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West End Stench

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Posts posted by West End Stench

  1. Why are people surprised or angry that the Bills are losing? Look at their overall record -- it's under .500. I haven't done the math, but with a record of 354=396-8, it looks like the team's average record is 7-9 a season. Why would current ownership change anything at this point?

    The team we love is a losing proposition. We just have to deal with it, because none of us is in a position to change anything.

    Just my two cents.


    Because some of us have been Bills fans for longer than the past two years. in 2000 their overall record was ~.490, which is pretty solid for most professional sports franchises. In the past 10 years their record has dropped to .4671, which isn't all that bad, but a pretty dramatic drop considering most of those seasons were between 7-9 and 9-7. Yours is such a pointless post. So do you suggest that we stay at a mediocre level of play? This team was 1-2 wins from championship caliber in the early 90s for several years. Sorry if you just woke up as a Bills fan but a lot of us know that there is potential with this team to go places as long as they are in the NFL. I'm not going to deal with mediocrity and neither are any of the life long Bills fans on this board. Get Bent.

  2. Do some of you guys really question Chan Gailey's talent evaluation and think Brohm has a shot at being a better QB than Edwards? Guys there's a reason he was on the practice squad at Green Bay, and is the 3rd string option on one of the worst teams in the NFL! Give it a rest. The QB position desperately needs a shakeup but the answer is not currently on the Buffalo Bills' roster.

  3. This is great. I can't stand the "Analysts" we have to listen to on Sundays. 3/4 of the idiots you have to listen to on Sundays are former players who have no experience speaking in front of a camera, and spend half the time on air dicking around with eachother. The majority of a Sunday afternoon crew can't even narrate a highlight reel. Shannon Sharpe, Michael Irvin, Keyshawn Johnson, Phil Simms, etc., all need to take notes from Tom Jackson and Chris Berman

  4. While I don't get my hopes up that Buffalo can beat Green Bay, I do think that with this defense the Bills can hang around in just about any game. If we can put ourselves within 2 scores of the Packers going into the 4th quarter, then I'm happy. Once they get to that point all they need is a few lucky plays.


    Unfortunately it's come down to hoping for lucky plays...

  5. The "Trent Doesn't Care" idea is just rediculous. This guy is going into a contract year, where if he plays well enough, he can find himself making MILLIONS of dollars! He's currently making practically league miniumum and has the opportunity to increase his income by +500%! I'm sure he cares very much about his performance on the field since it ties directly with his future contracts as an NFL player. Give it a rest and get a clue.

  6. My brother wore an OJ throwback to a game a few years ago. The responses were definitely mixed, but I remember there were some fans who adamantly disapproved.


    Who would seriously "Disapprove" of wearing an OJ Jersey while at a Bills game? Were you tailgating with bible-thumping Christians? Were you grilling hotdogs in the Windom Community Church parking lot at 9AM when people cared? Did you catch a ride to the game with Nicole Brown's parents? Was the ghost of Ronald Goldman providing the brewskis? I mean honestly anyone who cared should have been punched in the mouth for being such a pu$$y.


    I say wearing an OJ jersey is always acceptable on gameday.

  7. This only means good things for Buffalo's offense. Three players all have the ability and opportunity to start for the team week in and week out. They'll be fighting for that spot every week against each other and that usually brings out the best production. If we can't run and catch out of the backfield this year then I'm not sure what we'll be able to do.

  8. Thank god people are starting to jump off of the Hardy bandwagon. He's been a bust since day one and now he's injury prone. Sure he's tall, but he's also too slow, a terrible route runner and has decent hands at best. Not a good formula for being an NFL wide out. This kid should serve as a reminder why guys like Russ Brandon, Ralph Wilson and Dick Jauron should never be allowed in the same area code as an NFL draft. 41st overall?! Kid has a total of maybe 10 catches? And we thought Maybin was a bust...


    See you in the CFL, James.

  9. <stadiumGuyVoice>Attention Bills Fans:</stadiumGuyVoice>


    I'm a recently transplanted Bills fan to the Chicago area. I'm looking to get opinions on the two Bills backers bars that I know of: Delilah's and Lincoln Square.


    Are these places really a good Bills atmosphere on gameday, or am I going to have to compete with fantasy-douches that want to watch every other game under the sun? Which of the two Bills Backers bars are better? Any game-day specials? How are the wings? Do people show up for preseason games (tomorrow?)? Are there any horse socks? Is anybody listening to me?


    Thanks to anybody that can help me out, I just don't want to be stuck in my apartment watching the Bills on my laptop during the home opener.


    -Go Bills

  10. I really have never bought into difficulty of schedule. For all we know, the New England defense will be weak and Sanchez and Henne will still struggle as young quaterbacks. Plus there are overhyped teams and underrated teams every year. We will just have to see it play out. Also, over the past couple of years, there have been games where if a few plays go the Bills way, they win. Hopefully with better play calling, improved offensive line play, and more consistent quarterbacking (i know, i know, there is not a whole lot of hope for this), we can have a winning record going into the last three games of the season (which happen to be divisional games). I think we will be in the mix going into that three game stretch.



    I agree with this 100%.


    Also, people point to all the tough games on this year's schedule. We split with both Miami and New York last year and had N.E. beat until the very end. There's no reason we can't go 2-4 again in a decent AFC East. We're also scheduled to play the Jaguars, Chiefs, Bears, Lions and Browns. I think we can get 3-4 wins out of that group alone. The Steelers and Bengals are by no means indestructible and we might be able to steal one from them.

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