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Posts posted by Maefster88

  1. I guess he and his brother have been working with a few of the quarterbacks in this year's draft. Apparently they are preparing them for the NFL. I have know idea who, how, or why this is relevant. I may listen just for a laugh.


    I think i saw RJ on espn working with Sanchez at USC


    I think it's Rob Johnson's father that runs that very successful QB camp in SoCal where all the best Quarterbacks go. He may have had a pretty bad career considering his physical talent...but still is someone who can tell you what to expect. That is a smart football family. I do see what you are saying though. I guess he can just pop in his tapes and be like...Alright buddy, don't do what i did.

  2. Greggo's best work as a coach was as the D-coordinator with the Titans...this was before his beloved Prioleau man love affair began. Greggo has a nice streak of getting fired with Prioleau by his side, i think its time for them to just "be friends".



    I actually heard that Jeff Fisher is very high on Simms, heard it numerous times throughout the season. I think he actually is grooming him for the position when Kerry Collins hangs em up or falls on his face (which will be next year). I don't think Fisher wants VY to start anymore long term. I like your thinking though. Simms has proved he could at least be a quality backup in the league

  4. Think about it, he's been a consistent performer his whole career except for last year.

    He's a leader, so I think the C on his jersey will start to motivate him to try harder.

    Also, not having A.Scho back there probably threw off his timing.

    He is also ready to be in the prime of his career, as I think we can shake off the rookie freshness, and the softmore slump now.


    Look, I just know he's gonna try harder this year, and I see a break out year from him.


    (fart noise)

  5. Dude, you are not crazy


    I agree with you that the front office has to have realized by now (i hope) that the current group can't get it done. I do think that Evans is worth the contract he got without question "if and only if" he has a bonafide 1a reciever, not a 2nd reciever...a 1a reciever. Where and how they go about getting one i don't know, but they do have some ammo to pull off a deal if they choose to do it.

    Whether they do or not remains to be seen. One thing i do know about the bills over last ten years or so is that they always seem to make a move to make you think they are going to be good the next season, this year will be no different.

    I do think Housh and Boldin are a dream, dollars wise and trade wise, but hey... we all can dream.

  6. Conversation with Al Davis to come back to coach the Raiders


    Davis (make sure to imagine this with his accent): Hey John this is Al Davis coach..i mean owner of the Raiders. I really realized that i made a mistake by letting you go, and then i tried to find the new you by hiring Lane Kiffin, so now i think i want the old new you back, so what do you say?


    Gruden : Are you bleeping bleeping me! there is no bleeping way i would ever bleeping come back to coach your bull bleep horse bleep football team again, are you bleeping kidding me! go bleep yourself AL!


    My point: a) Al Davis would never ask him to come back because that would be admitting that he made a mistake.

    b) if he did ask him, that would be Gruden's response

  7. Gruden is my favorite coach in the NFL. Love the guys work ethic and personality, and i like the way he expects perfection in his offense and is tough on his players. Would be perfect for the Bills...to bad its too late, not to mention his price tag. Maybe Russ Brandon likes him more than me (fingers crossed, highly highly doubting it). Hopefully he takes a year off and is a possibility in the future (dreamland)

  8. Kelsay sure has alot to say this season, my personal favorite was win he wimpily (if thats a word) called out the coaching staff for the Losman play against the Jets. The upgrade needed the most in our defense starts with him. I think he has played his last game as a Bill. When he says we need to get more pressure on the quarterback, who is he talking about? Stroud, Williams, Denney? (who had more sacks than him playing less time) Look in the mirror captain chris

  9. I really like Josh Reed in our offense don't get me wrong, but...wouldn't you like to see the younger quicker model? Someone like a Welker, Hines Ward (younger version) type, that can turn catches into bigger gains? I know these types of players don't grow on trees, but with a check down quarterback like TE a more dynamic player would make the offense much more dangerous...no?


    That said i have a much repect for the role Josh Reed plays on the team

  10. I can't believe i saw people write "who cares"


    Let me direct you to some Bills recievers facts:



    Eric Moulds first two seasons:

    1996 : 20 rec. for 279 2 TDS

    1997 : 29 rec. for 294 0 TDs


    Andre Reed:

    it took Andre Reed till his 5th season (1989) to record his 1st 1,000 yard season


    Lee Evans:

    it took him till his third season to have a 1000 yard season

    3rd season till he broke 50 receptions


    I know you can start an argument about any of those recievers but i have one simple point.......


    patience my friend


    hope his injury is not serious

  11. I agree with mostly everyone on here...but i don't think the concusion is the problem with his play of late. But i do put the Adrian Wilson "hit" as part of the problem with his play. Its not so much getting the concussion, its how he got his bell rung in that ballgame. His decisiveness in the pocket hasn't been the same since the hit. I will throw the San Diego game aside because of the lack of pressure he saw in the ballgame. But watch his decison making before the hit and after the hit, big difference. What separated him from Losman was how fast he got the ball out, now they are both beginning to look like the same quarterback back there. In the NFL its all about confidence. Will he ever gain back that confidence he had before the hit?...remains to be seen...but it is what separates the average quarterbacks in league from the great ones.

  12. Even watching that game on television was pathetic. Rarely if ever did the stadium "ever" sound like an "NFL" game. The field looks awful, the surface looks horrible. there were lots of empty seats, and they barely even sold it out in time for the game. I can only imagine how bad the tailgate scene was. It really sucks that we are stuck with this for a few more years, it would have been great to see Pennington try to throw those rainbows at the Ralph today. The players hated it too trust me. Stroud mentioned after the game that it wasn't the same. I'm sure that echoed throughout the locker room after the game.


    The only thing i ask of Ralph is to put the money he gets from these games back into the franchise by getting better players on the field. Don't just leave it in your pocket , get us some better players. Your Buffalo fans (the real ones) are not going to like hearing the words "cash to cap" next offseason with the garbage second half performance we have seen. Do the right thing Ralph

  13. Listen...Trent is "their guy". Whether anyone likes it or not. Starting J.P. if Trent is healthy does NOTHING for you as a team. He is not getting a contract to be here next year. He is not going to start here next year, he doesn't want to be here next year, what do you gain? Its not a matter of who thinks who is better..its just the facts. It just makes zero sense...period.


    Losman "is" good enough to beat Miami, and is good enough to win games in a mediocre Quarterbacked NFL. He is one of the better #2's in the NFL... But Edwards will start when healthy.

  14. Willy is having a great season, he is underrated as a QB in the MAC and doesn't get the hype that Davis gets, but lets be real, he is not going to be drafted. That of course doesn't mean that he won't be in someones camp or on a practice squad next season. Willy has above average numbers, but the Leftwich, Pennington, Roethlisberger types put up statistics in the MAC that Willy can't touch. Its impossible to predict anyways. Willy is having a storybook season for UB. Can't wait to see the Bulls in the coming weeks.

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