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Posts posted by Merc

  1. Ordered a beer and a cheeseburger and settled in to watch the Bills at my local backers bar. By halfway through the first quarter I knew it was over. End of the 1st and no burger! WTF. 2nd quarter is worse than anything I can conceive of but finally the burger arrives and I eat, finish the beer, pay my tab and head home. Did I miss something? Nah. There is nothing to miss with what has become the 2008 Bills.


    I have sat through every single Bills game the last few years but this season is different. I knew today, after just a couple of plays, that nothing good was to be seen in this game, just like I knew the Jets game was a washout. I also know that this season is over and done. We look worse week to week and the problems are to numerous to mention. The coaches have no answers and the players are in a daze. I can't even get mad any longer because this has been going on for years. We have gone from 5-1 to probably not breaking .500.


    I have quit caring this year. Sorry Bills but I won't be wasting my Sundays watching this garbage product any longer this season. Hell, I feel like an idiot sitting there watching this tragicomedy every week, year in and year out.

  2. Last season was an absolute nightmare for Bills fans expecting a playoff run in January. 0-3, quarteback woes and INJURIES. Then our QB of the future finally showed that he can't quite get there and we were starting a 3rd round rookie behind center. With starting a rookie QB 1/3rd of the way through the season and all those devastating injuries, you wondered how Jauron could even field a team.


    Field a team he did. though and they played hard and gave us all some hope for the future. Those guys came out and played right there with the big boys. We found some amazing diamonds in the rough like Fred Jackson and John DiGiorgio and the coaching staff kept the team motivated through crises like Kevin Everett.


    Watching the Bolts game yesterday (when it was on) I had the thought that all the hell and adversity this team went through last season taught them something and gave them a strength to go with the flow and play to win regardless of the situation they are presented with. You can sideline a starter, number two runs and and the Bills don't miss a beat. If one guy is faltering someone else steps up and makes a play. Offense is faltering, defense makes a big play and vice versa. We are looking at a team that works as a whole, not as a bunch of separate units off on their own programs.


    I think that 2007 may have been the best thing (Kevin Everett accepted of course) that could happen to a young team. Adversity, injuries, controversy etc. These guys saw it all and Jauron and the staff piloted them through and instead of folding, they rose to the occasion and played beynd their abilities. This year they are playing the same way as last with the difference being that they have all their weapons now and can take it to the other guy. The Bills play as a team and that is their secret. You can see it in how they work together as a team and how they react as a team when things aren't going well.


    You watch these other teams that are losing when they shouldn't be (see Dallas) and you'll see that they don't have that team attitude the Bills are flying with. Pyure joy watching this young team play this year. Yes, they do have a long ways to go and that is the best thing, IMHO, about the 2008 Bills. We haven't seen their best yet. We are 5-1 and these guys have a ways to go befre they peak. How freakin' awesome is that. Folks, we are in for a ride with this group of players and staff so strp in and enjoy.

  3. The Bills have to get after Warner and stay after him. If they keep him running around in the backfield (something he does about as well as Bledsoe) he will cough it up multiple times. Force the Cards to run and you beat them.


    When the Bills have the ball they need to establish the run game early and keep Edwards on his feet. Peters has to have a "pro-bowl day" and make some holes on the left side and keep the tackles and ends off of Edwards. Time to step up Jason.

  4. You folks are right, this is a joke. Now I feel like a dope for having fallen for it. :rolleyes:


    Dude, let me take this step by step. The Bills are 4-0. As an example, Jacksonville is 2-2. Right now, if we ended up tied with them we would win because we beat them. But if we had lost to them we would both be 3-1 and they would beat us due to tie breakers. If we had lost to the Rams we would be 3-1 and Jax would still be 2-2. We would STILL hold the tie breaker over them so the Rams game literally did us no good at all. If we end up tied with any AFC team other than Jacksonville or the Raiders, we are probably screwed.
  5. It does put the thing to a rest and thanks for helping me prove my point. Some of these people just don't get it. All of these tie breaker scenarios put the Bills in a great position if they happen to tie with the Rams or Seahawks. One problem: They can't tie those teams because they are in a different conference. They would not play them until the Super Bowl and there is no home field advantage to be gained there.


    As you move down your chart, none of the top priorities are aided by beating NFC teams. Some are hurt by NFC wins.


    Thanks for putting up your post. I didn't do it in my original because I thought it might make my original post too long. Once this thing got to 5 pages I should have put it up to finally prove my point. It is kind of crazy how people around here will jump on you for "being negative" when you are just explaining something to them.


    This is absurd. Show me how it hurts to have a win and helps to have a loss? Granted it is more beneficial to win within the division followed by a win in the conference but losing against the NFC is NOT a good thing, ever.

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