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Posts posted by Mularkey

  1. If you put a winning product out there year in and year out, maybe a year or two below .500 and revenue is not an issue (not a huge issue now in my opinion). Not only would you sell out most if not all games as the Bills already do but corporate sponsors would jump on board. Why, because it would be a hot ticket, in demand and the buzz would be enough to get those luxury boxes sold. Also, sell the freakin' naming rights for the stadium. Ralph has to pay more up front (to the front office and personnel)to get it back later. Spend money to make money. The last 10+ years of crap on the field has made corporations stay away from luxury suites and the Bills altogether. I know the economy in Western NY is terrible, but enough corporations would come out of the woodwork if the Bills were perennial contenders. It starts with Ralph, unfortunately he is too set in his ways to turn this around before he passes and once that happens, everything changes due to debt load of a new owner. Only then can I begin to think the Bills may not be sustainable in Buffalo.

  2. This may sound crazy but I would draft 2) QB's in the draft next year, seriously. Once you figure out which one is the franchise, you trade the other one. Could take 2 seasons to develop them but you will get your man and then trade the other one. It would be like an insurance policy on the QB position. I know there are many other glaring needs but start with the QB and build around them. I would trade someone of value now to stock pile a few extra picks. If the team misses on 2 QB's in the same draft then take a permanent knee. :thumbdown:

  3. Without a doubt, tanking a season for a draft pick is a terrible idea and I do not believe that even the Bills would stoop this low. Besides, if you really want "the guy" in a draft trade up and go get him.


    I agree completely except for one thing. I don't believe in sacrificing an entire season and reasonable defensive efforts just for a high draft pick. Nothing is promised for next season. Best to do what we can to improve the team now - within reason.



  4. I am not looking for the savior of the franchise at the moment, just a QB that can sustain drives and give the young offense some experience at moving the football in the right direction. Develop the young talent so if the Bills ever do get the savior (maybe in next years draft) the young guys will have some meaningful experience under their collective belts, or new talent can be brought in. And yes I do question Gailey's talent evaluation as well as Buddy Nix, give me one reason why I shouldn't? I haven't thrown in the towel yet by any means but I'm not overly impressed thus far.


    Do some of you guys really question Chan Gailey's talent evaluation and think Brohm has a shot at being a better QB than Edwards? Guys there's a reason he was on the practice squad at Green Bay, and is the 3rd string option on one of the worst teams in the NFL! Give it a rest. The QB position desperately needs a shakeup but the answer is not currently on the Buffalo Bills' roster.

  5. I agree the receivers are suspect, all the more reason to expose them to further the rebuilding process. There just isn't much to evaluate the younger guys on and if things continue the same way we still wont know about the receivers. I hope no one chimes in with the "the receivers are never open" crap. Watch other football games and see QB's thread the needle into coverage or call a play to throw to the back shoulder of a receiver in coverage. It can be, and it is done routinely in the NFL while the QB is under pressure.


    Look, I'm with you--Edwards needs to be benched. If he starts in NE, Chan Gailey should get fired from yet another HC job.


    But Parrish, for one just isn't any good as a WR--look at him yeaterday. Gets ball simply taken away from him after one catch and just falls down after two other catches. What's the next QB going to do with this?

  6. I didn't say anything about winning games, I am not sure the Bills can do that or very much of that with any QB on the roster or free agents. However, with that being said a different QB could move the ball, sustain drives and develop the young guys on the offense. You know, give the rookies some experience and give the coaches more to look at when they evaluate the talent at the end of the season. At this rate you simply do not know what the receivers can do because the ball is never thrown to them. Rookies essentially remain rookies in this offense. Develop your offense by sustaining some offense any way you can. This simply can not happen with Trent Edwards. If you win a couples games by doing this then that is a bonus.


    if you believe that, then you keep Trent in for the smackdowns coming the next two regardless of who is under center, then bring in #2 to win games and get the team to start rallying behind him. New boss same as the old boss next two weeks in my opinion.

  7. The Bills are bad and will be for the year, probably longer but that does not mean we should continue to go nowhere on offense. By continuing to play Edwards the Bills hurt the development of the rest of the guys on offense, especially the receivers. We have a relatively young group of players who will regress under Edwards. Put Brohm in and see what happens and if he doesn't produce with some passing yardage then bring in Fitzy but with Edwards in no one gets to develop except for the punting team. If Fitzy cant get it done bring in a free agent, someone who actually throws the football. :wallbash:

  8. I'm with you on that, I couldn't get myself to billieve that winning was in the cards. :lol:


    At no time did actually think they were going to win. When they got up by 11, I hoped they would win, but I never actually believed it and wouldn't have until the clock read all zeros with Buffalo in the lead. When McKelvin fumbled, I just shook my head and said "It figures."
  9. Couldn't agree more. At some point you need to hit one of the receivers in the mouth and not be 8 yards away. :pirate:


    if you play your CB's 8 yards off the LOS....??



    makes it pretty easy for a QB....pretty much means every wideout is a HOT reciever....just cut off your route and beat us for 5-6-7 yards everytime....thats what NE did all night....



    and I dont understand how a small adjustment like this isnt made at any point during the game

  10. It's getting to the point where it is expected. Another heart breaking loss but I have become numb to all the pain, seriously I just sat there and watched it happen. I expected it to happen and it did. There is this sick feeling that I expect to feel on Monday night games with this team since Jauron. I cant put it all on him but there is this stigma following the Bills around for far too long.

  11. There is a distinct difference between being in position to win and actually winning.


    Think about how outgunned the Bills were coming into this game. I think Dick had this team prepared well and I give him credit for that. We were right there at the end - who would have expected that?


    I hate losing as much as anyone but, strategically, and based on what he's given to work with, I think he has this team in a position to win every week. I give him credit for that.


    OK, tell me how wrong I am.

  12. Broken bone in arm per Jauron no further details.


    any word on Poz? I'm guessing broken forearm, out for season? also, how about kelsay? he was playing well ( i know thats a rarity).


    sh****ty loss, but hope that maybe we have an offensive coordinator. AVP called a good game, and the "simplified" offense was smart. multiple variations on the same 10 or 15 formations. totally through pats off with TE audibleing. And for once, we didn't lose cause of O or D, it was our "awesome" ST. Leodis has to know to not return on an all hands team, right???

  13. It has been widely reported that Jauron was the catalyst behind the whole thing and that he was the one who lobbied hard for the Bills to go out and get him...

    Mort on sportscenter says despite what you have heard and read Jauron would not be the guy who wanted this to happen.


    I think he may have gone along with it because his ass is on the line but it smacks of Ralph and Russ to me. Also, Rochester media seam to have sources who also confirm this but if you want give some credit to Dick he needs all the help he can get.

  14. What makes you think Dead Dick was in favor of signing one of the biggest personalities in the NFL? If I had to guess, it was not DJ who gave the go-ahead to get TO. Frankly speaking those two are about as different as oil and water.


    This move was made when RW and Brandon had the chance to improve their team, at their price, and increase the team's visibility. Selling tickets probably went up, but it wasn't DJ who made this call.


    Agreed, no way Jauron wanted to spice things up.

  15. I can't imagine Jauron liked this move and in all probability it was Wilson and Brandon who gave the green light to sign Owens. Therefore, if DJ doesn't like it then I'm all for it.


    I had zero faith in Jauron getting this team into the playoffs with the talent on the roster prior to the Owens signing. DJ had his chance from 06-08 to get this team into the playoffs his way. I believe DJ lost some of his personnel control after the 2-8 finish last year.


    I hope your right about that, I just wish the FO could stomach losing the money they owed Jauron from his contract extension and moved on.

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