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Posts posted by BuffaninATL

  1. Well I'll be the first to play devil's advocate and say it:


    I'm probably wrong again but I'm not totally convinced that the Broncos will covet a quarterback. Here's why:


    Kyle Orton can be their bridge quarterback for a year or two. Denver has torn down their team a la the Kansas City Chiefs last year and are under no pressure to win immediately. Everyone knows they are rebuilding both offense and defense.


    Secondly, wonder boy Josh McDaniels allegedly did a great job developing Matt Cassell last year. Now he has the opportunity to do the same with Chris Simms, a guy who hasn't gotten a fair shake yet due to his speenectomy spleenectomy and Gruden's strange compulsive quarterback games.


    So that's why I feel QB is not a slam dunk for Denver.


    As for if Cutler had ended up with the Jets, it might have been a great move for them or it could have been one of the spectacular train wrecks in recent NFL history. We'll never know.


    fixed....(I had a spleenectomy, so I had to jump in and correct it... :lol: )

  2. because Oher is suppose to be gone by the time the #11 pick comes about.


    Andre Smith made some very questionable decisions towards the end of his college career and after, that has caused there to be some red flags to be raised. Also have you seen the rack on that guy? YIKES!!! :thumbsup:


    the rack has already been brought up ad nauseum in this thread - let's let it go

  3. Dockery - I was totally wrong on this one....he was supposed to be a running game mauling guard.

    Langston Walker - I still think he is playing pretty well for us......he did pretty well in limited time at LT too

    Kelsay - Never did understand that contract when him and Denny are virtual clones of each other

    McCargo - You just can test a players heart at the combine.....too bad there is not a test for that


    I think you meant to say "you just can't test a player's heart at the combine".....correct ?

  4. Dude, chill will ya? This site isn't meant for vetaran jounalists, the contint is what we need to focis on. It is a freakin

    discussin bored. Sorry we all don't possess your penmenship and wit, maybe you need to relocate yurself to some other

    place a little less fryhtining fur ya, are you afraid of the bogeyman too!


    Very good retort. I can tell by your sarcastic misspelling that you are poking fun back at me. Let me reassure you, I'm not "frightened" enough to go elsewhere. It has nothing to do with my penmanship or wit, just an observation on my part that sometimes the bar gets pretty damn low around here......

  5. I am a gun owner advocate NRA member Pistol Permit holder and fully support the second amendment




    Lynch is going to get suspended.


    The reason is he put the league in a bad spot...tarninshed the nfl image and set a bad example for the 11-21 year olds who idolize him.


    The gun issue is a lightning Rob for the NFL Goodell has no choice but to make Burris and Lynch poster boys. What happens to them will happen to you et al.


    You mean lightning rod?

  6. WRONG !!! - see my earlier post when I quoted Rosevelt Colvin, who I heard verbatim say "Every team in the NFL has talent....it all comes down to COACHING.""


    The Bills have talent - they can definitely use a few upgrades here & there, but to not hold our (lack of) coaching is purely disingenuous.


    Great coaching is about putting your players in a position to succeed, and sadly our coaching staff headed by DJ put the Bills in a position to fail numerous times, i.e., passing on 4th & 1 out of an obvious passing formation, into the wind.


    WRONG !!! - see my earlier post when I quoted Rosevelt Colvin, who I heard verbatim say "Every team in the NFL has talent....it all comes down to COACHING.""


    The Bills have talent - they can definitely use a few upgrades here & there, but to not hold our (lack of) coaching ACCOUNTABLE is purely disingenuous.


    Great coaching is about putting your players in a position to succeed, and sadly our coaching staff headed by DJ put the Bills in a position to fail numerous times, i.e., passing on 4th & 1 out of an obvious passing formation, into the wind.

  7. Get over it guys! Jauron is not the problem. Quit looking for a scapegoat. The Bills need more talented players and if they get them this offseason, THEN make your determination on Jauron after next season. Enough already.


    WRONG !!! - see my earlier post when I quoted Rosevelt Colvin, who I heard verbatim say "Every team in the NFL has talent....it all comes down to COACHING.""


    The Bills have talent - they can definitely use a few upgrades here & there, but to not hold our (lack of) coaching is purely disingenuous.


    Great coaching is about putting your players in a position to succeed, and sadly our coaching staff headed by DJ put the Bills in a position to fail numerous times, i.e., passing on 4th & 1 out of an obvious passing formation, into the wind.

  8. I'm not saying by any means that Trent is a bust, nor am I saying that Whitner hasn't been good, but I am wondering...if we could go back in time, how many of you would draft Leinart instead of Whitner. I like Whitner, but at the pick he was taken, has he really made that much of a difference. Leinart has a great arm, and could have become the face of the franchise. Thoughts?


    Correction: Leinart does NOT have a great arm...

  9. The best we can hope for is that Jauron learns from his mistakes, studies game planning and strategy from the Pats* and Jets losses (among others), works hard for the unwarranted extension and makes the entire coaching staff do the same. So what are the chances of that happening?




    You can't teach an old dog new tricks....either you have it or you don't. He does NOT have it.

  10. I live in Atlanta, so my voice does not carry as much weight as the season-ticket holders, but I will not be attending my normal 1-2 home games next year as long as this current regime (DJ, lack of a real GM) is in place.


    I sat with my 76 year old father in 35 degree wind & rain at the 49ers debacle this year, and made the comment that game was the single worst sporting event of any kind I have ever been to. I vowed then I would not return to RWS under the current circumstances, which now, as we all know, have been extended per Ralph's decision today.


    Also, does it stand to reason that NFL teams get a cut of revenue from DirectTV Season Ticket subscribers? If if they do not, I will not be renewing my subscription for this piece of crap product.

  11. One of the commonly debated questions now is whether the Bills' woes are a result of coaching or talent deficiencies. While waiting at the BUF airport tonight for my return flight to ATL, I overheard a barfly asking a Patriot player (who I ID'd as Rosevelt Colvin) what he thought of Jauron, since that was what the bar conversation was all about. He said he had heard Dick is a super nice guy - when pressed further, Colvin went on to say, without any hesitation, that EVERY NFL team has talent - it is purely a matter of coaching.


    This may not sound like an earth-shattering piece of news, but I thought it was interesting to hear it verbatim from a current NFL player. This reinforced my opinion that the Bills do have enough talent - just not on the coaching staff.

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