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No QB - No Bueno

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Posts posted by No QB - No Bueno

  1. My wife is always telling me that I forget the things that she says she has told me.


    The thing that I recall about Conlan that I liked was that he could fill a hole and take on blockers. That quality is what I see missing in PP.


    I was very excited about getting him back healthy. I thought that he would have a great year. I also remember reading articles about how pumped up he was etc.


    Then, in that meaningless preseason game, I saw him get run over by Portis at the goal line. I was amazed that Portis (of all people) seemed to want to score a TD in a meaningless game more than the guy who had everything to prove wanted anything to do with stopping him. This had nothing to do with surrounding talent etc. This had everything to do with desire. This was man on man - LB against RB - just like the drills we used to do in practice. That is when I started to get concerned and noticed during the season that he had a habit of trying to run around blockers.


    I don't disagree with your assessment of Poz. The linebacker position is one where athleticism and desire can take you far. Conlan played like a battering ram (his intensity was never in question - watch the beating the Chiefs put on him on the Monday night game. He didn't back down even as Okoye and Word blasted him backward.) until he broke down. Thus far, Poz plays like a finesse player. At least he looks like a superhero.

  2. Nice try.


    So I will go ahead and mark you down as someone who thinks PP is as good as Conlan.


    You clearly didn't read my earlier post - I'm not convinced Poz will ever be more than a solid contributor.


    Your memory is fading. Conlan was a very good player for a couple of years, but his stick legs limited his ability to take on monster backs and linemen.

  3. Poz may develop into a good one. I give him a pass for inexperience, but he doesn't seem to be a fluid player, or despite his 'combine' excellence, a very athletic one. He looked stiff, and not particularly physical throughout the season. It may be that the game is still a bit to quick for him to process, and that eventually the body will comply with what the brain commands.

  4. Normally sure-handed Bill Brooks dropping two easy 3rd down passes in the XXVIII to kill drives in the 1st half.


    The 3rd and forever conversion by the Gints in XXV.


    Bruce barely missing Hostetler's hand and ball in the end zone in XXV.


    Lofton's tipped catch in XXV (if the ball was a bit further along it would have been 6) in XXV.


    Beebe's end zone drops in XXVI.


    Al Edwards on the field in XXV.


    Kelly's sack and fumble/interception in XXVII (returned for TD).

  5. can Warner do a single !@#$ing interview without mentioning God or Jesus?


    I mean, this is a football game, right?


    Equally annoying is Akers' (philly kicker) exaggerated gestures to 'God' every time he makes a kick. When he missed, he just clapped his hands. Guess god didn't help matters or deserve praise for his/her guidance on the miss.


    I absolutely hate that shiit.

  6. Lott was mediocre in the 90s with the Raiders and Jets. Basically slow and late to the pile. Post 49ers, we used to call him 'late hit' Lott. Playing without regard to his physical well being in the 80's had its toll. Its a joke he made the all NFL 90s decade team.

  7. Not bad. Cherry was a fierce hitter as well as a sound cover guy. Top 10? Maybe. Lemme see....


    Ronnie Lott

    Paul Krause

    Kenny Easley

    Ken Houston

    Willie Wood

    Sammy Baugh

    Larry Wilson

    Donnie Shell

    Darren Woodson


    ......is he as good as, or better than, Steve Atwater, Mel Renfro, or John Lynch? I dunno.


    I'd take Cherry's all-round game over Lynch and Atwater. Atwater and Lynch were great, but I see them primarily as hitters and run supporters. You couldn't go wrong with them, but I think Cherry was a great hitter and more athletic than either.

    As for Krause, my recollection of him was that he played deep and smart - I don't remember him being much of a hitter (especially with that D-line).

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