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Everything posted by RickAzar

  1. For all you morons that would like to convince yourself of this irrational nonsense because you are driven by an enamorment of football players ask yourself this .... If your 4000 lb car gets hit by a snowball do you know it ? I do. So then how can you nod your heads to the idiotic suggestion that marshhead didn't hear or wasnt aware that he hit someone ? Especially when his vehicle sustained damage. Did that damage happen in silence ? lol How retarded can you get ? Did it make LESS noise than a snowball ? No, there isn't a snowball's chance in hell it went down that way and anyone with an IQ over 45 knows it.
  2. I doubt that . I doubt you go a day without taking up for dirtbags like this as long as they run with a leather ball. Enjoy your posters.
  3. Keep telling yourself that nonsense as you hang up a poster of marshawn in your bedroom. I suppoose you choose to ignore the fact that channel 2 REPORTED that witnesses saw him stop and then drive off. So put up you little smilely face and enjoy your little mind.
  4. wow wow wow cool marshawn oh my God how cool wow whats up dude wow wow you must be lucky Did you tell your mom and dad ?
  5. This must be the most ignorant BS I've read on this topic. 500 words of mental slop trying to pawn itself off as reasoning when all it is , is a putrid and weak attemp to rationalise away the acts of a turd. This line is the topper "isn't it possible that the driver of the car wasn't even sure he hit someone" It never ceases to amaze me how far football fanatics will go to kiss the asses of players and grovel at their feet. Honorable mention: "Folks here seem to have an image of this accident as he ran her over head on and then sped away. From the injuries involved, it really doesn't sound that way to me." Typical strawman argument when there is little more than that to lean on. There hasn't been one single post I've read that remotely suggests this BS , but that doesn't stop a groveler from pretending there is. I hope you are content kissing the ass of a scumbag who would leave the scene after running into a woman with his car. Maybe you are too devoid of intelligence to know how little integrity both he and you have and how pathetic you are. Bottom line is people like you dont care about integrity as long as you can gawk at your hero as he runs with a ball.
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