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Big Curt

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Posts posted by Big Curt

  1. 5 hours ago, Miyagi-Do Karate said:

    You know who had great speed? 

    TJ Graham, Marquise Goodwin,

    and Aaron Maybin. 

    the chiefs’ receivers are fast, but they can do a lot of other things well too. Hill is pretty much a complete receiver. 




    Sammy Watkins, Marquise Goodwill, Lesean McCoy, Robert Woods, Percy Harvin, Charles Clay. We had all that speed but couldn't take advantage and stay healthy...

  2. Tua will be the next Patrick Mahomes.  We had to deal with Tom Brady for 20 Years.  We will have to deal with Tua for the next 15.  He's a quality person with great parents and a quality football player.  To compare him to Johnny Manziel is totally disrespectful.  The Dolphins will win the Super Bowl in the next 3 to five years.  The college game allows the QB's to take more punishment.   Injuries won't be a problem for him, and Brian Flores is a no nonsense coach.  

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  3. 1 minute ago, klos63 said:

    It's ridiculous because Allen made great strides in his 2nd season , the team is building around him, the team did 'go for it' in drafting a QB that they feel will be elite. Despite his areas that need to improve, I think he's already a very good qb. He has the physical skills and those are improving and he has the intangibles you look for in a QB. I'm all in on Allen, I can't wait to see him in action soon.

    I understand.  I just don't believe in Allen as a top QB.  I think he is definitely a starter.  I don't think he is elite and Tua will drop in the draft.  Jimmy Johnson drafted a QB after he had Troy Aikman.  The Redskins drafted RG III and Kirt Cousins.  

  4. 24 minutes ago, JaCrispy said:

    Well, the OP actually requires 2 answers imo...


    1. Yes- Josh is a franchise QB in the sense that the FO has chosen him to be the guy to lead the franchise...Josh is the guy that hopes are pinned on, and the guy that dictates whether jobs are on the line...


    2. No- Josh is not the franchise (yet) because he hasn’t reached the talent level where he is the unquestioned starter 10 years from now...if he stopped improving today, one would not feel comfortable that he is capable of bringing success to the franchise...


    So, this is why I feel there are two sides to the “franchise QB” question.


    PS I flat out disagree with the idea of “cutting bait” with Josh...that’s a little over the top at this juncture...that debate can be had the day Josh stops improving- which may be a day where he has improved to the point where letting him go would be unthinkable.

    Ok.  It may be too soon.  However, I think Tua is a better player and will be  a better fit.  No disrespect to Josh.  This Tua kid is the next Mahomes.  Remember this in two years.  I said it first.  

    2 minutes ago, BBILL12 said:


    Not a troll.  I know what I'm talking about.  But you have the right to you opinion.  

  5. 20 minutes ago, klos63 said:

    I think he will be. I also think your post is ridiculous.

    Is it ridiculous because?  I think Tua is the truth and a talent like that should be taken.  QB is the toughest position in sports to fill in professional sports and if you feel one is elite, then go for it.  

    3 minutes ago, Success said:

    The Buffalo Bills are an official franchise in the NFL.


    Josh Allen is the starting QB of the Buffalo Bills.


    Ergo, Josh Allen is a franchise QB.


    I'll be around all day if anyone has any additional questions.


    Technically you are technically correct on a technicality.  

  6. Before everyone gets all in their feelings, I wonder if Josh Allen is really a franchise QB. He has major accuracy issues and he makes bad decisions.  I believe the Bills should cut bait and do everything they can to draft Tua.  I believe Tua is another Patrick Mahomes.  He has superstar written all over him and I think the Bills are going to be "spinning their wheels" on a project.  Tua is the best QB in the draft and the best QB prospect in years.  I hope I am wrong, but Only time will tell. 

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  7. People...please calm down.  What does the man supposed to say?  "I'm not a starting NFL QB"? " I'm gonna struggle to throw the football"?  "I have zero confidence in my ability to play the position"?  Why is this a topic?  The man is a  confident independent contractor trying to stay in the league.  He's trying to sell himself.    If he doesn't believe in himself, then who will? 

  8. 8 hours ago, IgotBILLStopay said:

    He won’t cost em wins with his arm but... he won’t get em any either. The team will rise or fall depending on how their defense and run game perform.


    Let us not diss on him too much - in open competition he showed he was better than EJ Manuel but worse than Baker Mayfield.

    Baker was the #1 pick in the draft and the team had a losing record.  He never had a chance to start realistically.  Baker just had a magical rookie season, but fell down to Earth last season.  

  9. 6 hours ago, 1ManRaid said:

    Oddball hot takes like this is probably why you should continue your average of posting less than 10 times per year.

    LOL...I'm more of a fly on the wall then a poster.  I am very knowledgeable on the Bills.  I've been a fan since I was 6 years old.  Been through the Super Bowl losses and I'm still a die hard fan.  I'm 43 now, for what it worth.  As for the post, all I was saying was that when a team gives away this much for one player it means that either, that team is one player away from winning the Super Bowl or being a serious contender. Or has a young developing QB who needs more help.  I think Josh has potential, but he has a long way to go.  Accuracy issues for one.    I just thought with  so much Cap Space,  a team in a market like Buffalo needs to keep their draft picks and build through the draft and keep it's own players first.  Stefon Diggs wasn't even the best WR on the Vikings,  Adam Thielen is.  Plus they were getting rid of him anyway.  Why did the Bills over pay in that situation?  I hope the trade works.   I'll be overjoyed. 

  10. My overall stance is that we have given up a lot for a WR.  This means that we are just one WR away from being really good.  I still think we are a QB away.  I respect Josh Allen.  I'm not sold on him and given him expensive toys may not make him better.  He has a long way to go. Another question...Is Stefon Diggs really that good?   Is he worth the Haul? Adam Thielen was the best receiver on that team.  Why pay such a steep price for a player who the Vikings were getting rid of anyway?

  11. The Bills have just gave up a boatload of draft picks for a WR.  I admit he is an upgrade for what we currently have, however when a GM named Doug Whaley traded picks for Sammy Watkins, he never lived down that decision. Do you remember why Whaley made the trade? it was to bolster and support a young QB named EJ Manual.  This trade was done for the current young QB Josh Allen.   I hope this works out,  if not, it will be a disaster.  If it doesn't work,  will the fans criticize Beane like they did Whaley?

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  12. I just read the ESPN article. It says he'll have the opportunity to compete and earn the starting position.  Isn't this what most Head coaches tell the back up.  This even isn't news worthy.  The Tyrod hate is real.  Leave the man alone.  Many Bills fans wanted him gone.  He's gone.  Let's all move on.  Some of you all behave as if he committed a crime against you.  Let it go.  

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  13. I was at home (Lower West Side) watching the game.  I was 13 going on 14 years old.  My family and I were holding hands basically praying for him to make it.  Once he missed it, I looked outside.  It was quiet.  I went to my room and cried alone so no one would see me.  The only game I have ever cried over.  I felt like I was part of the team.  That's when i knew I was a die-hard fan and that I have the curse of Buffalo Bill fandom.  To this day, I love the Bills.  Win, Lose, Tie.  I'd have it no other way. 

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  14. I like Josh very much, however he really needs to stop turning the ball over.  I understand the Tyrod Taylor comment because Tyrod wasn't a turnover machine. Josh is young but if he keeps this up we are wasting a top 5 defense for the 2nd year in a row. That is totally unacceptable.   I not making anymore excuses.  He needs to improve this part of his game or he's gonna "turnover" his career.   Meaning give it away.  

  15. What a terrible week in Buffalo Sports.  The UB men's basketball team lost to Marquette.  The UB women's basketball team lost to Stanford.  The UB football team lost to Troy in the Dollar General Bowl and the Bills lost to the Patriots.  I guess the sliver lining is that,  UB sports matter and the future looks very bright.  The bad news is; as always,  the Bills are REBUILDING...AGAIN.  The Pats can play terrible and still find a way to win and it's like the movie "Groundhog Day".  Year two of the "process"

  16. The hate for Tyrod is unbelievable by some fans. I agree that he's not a franchise QB and probably will never be one.   I was all for him being replaced this season.  However, for a QB who was serviceable and led us to the playoffs to still be disrespected, says alot about this fan base. The Bill's QB play is significantly worse, not just worse. But maybe the worst in modern history and fans are still saying that they'd rather watch this abomination than Tyrod. For goodness sake, Peterman didn't throw that Hail Mary because he was afraid to throw an interception. He's mentally broken. Derek Anderson is off the street and Josh Allen is raw and not ready to be a starting NFL QB. 

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