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Posts posted by LGB

  1. 2006 Donte Whitner = ?

    2006 McCargo = Bust

    2004 JP Losman = Bust (has any Bill turned the ball over more than JP (51 turnovers) during the time that they have appeared on the field?)

    2003 McGahee = Bust (traded away when problems arose)

    2002 Mike Williams = Bust

    2000 Erik Flowers = Bust


    Five first round busts in 8 years might have something to do with no playoffs during that time (and current 7-9 year after year)...but hopefully the Bills can build upon their selections of Lynch and McKelvin the last two years and get to .500 again...:lol:

  2. Mike Williams was the only 1 st round bust in the last 7 years.

    2008 McKelvin is awesome

    2007 Lynch, best player on the team

    2006 Whitner is a decent player who we may have reached for but by no means a bust

    2005 no 1st

    2004 Evans good player, Ok losman sucks, so thats 2

    2003 McGahee, total jerk-off but not a bust, did ok here

    2002 Williams - bust

    2001 Clements, very good player.

    Our screw ups are more with free agency i think.


    2006 McCargo = bust (no one wants him)

    2004 JP Looseman = Bust (has any Bill turned the ball over more than JP - for their time on the field?)

    2003 McGahee = bust (just ask the Ravens)

    2002 Mike Williams = bust

    2000 Erik Flowers = bust


    So that is five first round busts in 8 years (I guess continuing to be 7-9 year after year is not bad either - right?)

  3. Bills fans think everyone is a bust until they are wrong. Leodis could haved been the defensive rookie of the year if he had more time early and a bunch of his plays weren't called back for penalties (100 Yard TD kick return against Jets/interception yesterday)

    Right, the Bills have sooo much talent they are going to finish below .500 again (even Ralph Wilson said the talent is not there)? Here is a question: how many teams have had more recent first round busts than the Bills?

  4. No big deal. I'm sure they can take care of these "holes" fairly quickly...OLB, WR, OC, FS, TE, DE. <_<


    What has been tried in the past is not working.


    Bringing in new coaches has not worked probably for the same reason the Bills probably have the most first round busts of any NFL team in recent history - bad judgment.


    Ralph can complain all he wants, but if he wants to see a winning team again, he is going to have to open up his wallet and get some proven experience in here directing a return to the playoffs (example: look at what the tuna has done for the fish).

  5. For those of you who didn't see this on Inside the NFL, Chris Collinsworth made the following statement:


    CHRIS COLLINSWORTH: In the history of the National Football League there has never been anything dumber than the Buffalo Bills selling out their home game against the Miami Dolphins to go play in Toronto and take the cash. Season over. Thank you very much, Buffalo Bills, don't know what to say...


    PHIL SIMMS: [interrupting] In history? In history!?


    CHRIS COLLINSWORTH: In the history of the NFL!


    WARREN SAPP: Tell us how you really feel!


    CHRIS COLLINSWORTH: [undeterred] The dumbest thing that's ever happened.


    PHIL SIMMS: You feel better?


    CHRIS COLLINSWORTH: I hope they spend the money wisely and get a nice car. I don't know what they're going to do. It's stupid.

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