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Everything posted by Mike100

  1. I think that the Bills will either make a playoff run or be competing for one of the top 5 draft spots. It all depends on wether the young players produce this year.
  2. Is he going to be a free agent after this year? If he is, I would like to see him locked up this year to an extention.
  3. I think this looks like a competative team FS Simpson Cox Wilson SS Whitner Scott CB McGee McKelvin Greer Corner James OLB Crowell Mitchell Bowen Banks MLB Posluszny Di Gorgio DE Kelsay Schobel Ellis Denney DT Stroud McCargo Johnson Williams McCray WR Evans Reed Parrish Hardy Johnson TE Royal Anderson Fine OT Walker Peters Chambers Bell OG Dockery Butler Felton McCaskill Gaddis C Fowler Preston QB Edwards Losman Hamden FB Barnes RB Lynch Jackson Wright K Lindell P Moorman
  4. I remember that when these two got drafted they were both had been projected as first round talents by some. As the forth round pick Ko Simpson came in and started and played really well. Youboty has not yet played the way some expected him too. And now with McKelvin on the roster he will probably see even less time at CB. I really like Ko Simpson, he's made a few plays in the offseason workouts. Do you think that Youboty will get cut this year and how well do you think Ko Simpson will play this year?
  5. what are his chances of making the roster?
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