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Posts posted by lynchneedsfood

  1. <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okhiJjuefPw&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okhiJjuefPw&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okhiJjuefPw&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>






    crazy hilarious

  2. Running over the locals (yes, even Canadians are locals) was one thing that was considered a misunderstanding but smoking blunts and having guns in a mercedes is straight out of a G-Rap song. ML is a criminal thug and is the last thing we need here. His YPC suck and his effort is only because of his lack to run vertically when available. He is over-rated and his Pro-bowl blip was a joke to start with.


    Time to cut bait and run Freddy raw, bye G.


    lmao... Bills tender Fast Freddy to a one year nfl minimum of just under half a million dollars, so because of something we don't know, or because they think they are fine without Fred Jackson, or its just that the front office is smoking dope - I'm pretty sure ML 23 is here to stay, and Fast Freddy won't want to come back, as his contract - a nfl minimum, isn't making him happy since he wanted a multi year deal - we can't seem to keep the players that actually love playing for buffalo - maybe thats why we sucked, noone loves buffalo. Got to love ralph - he gets players for the cheap lol

  3. well if you could judge a RB by one game, you could call him the second best in the NFL.... he did have tie for most yards in the pro bowl, and he sustained drives that gave them scoring chances... That just shows you how capable of a back he is behind a competent line, and considering he only got a handful of carries - I'm happy keeping him, whether he's labeled thug or not. It's not like he doesn't do good in the community, its his personal life that effects peoples perception of ML23 and the NFL. But hey, I risk my life for a living (USAF)- and get paid only a fraction of what he gets - I have a higher standard to withhold, or I loose the clothes on my back and become jobless (not too many people hiring felons - because thats what a dishonorable discharge is). Should he be punished by the league? Yes, of course! If it weren't for the players union, I wouldn't mind seeing repeated offenders salary being dropped to what I make a year (which is a little under 20k). Should he be punished by the bills? No, we actually would like to compete this year, having fast freddy is good, but on short yardage situations we need ML. When people make millions of dollars - taking away a few thousand is like a slap on the wrist - give a percentage of their pay to charity and make em' work with a working mans pay. It's just a sport!

  4. its like this love hate relationship that keeps sucking me back in... To billieve or not to billieve, that is the question - whether it tis' nobler in the mind to suffer the losmans and int's of outrageous fortune, or to take miller light once again against this sea of troubles, and by opposing end them. To die, to sleep; To sleep, perchance to dream. Ay, there's the rub,

    For in that sleep of death what dreams may come, a stout defensive end - or a wideout who can overcome. A chance, a spot, to play the bowl game, who would have thought???

  5. The aspect of Kurt Warner's game that nobody seems to recognize is his Jesus balls. Very few QBs in the NFL's history have ever been able to harness this powerful force. Essentially, when the QB has the backing of the Lord, Jesus is able to actually navigate the QBs passes into the arms of the receiver. Only three QBs have had this ability since 1992 - Frank Reich, Jim Harbaugh, and Kurt Warner.


    If you look back at the performances of these three QBs, the evidence is quite clear. Frank Reich invoked the power of the Jesus balls to lead his team, the Buffalo Bills, to the greatest comeback in the history of the NFL in January of 1993. Reich first honed his skills in 1984, leading his Maryland Terrapins over the heavily favored Miami Hurricanes. Jim Harbaugh called upon the Jesus balls in January of 1996 in attempting to defeat the Pittsburgh Steelers on the last play of regulation. Jesus expertly guided Harbaugh's "Hail Mary" pass through the heathen Steelers defenders and into the arms of Aaron Bailey. Unfortunately, Bailey was a heathen too, and he was unable to handle the pass, even though Jesus dropped the ball right into his lap. Kurt Warner is the third member of this unique and repentant group. Though he has thrown a few minor Jesus balls to date, his need to invoke the Little Richard "shut-yo-mouth!" power on his wife drained much of his energy earlier this decade. Fully recovered, Warner is now once again ready to rely on Jesus to back his balls in an attempt to win glory for them both.


    hilarious keep it coming...

  6. You never know with the draft how teams will pick, just like last year no wr went until second round - none of those draft analysts predicted that happening... I don't see freaks of nature DE Brian "o-sack-po' Orakpo, or Michael Johnson going to number 11, but if the football gods happen to grace us with these workout warriors - who seem to have the game down at the college level, I would cringe at the thought of passing them up... I'm almost against drafting a pass catching player in 2009 because it seems everyone we have drafted up to this point take forever to coach... josh reed was amazing in college and look how long it took him to adjust to make such a minimal impact... bring in an exp #2 WR, our TE's aren't great but drafting one won't make our offense dominating, but improving our pass rush could possibly make our defense a top 7 top 10 unit in the nfl. If royal could actually catch it when it counts - there were many drives when it was 3rd and short, where he was hit right on the numbers and dropped it, our record and stats would be a lot different. Bring in a C to open up that run game, and we only have to score 28-21 pts a game - I'd bet my money that's what Jauron wants to do anyways - conservative old foogie

  7. I think Detroit or Minnesota picks up cassel in the offseason... He's good, but you can't say he's great - he's sitting behind an o-line that makes anyone look great, hell they still have ole' sammy morris running the ball... He's not only a product of great coaching, but look at the talent surrounding him, if trent were in new england I think he'd have just as much success if not more than cassel

  8. typical bills moment... we sign a undersized, slow, college standout - who must have a lot of football instincts to make those kind of numbers in college, but doesn't have the physical tools to be a NFL star... even if he is on the practice squad - I hope were all wrong in evaluating his talent, and he pans out to be a great starting LB. But hey, its not like he's making millions riding the bench

  9. The thing is there are quite a few positions you don't wanna wait 3 rounds to upgrade on this team. LB, DE, C, DT, TE, RG....even FS. We need 3 quality free agent signings at these positions so we don't have to depend on the draft too heavily.


    I would love to draft another DE, I think I'd sleep better at night knowing they solve that problem


    as for linebacker, do you really think they are going to draft another after getting Angelo Crowell off IR??? Yea Big Paul hasn't made any amazing plays, but he is leading the team in tackles, most of the time he is fundamentally sound, not bad from a guy that coming in was told he was too slow and too small to be in the nfl. Mitchell got caught being out of position pretty frequently today, but I don't think every game has been like that, and lately he's been the remedy to the virtually no pass rush.


    I think our TE's are functional, even though royal drops the most important passes, his counterparts don't seem to be playing too bad.


    the others I can't really say anything about because they aren't positions I know too well.

  10. first of all henry always had bruised ribs... I can't remember when he was ever fully healthy, the guy was tuff and played thru pain, but he was as durable as a 99 cent watch. his injuries followed him to every team he played for, its a shame though, I really thought he would have been a great back for denver. I don't see why in the world if you're making millions, or hundred of thousands, you decide to associate yourself with scumbags trying to leech off your money pool to operate a street pharmacy.


    Every back in the NFL runs hard, and has some level of 'tuffness', but I don't think I've seen someone of similar size move a pile, or get as many yards after contact like marshawn...


    its exciting to watch him, maybe because he isn't so north/south. But whatever he does, it makes him look bigger than he really is. Fred Jackson, is awesome too, but he's more traditional, and I haven't seen him push a pile, but he sure can hit a hole. I think if marshawn had jackson's vision and burst, he would be an animal.


    Beast Mode is simply going back in time and giving Jim Brown the ball, that guy ran people over - trying to tackle him was like running into a brick wall. Sure he could shake and bake, he had speed, coupled with an amazing stiff arm, but I just remember watching the highlight reels, and they just couldn't stop that moving wrecking ball.

  11. I expect a first round draft pick to make that INT...not to mention the other dropped INT's he had this year...that was potentially our playoff hopes and season on the line...Top corners make that INT...you make that kind of money and are a first round pick, you need to make that catch.


    LOL a lot of people expected 1 round pick Akili Smith to be able to throw the football, the panthers expected Rae Carruth to not put a hit on his wife and unborn child to stay out of jail with their 1st round pick, the media, bills fans, and our front office expected Mike Williams to be a completely dominating offensive lineman, but as the case shows - it doesn't matter what round you come in - its how you adapt to the nfl, and how well the coaches can utilize you. Heck Andre Reed was a 4th round pick, thurman thomas a 2nd round pick, joe montana 3rd round, shannon sharpe 7th round. Players play for their second contract, give the kid a chance, its always a hit and a miss when looking for the next top tier talent. To say he hasn't made in impact on the team would be a reach, hell if I started at the 30, 45 each freakin kickoff - i'd make sure I capitalize on the freakin field position and atleast put a damn field goal in there. He rendered the pass uncatchable, it would have been nice for him to catch it, but he did his job.

  12. Lee Evans is a number one wideout, he's not plaxico, owens, or a moss - but I have no doubt that he's a number one. He's never had a proven QB like these other standouts have had, I think he still has an upside, and we haven't begun to see what he's capable of. Besides, Chris Berman talks him up like he's the biggest secret of the NFL, "since 2000 lee has scored 6 times on td passes that were 70 yards or more, more than any wideout playing the game today, and he's only been in the league since 2004."

  13. I think there is a part of a professional athlete called COMPETITIVENESS that is displayed in different ways. Whitner plants a guy's ass five yards deep in the endzone. Ko repeatedly tries to get fined against Moss. Greer plays harder and harder each snap, Trent decides he needs to learn more about playing at this level, Marshawn doesn't take zero yards on a play, Butler punches a guy in a pile. These guys all hate losing, and they all deal with it differently. They are people too, just like us. Not everyone on this board displays anger the same way, or happiness. They have their ways of dealing with life and what it throws at them just like us. They all hate losing or they wouldn't be professional athletes. The guys who don't give a damn don't get to the NFL because they don't give a damn.


    You took the words right out of my mouth...

  14. Barry Sanders never had a line. Did you watch those Lion teams. Barry knew how to just dance his way free.


    and how many rb's can you name that were just like barry??? can't be more than a handful, and you can't expect every first rounder to be the next game changer... ML is a solid starter. Would I take adrian peterson over ML? Of course! However, all these complaints on this board are things that can be corrected by good coaching. One thing I've noticed, you don't see any rushing play's by the bills on inside the playbook, or being reviewed on these nfl shows thru out the week because none of them are designed to take advantage of our strengths and cover our weaknesses. Sure you can say ML isn't hitting the whole, the OL isn't making a whole, etc, etc... But to say the heaviest and tallest line can't block, a 1st round pick that ran for over 1k yards last year can't hit a hole, its kinda rediculous to believe that the talent we have now won't allow us to rush 4.5 ypc and allow some big runs. Another thing, if the guy wants to always bounce it to the outside, because of is "infinite wisdom" telling him he cant squeeze between the (imaginary) "hole" he's supposed to run thru, why can't we just pitch him the ball, or throw a freakin screen??? Just a thought...

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