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Wing Man

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Posts posted by Wing Man

  1. Tyrod would be my first choice. If that's so, Manuel should be the backup. The two of them have lit it up so well this preseason, it's getting hard not to just cut Cassell. If you feel there's a need for a 3rd string (emergency) QB, use Simms. I'm sure he's cheaper than Cassell.


    That's how well EJ played today.

  2. Since EJ is basically playing his way off this roster I think it's time to pull the plug now and move on to plan B, Z or whatever else plan we can muster up. Should we give Jake Locker a call and see if he's feeling differently bout retirement after training camps have now opened or do u give the old vet Michael Vick a shot. Maybe we can make a trade for Mettanberger, Glennon or Cousins using EJ and a pk as bait if I'm Doug Whaley I'm dangling a 3rd for Mettanberger right now. I know it's a high price but what else can we do. Either way we need to make calls move soon before it's too late or maybe it's already to late?


    I hear Vince Ferragamo is available...

  3. I'm relieved that the matter was resolved so "amicably." We needed Aaron back in camp working with our offensive linemen. Our offensive line was downright offensive last year and indications were that Kromer was making a positive impact on the line before the Florida arrest. I'm appalled by the behaviour and yet I can't help but feel the Bills caught a break. Hopefully, the Terry Peluga will only suspend him one game and the NFL office will keep their paws off him so we'll have him back for the New England division game.

  4. This place is gonna be a disaster if we don't improve on last year's record.

    It would be great if we could build on what Marrone was able to squeeze out of a team he lorded over with dictatorial incompetence. However, we are facing a year where Manuel or Taylor could be starting at QB. Manuel in all likelihood will continue to have growing pains and Taylor will effectively be a rookie if he wins the starting job. I'm not impressed with Cassell on any level. Both sides of the football are working with new playbooks,... again. Having better players at the skill positions will help, but we could conceivably take a one year step back before becoming the dominating team that this coaching staff and the talent we have across the field begins paying off.

  5. "If you have the truth on your side, pound the table about the truth. If you have the law on your side, pound the table about the law. If you have neither the truth or the law on your side, pound the table."


    It seems Kraft, Brady's agent, and Brady's dad (oh, please) are determined to pound the table. After the impending Goodell appeal fail, Brady will most likely take his argument to court to overturn his suspension. His people will surely pound the table there too. Kraft won't sue the league like Al Davis did, but he won't be happy with his decision not to.

  6. This is a difference between what should happen and what will happen to golden cheat, Tom Brady and his Cheatriots franchise overlords.


    Recent history:


    Cleveland Browns - GM Ray Farmer was accused of texting, or more specifically, "using electronic communications" with the sideline in violation of NFL rules. There is evidence he had been doing this nearly all season long. The Browns and Farmer cooperated with the investigation and quietly acknowledged their guilt and accepted their penalty. 4 game suspension for Ray Farmer, Browns are fined $250K.


    Atlanta Falcons - Accused of pumping in fake crowd noise over nearly two seasons to create a less effective playing atmosphere for opposing teams. The Falcons cooperated with the investigation and quietly acknowledged their guilt and accepted their penalty. The Falcons were fined $350,000 and are stripped of a 5th round draft pick in 2016.


    The New England Patriots [AFC Championship Game]

    The game footballs are hijacked into a bathroom and 11 of 12 are obviously deflated to make them more amenable to Brady's preferences. This follows an email from the GM of the Colts alerting the league office to a consistent and well known practice of deflating footballs. A separate 2004 incident involving the same equipment manager was eerily identical to this one. Brady, Belichek, and Kraft all deny culpability in the matter on national television and are incensed that their integrity might be questioned even after the Spygate scandal that they still contend was no big deal. As a result, the league initiates a comprehensive investigation bringing in attorney Ted Wells and his law firm to lead the inquiry. The Patriots insist they are cooperating in every possible way with the league investigators. Nothing could be further from the truth. Brady refuses to turn over his electronic communications or documents related to the case and McNally who is believed to have deflated the footballs and refers to himself in texts as "the deflator," appears once before the investigators, but when Wells and his team want to ask him follow up questions, the Patriots say he can't appear because he's busy with his regular job. McNally wasn't even informed of the request by counsel for the Patriots, a violation itself under league rules. A clear cover-up is easily visible to even the most supportive Patriots defender within the league offices.


    Unable to speak to McNally or receive a complete picture from Brady, Wells concludes in his report that it is "more probable than not" that Brady was "generally aware" of the deflation of footballs. The investigation concludes with a 243 page report compiled by Ted Wells' law firm. The NFL is billed $15 million for travel related expenses and legal fees. The Patriots organization, beginning with owner Robert Kraft down through Brady's agent and his dad, scream bloody murder that there is no direct evidence linking the deflation to Brady or members and staff of the Patriots organization. Brady's agent refers to it as a sting - which of course it was, durrrr.


    It's not difficult to see where it's in the league's interest to "burn the tapes" again as it did in the Spygate scandal. The easiest way to do that is to fine the organization, issue a one or two game suspension and/or a fine to Brady, and see that the equipment managers are fired and black balled from the league. Then Goodell addresses the media giving answers that don't answer the questions asked and ride out the storm until the season restarts. The league gets to keep its golden boy largely untouched by scandal and retains the integrity of the recent Super Bowl win by the Patriots. I wouldn't be surprised to see Goodell using the same stupid defense used by the Patriots that the inflation of the balls had no material affect on the outcome of the Colts and Seahawks games to maintain the illusion of a pristine Super Bowl outcome.


    Never mind the hammer that fell like an anvil during the Bountygate Scandal in New Orleans. Anything less than the same treatment in New England is going to make the Saints fans and the team livid as well they should be. The league is "generally" more than capable of getting it wrong and has proven that it is "more probable than not" that it will this time as well.

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