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Posts posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. It's 20frigging16 NFL and this guy still has never passed for 300+ yds at almost the end of his 2nd season.


    He has like 70yds today into the 4th qtr. Are you frigging kidding.


    I reallllly wanted Tyrod to be the guy but he's not. He is what he is and we've learned this over the course of this season.

  2. I'm in.


    Looks pretty sweet. As far as timeline goes, does this chronologically take place between 3 and 4?


    Edit nevermind I just backread and saw that was already answered.


    In pumped Vader will be back. My 8yr old son who's into kylo wren will now get to see a more modern probably more badass version of Darth Vader. I'm convinced he's pretty much the greatest villian of all fime


    There is this trailer too





    Yes, illegal invaders.




    Oh really? Then what would you call them?


    They are breaking our laws. They did not follow our established immigration process. They are here illegally. They demand that we accomodate them. They fly the Mexican(or other country of origin) flag and denounce America. Look up the aztlan movement. Mexican citizens want a reconquista of their previously held land.


    They want the southwest to be Mexico North.


    Its a "peaceful" invasion. Period. Spare me the immigration nonsense.


    There is no way with amnesty for (11 million?) illegal aliens, millions of (1,2...5?) new Muslims, and the current state of race relations, that it's just going to be that simple, and "business as usual". How do you think these situations will evolve under Hillary?

    Once hillary makes all the illegal invaders into U.S. citizens there will NEVER be a republican president again the demographics will have changed too much. It will cause the supreme court to get stacked with progressive activist judges who will legislate from the bench. The 1st amendment will go on the grounds of encouraged hate speech, a,d the 2nd amendment will be right after it. The 4th amendment will also be declared obselete for our own protection. We will be well on our well to being a full out totalitarian socialist police state regime.


    That is the future of Hillary wins.

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