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Posts posted by cjbills69

  1. Well, in part this question has already been answered...but what is also interesting is that in Nix's first year, it was ummm....his first year, with many administrative positions needing to be changed but not having the time to change them, he did the best he could with what he had, and then last year with the work stoppage and all the problems with getting teams ON the field, let alone working out FA deals, he had a shortened off-season for FA (to say the least) and this year we showed some real promise with primarily existing players on the roster and the draft picks, Nick Barnett was a big "get" as he obviously played well in the 3-4 and will now be a starter in the 4-3 so that shows his versatility...now this year is the first year where Nix's administrative men are in place and a full off-season can be had, along with having two full seasons to see the team at work and how those seasons have evolved and unfolded....so, this FA period is something new to Nix and to us BILLS fans, so yes, I'm excited and yes I'm anxious to see what can/will be done...AND, this is important, this is the FIRST TIME IN A LONG TIME a GM for the BILLS actually said, "Here's what we need..." and listed a few positions needing to be addressed and stated they would be "aggressive" in FA; that does NOT mean they will sign VJax or Bowe or Mario Williams, but it DOES mean they will be proactive in addressing the team deficiencies in BOTH FA and the Draft, per Nix....and he's too far along to completely lose the confidence of the fan base by saying one thing and doing another.....and please, go to hell with the "Ralph is cheap" comments, let's all grow up, forgive and forget and move on toward the future, or just stay the f*ck away from this message board, cry in your beer, spank the monkey for another team and leave us fans the HELL ALONE!!!


    Okay....rant over...we may now return to normal programming.....ANDDDDDD, cut to negativity - now!

    :worthy::thumbsup: That was awesome and I agree!!!!!

  2. Honestly, I couldn't care less what Ryan Fitzpatrick's final stats say - good or positive.

    His play on the field spoke for itself.



    When the season started, the Bills had developed a system perfectly suited to his strengths (reading a defense before the snap and then making a quick throw).



    As the season progressed (starting about Week 4 with the Bengals), teams began to catch on to the Bills attack. They started playing closer to the line of scrimmage and taking away the short stuff. They started to do more things to confuse him after the ball was snapped. Fitzpatrick's weaknesses were exposed. He has no accuracy on the deep ball. He makes very poor decisions when the defense takes away his initial reads.



    Blame his play on injuries all you want.

    Those with an eye for football realize that Fitzpatrick's play was steadily getting worse long before his teammates started dropping off.


    Those with an eye for football would realize that when you are 21 points down and the opposing defense is chewing up your line and your receivers cant do anything to get open and have hands like rocks, and your running game is weakened with the loss of Freddie your QB is going to suffer for it!!

  3. Before I get started just wanted to say I've been reading these boards for awhile and I'm very happy to have found a place to discuss the Bills with fellow fans. I am in my mid 20s and have been following drafts closely since 1998. My conclusions about all the qbs drafted since 1998 lead me to believe that many of you are approaching this topic all wrong. Would a franchise QB slove a lot of our problems? You bet. But you've been asking the wrong question all along when defining a franchise QB. For bills fans the question should be how many QBS in the NFL today could come into Buffalo without any other on field changes and win football games. I count 6 since 1998. That's right only 6. Both Mannings, Rodgers, Brady, Big Ben and Brees. And two of those guys weren't even first rounders. So 4 first rounders in 13 years. Sure some of you may place a few more names in but not very many. What the bills need to do is increase talent across the board. After all take a look at the number of teams with iffy qbs in this years playoff hunt. Sanchez, Flacco, Smith, Tebow, Hasselbeck, Dalton. These guys are all asked to do little more than manage a ballgame, something Fitz would be more than capable of given good talent around him. Teams win games, that's how Hasselback and Grossman and Delhomme have made recent Super Bowls. And Guys like Cassel, Garrad, Jeff Garcia and Jake Plummef and Todf Collins have all been playoff qbs going back 5 or 6 years. No drafted QB will succeed in Buffalo as it is currently constructed. Fitz is good enough to win games if given adequate talent. Lets do that and then worry about a QB. Thanks for reading my first post happy to be on board

    Very good post!

  4. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL....Ok now that I picked myself off the floor, what is it really you want to say? Oh that you have no clue about pro football! Fitz is a stop gap, plain and simple. As for his HUGE contract; not. It’s structured so the Bills can get out of it if they so desire next year without a big hit. Fitz will do just fine until a true franchise QB is drafted. In the meantime, build a freaking defense that can stop Winnie the Pooh from rushing for 628 yards a game and perhaps the Bills will not have to put the game on him ;).


    LMAO I can definetley see Pooh running through that Defense!!!! :worthy::worthy:

  5. Fitz is streaky...sometimes he is very accurate, but, games like yesterday, he was just friggin' awful. Our recievers have enough problems on their own, but catching Fitz' underthrows, and grounders just insures that there is no yardage after the catch, if a catch is made. He has had off games before, but normally manages to correct the problems as the game goes on...yesterday was just bad. The line is what it is...there are lots of QB's in the NFL who play behind mediocre lines, and manage to move the ball. There have been numerous times over the course of this 6 game skid where Bills receivers have had the coverage beat, only to have Fitz overthrow them by a mile, or underthrow them, giving the defense the advantage. He has some work to do. I still like the guy, and I think he is a "stand-up guy" who will do what it takes to get better, but make no mistake, his inaccuaracy is a part of the problem.


    And of those QB's behind mediocre lines, who do they have as a supporting cast? Our receivers are horrible and the amount of missed catches is incredible, there is absolutely no rhythm to this offense as of late. Fitz wasnt streaky early in the year, He will improve with some key players and a stable line, plus his work ethic

  6. Fitz is not as inaccurate as alot of people are screaming about, he has no line and all teams are doing is standing up with their hands up in his throwing lanes which is causing him to pass around them to keep from getting swatted at the line. Its the same thing Our defensive line did against Brady and he threw four picks! Get off Fitz already he needs more help from the OTHERS on this team! This team is a few key players from a winning record providing they dont have to put another 14 players on IR again.

  7. Not so sure you can put that all on the admins.

    Several of the best simply walked away in large part due, IMO, to the increasingly hostile mob mentality exhibited ad nauseum.

    That, and losing takes its toll. This board used to be a place where fans could have an open discourse and talk about football.

    It's ever so much less so these days. Few new members have joined that bring anything more than their overfilled barf bag of complaints.

    It doesn't bode well.

    Not at all.

    Yes thank you, good post. It is getting just about unbearable to come on this site anymore due to the fact there are only a handful of posters on here that arent whining and crying and actually look at the whole picture and do so with intelligence.

  8. I have been saying that for over a month, but I am starting to think this years squad and the coaching job is much worse then the 2008 team.



    Another dilusional dreamer who has bought into every thing that Ralph has thrown at us from his cheap bag of tricks. I bet you think we are headed to the Super Bowl in a few months too?


    Im far from dilusional and I havent bought into anything except for the fact they put the pieces in place and have started a real rebuild and its still early into that rebuild. They are alot better than they were a with a few more pieces they will continue to improve. but Ill be damned if Im going to sit here and cry every week like you and the rest of the so called fans that come on here thinking you know what would be best for this team and why didnt they do this or that.If you and the rest of these "fans" dont like this team, and front office, and Ralph and whatever else your whining about then do the rest of us a favor, go be a fan for some other team!

  9. But what makes you think that Buddy and company will select the right player, regardless of where they pick? I have yet to see anything extraordinary from Dareus this season to justify such a high selection.



    Please do everyone a favor pull your lip over your head and swallow!!!!!!! Go root for another team!!! your like a f$#@ing cancer!!! Go plague some other teams sight you worthless cry baby

  10. compared to edwards, jp, rob j, FITZ IS A HALL OF FAMER. TO ME, in my mind.


    i had a discussion with a coworker. he kept telling me that i excuse fitz for his play.


    at the end of the day, i admitted, maybe i do let him slide a little and i give him a break with regards to criticism.


    i just remember the old days when once i saw the top 3 exbills qbs, i knew we would lose. we would be down 0-3, i knew we would lose.


    fitz gives me hope even when we are down by many points.


    anyway Im just a fan. i want the team to build around him. am in the only guy out there with the same thought??


    Nope I think Fitz is a winning QB and he deserves the contract. Now we just need some more key players for him to work with


    FITZ is not a super star. He's a risk taker who looks good when it works out and a buffoon when it doesnot. Just look at hte last 3 weeks for his TD to INT ratio. :bag:


    Yeah except most of those ints are from his receivers inability to catch and deflecting the ball up in the air! definetly not his fault


    I strongly suspect you and I both have spent more time watching Fitz than Warner has.

    What does Warner rate Fitz now? My opinion does not change based on the last couple games like most of the talking heads do.


    Bolded: Uhhhh OK. If you say so. So out of all of these guys you only think 4 of them (at most) are better than Fitz.


    P. Manning







    E. Manning



    I respect you for sticking up for players on your team, but top 5?


    Definetly top 5 out of that list!! rodgers 72.9%, Brees 70.9%, Brady 66.1%, oh and wait for it....... Fitz at 65.3% completion percentages on NFL.com everyone else is below that. Then take a look at the receivers those QBs have to throw to compared to Fitz.

  11. 21 carries for 115 yards and a TD this year. Why is it that everyone wants to call him a bust before he's even had an opportunity? Last year he was tentative and did NOT look good. From the limited amount we've seen this year, I'm definitely willing to hope he continues averaging over 5 yards a carry.



    NICE! hard to B word about 5 yards a carry!! shouldnt really judge him this year too much either even Freddie had a hard time lately. I dont know why people are ready to get rid of him hes hardly even played!

  12. OMG the sky is falling!!!! ESPN hates Fitz!!! Holy crap, all is lost, maybe it's not to late to start sucking for Luck!!!! Quick, jump off the Fitz bandwagon NOW!!!!



    HaHaHaHa Thats funny!! I would still take Fitz over Moore and Sanchez and most QB's in the league. Hes not the problem his receivers have caused most of his interceptions because they are completely sucking. The whole team has crumbled as of late

  13. Fans having blind faith their teams is the reason why so many teams like the Bills are allowed to remain crappy for so many years.


    What blind faith? know one expected them to win at all and you people are crying because they made improvements and are a better team than before!!! who would have thought that half way through the season they would be tied for first in this division? so sit back and enjoy the the fact they are rebuilding and actually have shown progress, instead of crying on here because they lost. If you have no faith then go root for some other team, oh yeah most teams in the league right now are struggling and have inconsistency problems, but apparentley you dont notice that. Go jump on some bandwagon team just go away and piss and moan somewhere else! Go BILLS SOME OF US DO HAVE FAITH!!! AND SOME WILL GRIPE ABOUT EVERYTHING!!!

  14. Good Post! This team is still a long way from being great but they have made alot of strides this year both players and coaches, there is still alot of pieces to be put in place. But all in all they have exceeded most peoples predictions this year and have given us the fans something to hope for. I dont think the Merriman deal was wrong how could they not take a chance on a 26 year old bruiser like him in the hopes he could produce again.The offensive plan has been kind of lacking though, Chan was awesome at going into halftime and making the right changes for the next half but hasnt seem to be able to dial that in lately. I look around at the rest of the league though and see alot of teams struggling and having alot of problems too so its not just the Bills. Keep giving the team the support they need and hopefully they will break out of the slump they are in!! GO BILLS BABY!!

  15. Don't be hiding now. I've been saying that he's not our franchise QB and NEVER WAS. I feel sorry for the people in this forum that actually thought he was good enough to carry this franchise. Way to earn that contract Fitz !!!


    So we give Fitz, a career backup QB the big contract but we're going to let a guy like Stevie Johnson walk?


    F U Bills front office. F. U.


    Your an idiot and dont know sh*t, Fitz is worth it and he is a leader you sure as hell arent right about him, so go root for some other team! oh and F.U.

  16. I just checked some reviews, and it's not good for graveyard mall. I was about to buy one, but I'm not sure I wanna give this company my info, even though it's only 17 bucks. Has anyone here ever bought from there before? If so, good or bad experience?


    I bought two the Bruce Smith fatheads took them a couple of weeks to fill the order but I recieved them today and they are sweet.

  17. A lot of fans are wondering what the Bills should do against Dallas. Well here's what I think they should do.


    I think the Bills have gone away from what was making them so successful earlier in the season. That was having Fitzpatrick and the receivers as the focal point of their attack. The more Jackson was having success running the football, the more the Bills have been going into a shell and turning the once confident Fitzpatrick into a "game manager" type QB. This is the problem. He isn't a "game manager", he's a legitimate passing QB.


    The Bills should feature Fitzpatrick throwing to Johnson, Nelson, Spiller (in the slot) and Jackson on screens. When Jackson isn't on a screen pass, he should be chipping on Ware to give Fitzpatrick plenty of time to throw it to the receivers. They should be going no huddle and give Fitzpatrick plenty of options to audible out of bad play calls.


    The Bills should try to overwhelm the Cowboys with their offense, then when they're up by a few touchdowns, they can then let Jackson run with the football and start taking time off the clock.


    We need to get Fitzpatrick back to what he was or this season is over. I know the football purists think I'm wrong, but if Jackson is the focal point we lose.


    Great Post and your right, spread the field and let Fitz do what he does best, GUNSLINGING!!!!!

  18. Can a few of you out there just hand in your fan cards? I am on here and all I see is Fitz sucks, Bills arent ready, Jets are so talented and amazing (god they looked great when the raiders were bashing their heads in) ditto for Ravens/Jets Pats/Jets#1 and Pats/Cowboys fluke comeback.


    Bills played a bad game fitz played with the jitters everyone was a lil too hype for the "whiteout"


    Dareus looked solid, Sheppard's getting better, Our safeties look good.....2-3 pass interference calls go against us and now we will be lucky to win 8 games....


    all of you kill me......just make sure to keep quiet if we beat the Cowboys next week...I dont want to hear about Fitzys's 300 yard game at all....


    Jets bandwagon...get on it....yall make me sick...what did yall do when Trent Edwards was around geeeeeez....



    YES!!!!! Thank You It is getting old with all the whining around here!!!!!

  19. We were 0-6 after six games last year.


    Sure, we lost a couple, and got lucky to win a couple others...


    But hey, we're better, and the team is exciting.


    It's been a hell of a season so far. :)



    Its been exciting and they look to stay that way! I like that they just dont give up!!! GO BILLS!!!

    Its nice to see something besides doom and gloom because they lost

  20. Gone have to learn you some grammar.


    However I do have to give credit for correctly using effective instead of affective.

    But any extra credit that may have earned quickly disappeared with the missing verb (are) from we gonna



    are you an english teacher? you know what he meant why not just go with it and leave it alone? why do people seem to think they need to correct others? are you a perfect typer? never make a mistake? my god alot of people on here are pricks!!!


    i apologize...the grammar was pretty bad... but last year Stevie Johnson had more yrds per-catch...and we had Lee... My fear is after the bye...teams are going to start pressing and cutting the fields down.


    why are you apologizing to these d$#@heads? so what if it was bad it wasnt hard to figure out what you meant!!! apparently they are all english teachers and dont have anything better to do than criticize others!!!

    Good post and your right we need to go down field!!!

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