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Posts posted by BuffaninATL

  1. 23 hours ago, transplantbillsfan said:

    Merry Christmas everyone!!!

    I scratch my head on 3 different things from this game:

    The refs absolutely screwing us out a TD.

    McDermott going for it on 4th and 1 in sure fire FG territory and not going for it later in the game down by 7 and instead opting for a 50 yard FG.

    Any time we EVER choose to hand the ball off to Tolbert.


    the refs did not screw us. The goon in NYC, Riveron, did.....

  2. 56 minutes ago, Dorkington said:

    I don't understand why Bills fans continue to be surprised by this. Good teams get calls, middling/bad teams don't. Simple as that. If we all of a sudden have a HoF coach and QB, and become a ratings and ticket darling, then we'll get calls too. The NFL isn't unique in this, it happens in other sports too. 


    This is a gross oversimplification. When you say "Good teams get calls", it's really only one team coming up over and over again - for the wrong reasons.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Chris66 said:

    What makes me proud is all the whining and crying from other fanbases. You guys talk about pats crying you guys take the cake. Bills had chances and when the going got tough they folded like a cheap tent


    Whining and crying is not what I am doing. The Bills lost to a superior team. I laid out a case objectively with examples I cited describing a parasitic relationship between the NFL and its' scion of virtue, the NE Patriots; why don't you try to refute those? Because you can't, even if you tried taking off your beer goggles.  You take pride in other fanbases' whining & crying? That is pathetic.

  4. 1 hour ago, ThePatriotWay said:


    Lololol oh yeah they cheat! Is that what all you haters rely on in order to sleep at night after every Patriots Super Bowl victory? How did they cheat last year? ?


    I wouldn't necessarily call it cheating. It goes way past that. I would call it being aided & abetted by the NFL & Goodell, who have a vested interest in seeing the Pats remain on top, through whatever means necessary. Please .....This goes way past Deflategate. It's about a different set of standards for how the the game is legislated when the Pats are in it, i.e., why wasn't Gronk immediately ejected from the game after his WWE move on Tre White? Why do they never get called for OL holding? Why are rulings reversed in the Pats favor at an embarrassingly high rate?  I could go on ad nauseum. To not acknowledge this reality is just being intellectually dishonest. It's the collusion between the Krafty family and Roger (seriously, do we need the obligatory camera shot of the Kraft family suite at every game?)


    I have the utmost respect for Belichick and Brady in their respective positions. I admire how much Belichick gets out of his squad no matter who is on the roster or hurt, and he is the greatest at making halftime adjustments. But the NFL is the ultimate enabler in a toxic co-dependent relationship. It's obvious for all to see. The Pats don't need any help getting pushed across the goal line.


    If all this makes you feel proud to be Pats fan, I feel sorry for you. 

  5. 6 hours ago, 8-8 Forever? said:

    It is clearly in the league and networks (who pay the league, who pay the refs) interest that the Patriots succeed and get a top seed in the playoffs, so that the  TV ratings of the playoffs are the highest they can be (which justify the rates paid by advertisers to the network, which then get paid to the league) .   Neither the networks or the league benefit from the Bills doing well, because the Bills kill TV ratings due the small size of the WNY market;  hell half of NFL fans don't even know there is a franchise in WNY.    Whether any of this trickles down to the officials is impossible to tell, but its in everyone's interest that the biggest TV draws (ie; Cowboys, Patriots, Giants, Jets, Rams etc.) do well.   No one wants to watch TV to see Charl Schwartzel win the Masters, they watch to see Tiger Woods or Phil Mickelson win it.   


    Agree with everything except the golf analogy. The NFL has become the WWE with predetermined outcomes - not at all with golf.

  6. 49 minutes ago, Dr. Who said:

    It's not the game I remember as a child.  It's not only that we know more about concussions, etc. and the violence is being selectively taken out.  It feels corporate, managed, and dull.  Rules are written that allow a catch to not be a catch, particularly if it benefits certain teams.  When the populace begins to doubt the justice of the game, it is no longer a contest and becomes instead a largely predetermined spectacle. 


    Agreed 100%. For all the reasons you cite (and more), to me the NFL has become an unwatchable, watered down product controlled by an insatiable thirst for profits at all costs and Vegas betting lines. Thursday night games are a joke, with players on a short week producing a garbage result. TV timeouts ad nauseum and a broken officiating system with highly selective enforcement rob this game of any spontaneity. I find the spirit and excitement of college football at its highest level to be far more compelling.

    37 minutes ago, PromoTheRobot said:


    Early on, the Patriots and Krafty Bob were leveraged to the gills, that if the Pats started losing, fans would stay away and Krafty Bob's loans would default. 


    So Krafty Bob's dear friend, Roger Goodell, made sure the Pats would be successful so that Krafty Bob could pay off Gillette Stadium and Patriot Place.


    But now things have just stuck in place, especially when Tom Brady and the whole Patriots fairy tale is the only marketable story line these NFL has the days. 


    Now the Guerrero thing threatens to play blow the Pats up too. Expect Roger to go full Spygate-mode and send league "investigators" in to sweep it all under the rug.


    It's the Patriot way.


    excellent take. I have read accounts of Krafty Bob's business dealings from his past and they are not complimentary. Quite the opposite.

  7. 23 minutes ago, Buffalo30 said:

    Didn't see it posted, if it was...please take down.  


    For a man that has a torn MCL, boy did he look good.  He was high pointing the ball and winning 50/50 balls all game.  I cannot wait to see him when he's healthy and we decide to throw to him more than Tyrod has.  He's gotten bashed since we acquired him as not very good.  When used properly like we did today, he will be a huge part of our team next year.  

    Benjamin does not have a torn MCL, as you probably heard Nantz incorrectly proclaim early in the game. KB has a torn meniscus; it's apples and oranges.





    I think you are both missing the bigger point, --- the issue isn't that they are laughing the issue is WHY they are laughing --- this team and this franchise IS dysfunctional, IS inept and IS amateurish -- in other words, they are right to laugh


    Don't conflate this laughter with ill-informed laughter as it relates to "Buffalo weather jokes" and such, this is not the same


    You are seeing and reading well-informed opinions that are not taking cheap shots or parroting back lines from local media, these are respected journalists


    Or throw all the other opinions out the window and ask yourself from as objective a point of view as you can muster whether you believe this franchise is well run. Whether the Bills have the very best personnel across key positions from president to the front office that will lead this team to success long term over an extended period of time. An organization that can compete with the Patriots, Steelers, Packers, Seahawks, Broncos, Giants etc.


    I don't think we have the right people, in fact, I know we don't, the last 17 years has proven without a doubt that we don't.



    My son showed me a graphic of the division winners by division over the past 20 years --- there were only 3 teams not pictured --- Browns, Bills and Jags --- not great company to keep


    agreed 1000% with the above and all preceding posts by TX. You don't have to live outside Bflo. to see the utter ineptitude at all levels, and to blame it all on "the local media" is more Kool-Aid being consumed than at the Jonestown Massacre

  9. It is bad at the best of times.


    When you are in overtime, it is extra bad.


    When you are in overtime, and a tie disqualifies you from the playoffs, it is unspeakably bad.


    When you are in overtime, and a tie disqualifies from the playoffs, and you are up against a team that has had massive success running the ball, it is "pull your hair out, WTF are they doing bad"


    When you are in overtime, and a tie disqualifies from the playoffs, and you are up against a team that has had massive success running the ball, and if you do not get a 3 and out at that moment, and you hang your hat on being a defensive coach, it is "I am walking into a snowy field with a gun and a single bullet" bad.


    epically great post .....

    Rex was trying to say that it was Gilmore who was not in, and that he was in the concussion protocol. So it's possible that was a problem with his replacement or whomever was calling the defensive groupings, which may or may not have been Rex.


    Rex needs to go regardless. This may or may not have been his fault.


    He's the head coach, the CEO - it rolls up to him. Yes it's his fault for several reasons.

  10. "Prototypical" We get it the reason TT will never be accepted in Buffalo by a lot of people. Athe Dungy''s and the Ryan's He isnt "Prototypical"


    I'm calling BS on your "inference"; the jury is out on TT for several reasons: 1) accuracy issues 2) not seeing or being unwilling to use the middle of the field (perhaps due to his lack of height to see over the line, as pointed out yesterday by Tasker); 3) he seems to only be able to hit a receiver who he feels is 100% open - lacking the precision of timing routes and throwing to a spot


    His escapability and speed add another dimension, to be fair, but is he a franchise QB?




    I hate that "fans" can't enjoy a win anymore.


    I hate that "fans" trash any player who gives them the smallest excuse to do so


    I hate "fans" who relish when things go poorly simply so they can say I told you so


    I hate "fans" who crusade against the team they are supposed to root for


    I hate "fans" who have made up their mind that Rex/Tyrod/etc.. suck and won't listen to any points to the contrary


    This week has been annoying on a whole new level. Instead of reading about how the Bills pulled out a tough gritty win I read about how this win doesn't matter, Tyrod is lucky their K missed 2 xps, and same old Bills. Hell I read today that 10-6 should get Rex fired, the Bills are already out of the playoffs, Tyrod should take lessons from Tannehill, and more.


    Before I hear from the realists how people should be down on the team and I don't like contrarian opinions...


    There are posters who trash everything Bills (scottlaw, jtsp, billsvet) and then there are people who have level headed opinions and fall on either side of the coin (gunnerbill/bandit not liking Tyrod). I don't mind contrarian opinions, in fact it is what I enjoy about this place, but if I know what the tune of your post will be before I even read it....


    great post, still not 100% sold on Rex. I'm a contrarian I suppose ...

  12. Let's pump the brakes on Sammy coming back at all this season. The guy has proven to be not only a very fragile player, but one who will not/ can not play through pain. I'm waiting to see hwat the excuses are for why he's not playing vs. the Jaguars.


    My expectation is the Bills apply a little pressure by mentioning they are "hopeful" to have him back soon, only to be told later in the week that he's a no go for the JAX game. Then prior to the Raiders games Sammy will post some silly, dumb stuff on twitter and by the Raiders game the Bills will announce that Sammy Watkins will be shut down for the remainder of the year.


    per the bolded, on what basis do you know anything about his ability/willingness to play through pain? Do you know the specific pathology of the Jones (5th metatarsal) fracture?


    Your "expectation" sounds well-informed as well ......

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