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Posts posted by NewHampshireBillsFan

  1. A few simple points:


    1.) The league clearly tried to minimize the damage caused by the Bellicheat* scandal by the simple fact they destroyed the tapes so quickly. For Bellicheat* to not even get a one game suspension is incomprehensible and Lynch gets 3 games! Its OK to cheat during actual NFL games but its a major crime against the NFL to have a couple of minor run ins with the law!


    2.) Some major radio media in Boston were even surprised by how quickly the Bellicheat* scandal ended. After the initial penalty was announced the talk was "this thing is not going to go away" and there was MUCH speculation that at a minimum Bellicheat* would be forced to resign to save face for the Patsies*.


    3.) The sports media is totally suck-up when it comes to the big name coaches, players, and teams, especially the coaches. Why in the world didn't someone in the sports media world not turn every stone over and interview everyone who had ever coached against Bellicheat* or worked for him and off and on the record gotten every detail about his* cheating ways and exposed them. Instead without missing a beat most of the media started bleating the Bellicheat* is the greatest chant right after the scandal. Bellicheat* is the greatest!!! Bellicheat* is the greatest!!! It makes me sick to hear the suck-ups.


    4.) NFL officiating is not done under some conspiracy to make teams win but officials are more intimidated by certain coaches and teams and NE* clearly is the beneficiary of that to any objective observer. Kind of reminds me of the Dolphins in the 70's under Shula when he was the only coach on the NFL rules committee before some other coaches were added in the 80's.


    5.) I don't think we have to worry about being too whiny as fans, my friends. I live in NE* surrounded by the most whiny, excuse filled, complaining about officials, complaining about other teams hitting their players (like in the Bruins/Carolina series), complaining about everything fans and media people. It was really funny a couple of weeks ago when the Bruins and Celtics were both struggling in the playoffs. A caller called WEEI and asked the hosts why they could never state that another team simply was better and that is why they beat a Boston team but instead they always made some excuse for why the Boston team lost. That is the mentality of the fans and media around here, there always has to be an excuse and no credit is given for any other team. Believe me when the Bills finally beat these crooks* the whiny NE* fans will not credit the Bills but have some excuse.

  2. I don't see Lynch having the same fumblitis problems that Henry had. Now, the big question is: Will Shawn Nelson be the next Jay Riemersma?


    Henry's fumbling was a serious problem when he was with Buffalo, esp. before Willis arrived. Lynch has not had that problem. A running back who fumbles a lot becomes a serious liability to his team regardless of any other positives he brings. That fumble by Thurman in the SB against Dallas early in the 2nd half killed us after we had been up 13-6 at the half. But I digress. Anyway, Lynch over Henry in any case, and both are or were very tough RBs.

  3. I don't think the problem with Jauron is that he coaches too conservatively or hires conservative offensive assistants. I think he just doesn't make the best game day decisions and his teams don't seem prepared for what may happen in a game. That is part of the issue with having untested coordinators. In the end it comes down to not being willing to pay for top assistants and top head coaches.


    You can win with different styles and the great coaches also adapt. I mean Chuck Knox, considered the most conservative coach of his era, is the one who made the shotgun popular in the NFL starting in 1980 with the Bills. Dallas had used the shotgun for years in the 70's but it was considered a Dallas oddity until Knox proved how great it was with a 60% 3rd down conversion rate in 1980. After that everyone implemented the shotgun and it has stayed until this day.


    The Bills had great coaches at times, not just head coaches but assistant coaches. Under Marv Levy, we had Ted Marchibroda, once and future HC himself, as OC. He was the brains behind the Bills great offenses of the SB era.


    Still, I think or at least hope DJ and the assistants will have a good year with the infusion of talent and hopefully all the learning the coaches have had the last few years. I'd like to see the Bills have more of a rough, kick butt mentality, esp. against low life NE*. DJ should get over his politeness with Bellicheat*.

  4. I don't think there is a super team in the NFL right now. The difference between good teams and very good teams is not that great in terms of talent--coaching can make a difference, unfortunately. Getting momentum in the season and getting some breaks can make a big difference. I see the Bills having potential to be a good team and with breaks they could end up with a very good record, max. prob. 11-5, with a possible AFC East championship. At that point anything is possible in the playoffs since there are no super teams in the league. Look at Arizona last year.


    I think the Bills have to start off fast again, like last year, because I don't see them climbing back into things late in the season because they don't have enough inherent confidence to do that. They haven't been there before, this group, so they have to gain confidence early.


    Prediction: if they beat NE* on opening night they make the playoffs this year. Big if, I know. Maybe Brady* will get injured in the preseason. Stuff happens.

  5. Losman is not good enough to be a starter in the NFL or even compete for a starting job in the NFL at this point, based on the fact that no one has signed him for that type of role. He didn't show the right type of character to be a clear backup in his time with Buffalo. This is where he screwed himself up big time IMO. He didn't show the right type of character both in not being ready to play off the bench (he said so himself after his first relief appearance when Trent went down) and not being supportive of Trent as the established starter last year (Hamden had the role of being Trent's helper, etc.).

  6. I am very excited about the new interior blockers. It might really be a first step toward creating a team which is physical, and suited for the elements.

    That said, the need for a LT is glaring. Hopefully, Jauron won't be there in 2010 to screw things up.


    I think the line will be good already in 2009 and only get better after that.


    I may be overly optimistic about LT, but I think Walker will do OK. The Peters thing messed up our minds somewhat in that we had perhaps the most talented LT in the game, but one who wouldn't really put out for us and actually was a net negative at times. Now we think we need another pro bowl LT for Trent to survive. But most teams get by fine with a decent LT if the rest of the line is good. I think that is where we will be this year.

  7. The NFL is all about winning. That is why the Patsies* get all this respect, even thought they cheat, they win a lot. Actually all sports is about winning. The Bills haven't made the playoffs in 9 years and most major media publications expect that total to reach at least 10. So no matter what individual Bill or group of Bills is referenced by national media types they will almost always be rated below what we would expect--because they haven't made the team win.


    Chuck Knox announced the day he was hired in 1978 that the Buffalo Bills exist for only one reason--to win football games. Once we get back to that mentality and have the ability to make it happen we will get respect in the league, not before. Marv Levy said talent without character loses. I say character without talent also loses.


    All that being said another problem with being a losing franchise is writers don't even take the trouble to research the team, like realizing that Fred Jackson is a major factor as a RB for the Bills.

  8. If his contract was ending this year, he might be let go with the thought they would find a better coach, etc. With 2 more years left on his contract anything like 9-7 or better and he is probably retained. Think of the Bills history. When have they ever fired a coach and paid a coach for 2 remaining years? With Wade Phillips Wilson fired him for insubordination and then tried not to pay him. But I think they ended up having to pay him so I don't know if they would try that again.


    So this talk about anything less than the playoffs and he is gone is not backed up by the Bills history at all. Its more the fans way of looking at things, not Bills management. At the end of last season, after 3 straight 7-9's the fans were as mad as they have ever been and basically demanded change. Change did not happen. If DJ goes 9-7 in 2009 the fans might be frustrated at the 10th straight year w/o playoffs but they can be mollified by management with the thought that a couple of good off season moves and we will be there in 2010. There is always next year and expect DJ to be a part of next year for a while more because somehow I see the Bills reaching at least 9-7 this year. If they go 7-9 or worse this year I think mgt. will probably not have a choice about firing him and will let him go.

  9. Playoffs he stays for sure even with a bad first round loss.


    10-6 without playoffs, he stays for sure (unless they like lose their last 3 games to end 10-6) and the reasoning will be no reason to get rid of him now that the team is so close, makes no sense to blow the whole thing up, etc.


    And 9-7 and no playoffs he might even stay if the feeling is the team is getting very close.


    Sorry, no way he is gone automatically if he fails to make the playoffs. Just wait until the end of the season if you think I'm an idiot by saying so.

  10. I don't think the Bills should practice outside if the conditions make it difficult to run a good practice, like pouring rain or a blizzard. I just want the Bills, specifically Trent Edwards, getting used to throwing in weather they will see almost every week.


    Its almost always 10+ MPH winds at the Ralph.


    Just some #'s, Trent Edwards passer rating is 58 in the 1st quarter, 86 in the 2nd, 88 in the 3rd, and 104 in the 4th.


    No one thinks him adjusting to conditions plays any role in this?


    I think this is the key point. I think we wonder whether practicing outside would help because this Bills team, uncharacteristically compared to past teams, seems lost in difficult weather, and is not only outplayed by the other team, but the other team seems to know how to handle the weather better in our own stadium! That can't be allowed to go on. I don't think either extreme (all indoors or all outdoors) is probably right, maybe a mixture is needed. Esp. Trent Edwards needs to learn to be a cold weather QB, maybe with some extra outdoor work after an indoor practice.


    I'll never forget what Joe Ferguson once said. He said he realized that the weather, especially the wind, was going to be a big factor in the Orchard Park stadium, and that he would just have to get good at playing under those conditions. This from a Louisiana boy who played college ball for the Razorbacks.


    And in spite of the fact that the Bills' results from those years were mixed, I was usually impressed, when sitting in the stadium with how much better Ferguson could throw in very bad conditions compared to the opposing QB, no matter how highly rated the opposing QB was. That didn't always translate into a win but it did maximize our passing game's advantage at least.

  11. That comment by Jimbo bothered me as well, I have seen Trent rah! rah! the troops on the sidelines before but I have yet to see him blast anybody and get them to wake the hell up when we're behind in a game. I remember Jim doing that plenty! We sure as heck don't want a QB with the same personality as THIS head coach. :unsure:


    I would love to see Trent get to that point as well. But in fairness to Trent don't you think he has to really prove himself first to his teammates before he can assume that blasting type role? At this point I'm happy if he commands all the players' attention and does try to rah! rah! them at times.

  12. TO puts his heart on the field every game, that will make a big statement.


    As Kelly said when you walk into a locker room on Monday and can't tell if the team won or lost the day before there is a problem. I don't see that being the case with TO around. We need someone to shake things up and not be a good soldier. Our great players like Lee Evan, for example need to hold others accountable and refuse to accept defeat. The first mark of character in sports is to not accept defeat. In that sense NE* has more character than we do even though they* are low life cheats*. At least they* refuse to accept defeat. If Jauron says one more time this year it is hard to win in the NFL I would like to see Wilson fire him on the spot.

  13. By the way, I do not believe it is anything like a certainty that DJ will be fired if we don't make the playoffs. I could see the team going 10-6 and missing the playoffs on tiebreakers and the thinking will be well we got close and are heading in the right direction. Actually I could see us going 9-7 and people saying that, and Wilson giving him yet another year. I think DJ and the assistants realize this themselves--they finish above .500 and they have a great chance of coming back.


    Of course finishing above .500 with their schedule and being in the AFC east is itself a big challenge.

  14. I know times are tough, and some might be strapped for cash, but it's never been more important to get out there and spend.


    Let's get the economy moving again...




    As long as Vince Wolfork*, who DELIBERATELY injured the Bills starting QB is still with the Patsies*, I'm not going to feel bad at all about Brady* being ACCEDENTALLY injured, like last year, and maybe accidentally injured again this year if it should chance to happen.

  15. I wonder how good Brady* would have been had he not known the defense's calls all those years. Perhaps we will see in the years to come, assuming the Patsies* can't find a new way to cheat. I would definitely check for stealing radio transmission signals. Bellicheat* is nothing if not resourceful, especially at games in Foxboro*. Remember all those visiting teams suddenly losing their radio signal to the QB during key, successful drives. Bellicheat*can simply tell his minions to let the signal go through this time but record what is said.


    To Jauron: every third call on defense should be one added to the actual call on the headset. Oops!!! Patsie* fans probably do espionage work on this site!

  16. As Bill Parcells (hate to quote the former Giants coach from our first SB) used to say your record is what it is.


    By the same token the kick was what it was and the SB was what it was. In fact the 4 SB's were what they were (even though the refs killed us in the Skins game).


    Or as Marv Levy used to say there is nothing that can be done to change a loss but there is something that can be done about the game to come.


    Unfortunately, in my case I no longer can see the Bills ever winning a SB. They either move first, or our country falls apart, or something. Still, I think it is foolish to think about what might have been. I know an old dude from Cleveland who still regales me with the 1954 world series the Indians lost and tells me how the pitching rotation should have been done and that would have changed the results.

  17. 1.) The Bills will certainly be better overall at QB this year in that Trent will be a year more experienced in this league and the line will be better than last year (I am confident of that). I mean Peters gave up a lot of sacks and had the gall to say he felt better about the sacks when he realized how little he was being paid. When your best OL thinks that we you are totally disfunctional on the line and don't you think Trent knew or sensed that?


    2.) The Bills will be better at back up QB because Losman was basically disfunctional as a backup. Number one rule for a backup is don't lose the game (like the fumble against the Jets). The thing the Bills coaches felt about Fitzpatrick was that he improved throughout the year. Losman only got worse, culminating in that ridiculous fumble against the Jets. Fitzpatrick has upside and he is willing to be helpful to Trent as a No. 2. That psychology is very important on a team. Each QB has a place. You don't want to bring in any QB who would look at it that he should come in when Trent struggles. This is Trent's year. If it doesn't work then next year new options for starting QB will be brought it. But that would be a mistake this year, considering how highly they rate Trent. So Fitzpatrick is a good choice for backup.

  18. Although I like dogs I'm not as fanatical as some of the posters on this thread. But what it does tell me is that Vick probably does not have any chance of a comeback in the NFL because the serious dog lovers would certainly make it hell for any team who tried to give him a chance.

  19. I don't see the point of the ESPN article. Before TO came to Buffalo it was made clear that he was bad news. After Buffalo signed him Buffalo was lambasted by some (not all) in the media for taken a chance on TO. So everyone in the world now knows that some media people expect the TO situation to blow up in Buffalo. Nothing bad has happened yet. Are we going to get an article every week or two just to predict things will blow up, just wait and see. It gets old. For now it is time for the media to just shut up and wait or report on every little thing that TO says or does and that can get old too.


    Personally I think the TO situation will work fine this year. But whatever anybody thinks just let it play out and we'll all see. We already know all about the previous teams and TO. That is really old news now.

  20. Where are your asterisks, dammit????


    Any and all NE* Cheatriettes* successes* during the Belicheat* era are tainted by his* penchant for blatant cheating, and any reference to said tainted victories* requires the appropriate asterisk noting them* as such!!!!!


    Only reason Belicheat* didn't get schitcanned in Fagsboro* like he* did in Cleveland is this...




    Sorry about the missing asterisks! I'll remember next time to properly notate references to Belicheat*.

  21. In the final analysis, people who adore the Patsies (NE fans and those everywhere who admire winners) and Bellicheat worshipers will always minimize the cheating that happened and try to obfuscate it by bringing out other examples of cheating in the past, etc. by other teams. The NFL management falls into this group as that is the way they handled the investigation.


    For me it opened my eyes to what the NFL really is. I plan to stick around to see Buffalo rise again and stick it to NE, but long term I predict the NFL will begin to lose some of its prestige. The way they handled this NE cheating episode is but one example of how they will always put their corporate business interests above integrity and fairness to fans of all cities.


    Meanwhile Patsie fans enjoy your successes, tainted as they are in the minds of many.

  22. For the umpteenth time here's something a little more relevant than quoting stuff from 30 years ago to show that "everyone cheats"--a NYT article from two years ago in which members of the NFL competition committee basically say New England was the main and, in some ways, only team that almost eveyone complained about when it came to pushing the envelope. A little more relevant, don't you think?





    My favorites:


    In discussions of changes since 2000, one team, the New England Patriots, has surfaced more than any other, according to a longtime N.F.L. team executive with direct knowledge of the meetings.


    The committee heard accusations that the Patriots had taped opposing coaches’ signals, placed microphones on defensive players to steal quarterbacks’ audible signals and manipulated clocks and coach-to-quarterback radio systems.


    The N.F.L. team executive said the Patriots were the subject of most of the accusations discussed in the rules committee’s deliberations. The team’s recent success and tight-lipped approach, as personified by Belichick, has played a role.


    They were the only team, really,” the executive said. “Clearly, they were the team mentioned far more than anybody else.”


    The Jacksonville Jaguars lodged a complaint against the Patriots about the failure of a coach-to-quarterback radio system during a January 2006 playoff game, a former Jaguars executive said.


    Funny how none of you Pats* fans really have a comeback for this one.....




    I just posted this link in another thread, but it is relevant here as well. It is Senator Specter's take on Bellicheat's cheating. He doesn't consider it minor, as a former prosecuting attorney. NE is lucky the NFL had much more to lose in credibility as a league by really punishing Bellicheat and the Patsies than by doing damage control and trying to minimize the impact of the scandal. Great for Bellicheat that Goodell destroyed all the evidence so no one else could see what was on it!!!!



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