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Everything posted by WendyGirl33

  1. "Diversity" Is Costing Us Dearly! "Diversity" is arguably the most popular "feel-good" word in American popular culture. It conjures up images of a society where everyone is welcome and nobody dominates. Of course, those seeking to promote diversity never express a need to admit more whites or even Hispanics to "historically black colleges," nor to increase black or Indian homeownership in New York's Chinatown. "Diversity," far from meaning "let's all get together," really means, "let's displace whites." And racially unconscious whites don't care about—in fact, they even "celebrate"—their own decline. But according to a new study undertaken by Dr. Edwin S. Rubinstein, the negative effects of diversity programs are not limited to the whites who are displaced by them. They are harming the economy as a whole—to the tune of trillions of dollars. Today's neo-"conservatives," whose only remaining connection to traditional conservatism is a concern for free enterprise and economic prosperity, routinely join liberals in the clamor for more diversity. They would do well to read Dr. Rubinstein's study, which proves that the damages caused by diversity can be measured in the only terms neocons understand: dollars and cents. Lots of dollars and cents. http://www.nationalpolicyinstitute.org/pdf...ofdiversity.pdf
  2. End Affirmative Action! Sign NPI's Petition Today Affirmative action is unfair, un-American, and just plain wrong. A bill to end it has been languishing in Congress since 1995. Join NPI in demanding that Congress finally take action, and pass the Equal Opportunity Act of 1995. (http://www.nationalpolicyinstitute.org/equal-opportunity-act-of-1995/) Read—and then, please sign—NPI's Petition http://www.nationalpolicyinstitute.org/petition
  3. Promoting genocide for whites? Noel Ignatiev and the culture of Western suicide Part of a long tradition that has opposed white interests and identity — the culture of critique that has become the culture of Western suicide. There has been a renewed interest recently in a 2002 article by Paul Craig Roberts, actually the first of two (here is the second), drawing attention to a rather frightening phenomenon at Harvard University: the effort by a professor, Noel Ignatiev, and his journal, Race Traitor, to promote the “cultural and psychological genocide of whites.” Now that’s an odd choice of words—guaranteed to draw attention to himself and his ideas. Was he in any way also promoting the slaughter/liquidation of whites, as some of his adversaries have suggested? Ignatiev says no. In his words, We frequently get letters accusing us of being “racists,” just like the KKK, and have even been called a “hate group.” … Our standard response is to draw an analogy with anti-royalism: to oppose monarchy does not mean killing the king; it means getting rid of crowns, thrones, royal titles, etc…. Ignatiev et al. have developed a story that goes as follows: A bunch of very bad people got together and created a category called “white” to which they belong but people with different colored skin can’t belong. Then they made laws that favored people in the white category, they colluded with other whites to dominate the economic and political process, and they invented baseless scientific theories in which whiteness had its roots in real biological differences. http://www.nationalpolicyinstitute.org/200...cide/#more-2788
  4. What does Europe teach us? They face an even bigger problem. Part 2 They're respectable, wealthy, well-raised and educated. They know history, speak different languages and travel. They hold high posts at banks, financial corporations and law offices. These are the new European nationalists A short description of our first installment: Ethnic battles are erupting in the heart of the EU. Belgium’s Flemings and Walloons are fighting among themselves and hoping to split the country in two. At the same time, Arab emigrants are fleeing to Belgium en masse. Will Belgium face another Kosovo scenario? “The most popular child’s name in Brussels and Antwerp is ‘Mohammed,’” said Mia Doornaert, diplomatic editor at the Flemish paper Standaard. “I don’t have anything against emigrants if they’re willing to work and integrate into the local community. But that’s not what’s happening. We’re being forced to feed them. Arab emigrants hide from the police in our churches, which in turn refuse to kick them out. That’s just how things are here. Why don’t they go and hide in their mosques? And it’s impossible to print even one word about emigrants in the press without being called a racist.” “It’s hard to imagine that Belgian residents are ready to mix their ancient Christian blood with the Arabs,” I said emotionally. “And your nation’s heroes commanded the first and only successful Crusade and freed Jerusalem!” It turned out my passion was contagious. “You’re absolutely right!” she said. “Europe shouldn’t forget about its Christian history. I think the EU made an unforgivable mistake by removing the clause about our Christian roots in the Constitution. I always respected Pope John Paul II. He was a good person, but why did he decide to apologize for the Crusades! The Muslims started conquering our Christian shrines first. They captured Jerusalem and Constantinople — a large Christian center. Europe didn’t receive any apology from the Muslims for seizing our shrines. Why should the Christians feel guilty? In a global world where borders between peoples are being removed, it’s important for people to know where they came from and where they are going. People need an identity. I’m Flemish and I’m proud of my people’s history. The Walloons call our national feelings ‘folklore.’ But it’s not folklore. It’s our sense of self.” [...] Read on: http://www.nationalpolicyinstitute.org/200...problem-part-2/
  5. World Population Shifts from Europeans to Africans and Indians Global White Population to Plummet to Single Digit—Black Population to Double The big population story of the 21st Century is shaping up to be the status reversal of whites and blacks and the Indian baby boom As a percentage of world inhabitants, the white population will plummet to a single digit (9.76%) by 2060 from a high-water mark of 27.98% in 1950. Using 2010 as the base reference, the big gainer in the population derby will be blacks or sub-Sahara Africans. This group will expand almost 133% to 2.7 billion by 2060. By the middle of this century blacks will represent 25.38% of world population, which is up dramatically from the 8.97% they recorded in 1950. The other groups measured in the study were the Central Asians (Indians), East Asians (Chinese and Japanese), the Southeast Asians, Arabic (North Africa and the Middle East), and Amerindian-Mestizo (Mexican and Central America). All these groups will experience a population growth. The Chinese/Japanese and Indians will trade rankings and the relative global presence of the other groups will remain more or less constant. The big population story of the 21st Century is shaping up to be the status reversal of whites and blacks and the Indian baby boom. A side bar will be the single digit minority role that whites will assume. Of the 7 population groups studied, only whites are projected to sustain an absolute decline in numbers. In 1950 whites and blacks were respectively 27.98% and 8.97% of world population. By 2060 these figures will almost reverse as blacks surge to 25.38% and whites shrink to 9.76%. From 2010 the white population will decline while blacks will add 1.2 billion to their numbers. In this time frame the the Indian subcontinent will gain 1.2 billion people. These groups and their governments will be looking for elbow room, and the diminished presence of whites in Europe, and especially in the relatively wide open spaces North America, will provide such an opportunity. Specifically, countries like Canada, the United States, Argentina, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, and Russia can expect to be pressured to accept collectively hundreds of millions of refugees from India, and sub-Sahara Africa. (Click on link below to get your free copy of the report) http://www.nationalpolicyinstitute.org/pub...hp?b=population
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