans, but that could also get hit.


    Right now, i live in a 3/2 house about 2.9 miles from the ocean, on a small side street.  I have friends who will welcome me and my dog to stay as long as i want in their apartment, and that is approximatly 17 miles from the oceans. However, with the eye being 30 miles across, it will suck either way. I am leaving work early tomorrow weather they like it or not, and getting everything necessary in case i have to get the hell out of here completly.


    So, please know i am not being dumb (or immature, or pigheaded) right now, I just do not know the best plan of attack right now. If tomorrow night they say it is still headed right for us, I will think about hopping on FLAs Turnpike and going north. That would give me more than 24 hours, even with bad traffic, i could get the Pennsylvania by then :devil: ...




    Your exactly right Steve, unless you already have a ticket to Denver the smartest thing is to hunker down or go to a shelter. I can't tell you how many times I have heard that people left Tampa for Orlando only to get nailed.



  2. Thanks for the tip, I had planned on filling up the tub with water and, at worst, moving the fam in the master bath with the mattresses and holding up there. We will see?




    Tips. Remove your bed matresses and have them at the ready to duck under. - they can be protective against flying debris. Cluster your furniture to make some sort of in-house fortress. Get the knick-knacks and dishes/glassware off of shelving and onto the floor or in closets. Wear long pants and shirts. Cincinnati was recently judged the 8th most likely tornado area, and that adivce is often given out here - if seldom heeded. Having a whistle on a neck lanyard is not a bad idea to alert rescuers if you are buried under rubble. A spent .22 cartridge shell makes an excellent whistle to keep in your pocket.


  3. I was too, but what we got from Charley scared me shitless! (Oops sorry Steve) I think it was a warning shot that was heeded very well. I can't go anyware so the envirojeff fam will be riding it out. Do your self a favor - duck and cover and good luck everyone! This thing is already a 5.0 hurricane.




    tommorrow seems a bit early for a shelter, no? (I dont know, Im a hurricane rookie). But its not supposed to hit until Saturday Morning. But, better safe than sorry I guess).


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