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Posts posted by oddoublee

  1. Their board (according to Leroi and confirmed elsewhere) is:

    - Thomas

    - Davis

    - Lattimore

    - Howard

    - Ross


    I suspect that they will try to slide down a little but I don't expect anyone else. Davis is the likely pick.

    I am not saying Leroi is not connected - but I have some doubting questions here...


    1. Why would he leak their board? As a fan - if I had access to their board, the last thing I would do is make it public knowledge. (maybe he is not a fan...I sincerely have no idea)

    2. A teams draft board seems so guarded - why would they give this information up to someone - especially someone who would leak it on a popular Bills message board? I'm not saying teams our scouring message boards for information - but I certainly wouldn't chance it.


    IDK...if I am being cynical, I apologize.

  2. The Good- Trading for Jerry Hughes, Signing Ritchie Incognito, trading for LeSean McCoy


    The Bad- Trading up for Sammy Watkins, having the lowest amount of starting draft picks since his tenure in the league, Drafting EJ Manuel, The hiring of Rex Ryan, his drafting in general has been awful (only Dareus remains from the 2011 draft, only Cordy Glenn remains from 2012 draft, only Jonathan Meeks remains from 2013 draft).


    Way too much bad for me and I think he is definitely deserving of his ranking imo.


    This is fair - but one could argue:


    Sammy Watkins - the trade was expensive, especially considering the other WR's in that draft. But what if this guy stays healthy and produces like Julio Jones? Who would be mad at that? I know Atlanta isn't upset anymore - they just had to suffer through a couple injury riddled seasons with him.


    EJ - they needed a QB, and they went for one, arguably the best one in that draft. Unfortunately, he had to start sooner than he was ready. Plus, it has been reported that he was not next on Whaley's board - Nix pulled the trigger on it. But we can debate that another time.


    Rex - This has been widely reported to be a Pegula hire. But since he failed, the blame has shifted to Whaley. I do not believe that Rex, nor McDermott were Whaley hires. I believe the Pegulas hand picked both of them.


    These are all questionable things to have on your resume - no doubt. But until franchise QB's grow on trees - and just can't say Whaley has done a terrible job. The Buffalo Organization was JOKE (a huge freaking JOKE) for 10 plus years. That is a big mess to clean up.

  3. I must be the only one who doesn't think he is all that bad





    He isnt that bad. I am with you on this. The article is conjecture - look at it this way...If the Bills draft a QB in Rounds 1 or 2, did Whaley lose the supposed argument at QB? That would indicate to me that he won - since Taylor will obviously be supplanted within a year or two.


    Does anybody actually believe that a former D-Coordinator now has the keys to the castle at OBD? That would be insane.

  4. Very fair point. My concern is that until Sammy proves he can stay on the field consistently, i dont count on him. I love sammy, just a reality though imo. If sammy goes down again we're going to have a repeat of last season with street scrubs who dont even know the playbook being thrown into action mid season with no chemistry between wr and qb. But your point is valid.

    i cannot argue that - Sammy has done nothing to really prove otherwise. The hope is he gets over this hurdle similar to Julio Jones early in his career - and breaks out.

    actually, to take your point further. by drafting a WR early - if he pans out, perhaps you can let Sammy go after his rookie contract regardless of how he plays, and ride out the cheap rookie contract of your other WR. (unless of course sammy posts a 100 reception, 1500 yd year with 10 tds...just not sure that can happen with our offense)

  5. I see 2 DB (a combo of CB and S) and a receiver taken in the first 3 rounds. Preferrably WR, DB, DB

    I don't disagree that drafting a WR is a good idea - I just don't think it should happen in rounds 1 or 2. The Bills are going to be a heavy run first team; and my gut tells me this marginalizes the #2WR position in this offense.


    I would like to see CB in RD 1, S in RD 2 - and then best available after that regardless of position. Depth is needed across the board.

    Secondary depth.


    I'm wondering if the FO and coaching staff really thinks highly of Seymour. I guess we find out when the draft comes around.

    Candidly - I mix beer and football - so my recollection of Seymour is cloudy at best. I recall some glaringly bad plays (he is a rookie after all...) - but was there anything in his play anyone recalls as to give a glimmer of hope for the future?

  6. you can put his play in any context you want. it is possible to spin stats in any direction you please.


    however,the facts all remain the same:


    1. He cannot throw an accurate 10-15 yard out pattern. They float - and sail out of bounds more than they should. Which leads to...

    2. He is a low velocity thrower - he will never be strong at throwing receivers open. He can float a nice deep ball - but dont confuse that with arm strength.

    3. His pocket presence is below average. His sack rate is high because of this - not because he scrambles so much. Watch the tape and watch where he steps in the pocket when under duress. He chooses to step up, left or right incorrectly very very often.


    Tyrod is fine. That is all. His stat line last year will be his stat line every year so long as he plays in a safe, run first offense where the defense stacks the box. Anytime he faces a pass protect D...he struggles.


    Why else would Tyrod agree to the contract restructure he did if anyone in the league saw him as something better than his stat suggested? If there were better offers coming, he would have forced the Bills to cut him or take his contract as is (locking him in for 3 years, not 2).


    Tyrod is fine...so we all better hope we have a Top 5 D in the next year or two...or 8-8 will be the average.

  7. I like watching tyrod play - he does some exciting things. but there are concerns with his game for sure. one thing that really gets me when watching him is his pocket presence. he simply never steps up into the correct spot to avoid trouble.


    i get that some people will argue against this simply because he makes great runs...but that does not equal good footwork in the pocket. and tyrod is sorely lacking in that department. it is a big reason why he leaves plays on the field IMO

  8. "He doesn't have the anticipatory instincts or accuracy to compensate for mediocre throwing velocity."



    That pretty much killed any of his other analysis.


    Very clear that he hasn't watched nearly as much "film" on Tyrod as some of you defending his take as "coming from a film junky" would suggest.


    Lazy analysis.

    his throwing velocity is mediocre. Throwing a nice touch deep ball does preclude one to have excellent arm strength. Tyrod cannot throw it on a rope so to speak.

  9. i dont know gunnerbill. his last year in SF they had a losing record - but to ignore his previous 7 seasons with them where they had success seems short sided.


    he had 2 years in philly - his last year they had a losing record, and he only played half the season. so they kicked him to the curb for the last half, didnt seem to help much. in fact, they had a winning record until they told him to go away.


    dallas, they had a winning record in his last season there.


    if that is their rationale, then they are not evaluating the whole picture. they are being lazy journalists and using headlines to frame their narrative.

  10. I am a big Brees fan too. I know that we play in a passing era but he has 5 of the 9 5,000 yard seasons. He is 3rd all-time in yards (and less than 2 years away from being the all-time leader), 3rd all-time in passing TDs (and about 2 years away from being the all-time leader) and has won a Super Bowl. He isn't one of the top 15 ever? That is totally unacceptable in my opinion.


    Aikman and Fouts are good candidates as well. I think that Ben has a pretty legitimate argument too from the modern day guys.

    Aikman was fine...but not top 15 or 25. He could not win a game with his arm alone. He was very good with a very great cast


    For those without Google: http://www.buffalobills.com/video/videos/Watch_Doug_Whaley_1on1/446a6c11-50c8-4426-a054-556d11e7fa7a



    See, SEE Whaley said we want to build from "The Foundation Up", which to me is clear as daylight - they're going to tear down the stadium and build a new one. "From the foundation up". The Foundation. Up.


    Think about it...

    No...they have a foundation of talent they are going to build off of.


    This thread is ridiculous. I listened to the show...and schopp and the bulldog were talking in hypotheticals ... as in, what are the bills goals if tyrod gets cut.


    It was a measured conversation. Whaleys comments were surface level GM speak.


    Man...some people just can't read tone or cadence. They hear words and derive meaning to fit their already established narratives.


    Everybody move along. Nothing to see here.

    No...they have a foundation of talent they are going to build off of.


    This thread is ridiculous. I listened to the show...and schopp and the bulldog were talking in hypotheticals ... as in, what are the bills goals if tyrod gets cut.


    It was a measured conversation. Whaleys comments were surface level GM speak.


    Man...some people just can't read tone or cadence. They hear words and derive meaning to fit their already established narratives.


    Everybody move along. Nothing to see here.

    I get that you personally were joking by the way. :)


    I get fired up by the goofiness sometimes.

  12. great topic.


    Tyrod Taylor is not going to get the Brock O treatment this FA period. He's just not. He'll get a deal a la Fitzpatrick, a short term bottom tier starter deal.

    Browns Kizer
    SF Trubisky
    Bills Cutler and Watson
    Jets Mahomes
    Denver TT
    Chicago Hoyer for a tank year
    Houston Brocketship

    great topic. Dont mean to pick on you specifically, since others have tyrod going to denver as well... just feel the tyrod to denver narrative is thin now. they used a first round pick last year on a QB - and they are relatively pleased with siemians play. i sincerely believe denver is not in the qb market any longer.


    Browns - Trubinsky (with their second 1st round pick)

    SF - Tyrod (I had to send him somewhere...he is starting somewhere in the NFL next year...but it won't be for the Bill do to reasons stated below)

    Jets- Romo (he has pull in where he gets traded - and i think he will like the weapons and the idea of the NY market)

    Denver - Siemian (possibly Lynch if he progresses nicely this offseason)

    Chicago - ugh. IDK...Cutler (only because I like him and think he is underrated. my gut tells me the Bears will move on based on fan pressure...)

    Bills - Watson (we will overreach for him the 1st round and play him immediately...we cut TT in order to keep (franchise) Gilmore and sign a mid tier FA safety)

    Houston - Brock...(they are stuck for one more year with him...his dead money and cap savings for 2017 is a nightmare)


    For the record...Kizer slips out of 1st

  13. I've heard him speak in a wide variety of contexts which would not be described as traditional "public speaking" type scenarios, even if the speaking was public.


    I'm talking about a sustained, casual, 20 minute chat with Schopp and the Bulldog (on air admittedly) in an abandoned HSBC Arena or whatever they are calling it now. That's not what is meant by "public speaking."


    An ability to orally express yourself is related to your ability to think, as is ability to write. I have never known a bright person who couldn't express himself/herself clearly in words rather verbal or written.

    no it is not. it is that simple. it is a form of intelligence, but there are multiple forms of intelligence. one's ability to speak in front of a group, or on radio, or tv, does not adequately measure one's depth or intelligence. you might as well say all new anchors are geniuses. christ, we know that's not true.

  14. Does it concern anyone else how poor of a public speaker Terry Pegula is.


    Whether it's an appearance on WGR radio or opening a press conference today, I've found him to be pretty brutal.


    A part of me believes that ones ability to communicate gives you a little insight on ones intelligence and ability to asses other people, and I just wonder if Pegulas total ineptitude when it comes to public communication means anything.

    it means nothing. i imagine he has a extremely high IQ to build what he built. i work with lot's of business owners, and some of them just don't feel comfortable in a room or having an audience larger than 5 people. public speaking and intelligence have no correlation. i have met some great public speakers that are nothing more than mouth pieces with little depth or substance.

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