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Jerry Christ

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Posts posted by Jerry Christ

  1. I think they're going to have a hard time maintaining interest from viewers towards all the characters with them all spread out. They have too many characters in too many locations to be able to keep them all involved week to week IMO. I really liked this show, but now it's starting to become filler for me until TWD starts back up.

    the caliber of this show is ehh


    but Game of Thrones does this beautifully.

  2. Least loyal fan base I have seen. When they're good the stadium is standing room only. When they're not competitive, I don't think people even watch them on TV. Saw the Bills play in BOA Stadium 6 years ago, and the place was 3/4 Bills fans.

    I was there for thst game and it was exactly as you put it. I do root for the panthers in the NFC since they came into the league plus I love Charlotte but they are horrible fans. I hope they win the superbowl maybe that will change things.

    When I finally got to see the movie I went with 19 other family members, it was our big Christmas movie blowout kind of thing. After the movie is over, we're all gathering in the lobby talking about the film as we wait for other people in our party to use the restroom etc. Of course my brother(s) and my mother are all talking about Han's final showdown LOUDLY as people were streaming into the next showing.


    It wasn't quite the same as when Homer spoiled Episode V in the Simpsons, but it was amusingly close.

    I saw the spoiler on a facebook comment myself but I didn't know who did it before I recently watched the movie.......but I wouldn't be in a thread reading about everything if I wanted to be surprised. So it would make sense not to come talk about a movie unless you watched it right?

  4. i don't pray about anything. i think the defense will be better and the offense will (hopefully) be close to what it was this year. if that happens,i see 10 wins next year ...a lot easier than i could this year.


    the obstacles are:

    1. not losing the left side of our line to free agency. and improving the right side.

    2. taylor not improving. a lot of people talk about him getting better as a foregone conclusion, but i think it's far from certain.


    i don't consider coaching a huge obstacle. we get the same level of coaching as at least 80% of the league.

    are you even a fan? no seriously.


    Episode 1 is a complete waste. Spends way too long on characters that have absolutely no bearing on the story. Qui-Gon, Jar Jar, Watto, Darth Maul etc. and then gets rid of them or they don't appear again. Why does it matter that The Emperor had an apprentice before Count Dooku? The whole Episode 1 story is pointless. He could have started the story at Episode 2 and nothing would have changed. Do we really need to see pod racing for 40 minutes of the movie? Does anyone really care about Anakin as a child?


    Lucas likes to say Star Wars is about Anakin. The problem is there is nothing exciting about Anakins story. He succumbs to massive temptation, thats basically it. IMO, Star Wars is about Luke. His story is more interesting than Anakins. Plus Episode 7 is just a continuation of Lukes story.

    eew just eew. Thank God you are not a writer or reviewer. Anakin = Ben but I believe he will survive the Darkside and return unlike his Grandvader.
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