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Posts posted by jo39416

  1. Nothing is set in stone, but it clearly looks like the Toronto group is against the ropes. How about we actually give a little gratitude to Bon Jovi for a change?


    We will never know his true intentions; maybe he desperately wanted the team in Toronto, or maybe he had no intentions of moving them and just wanted to own a team. But Bon Jovi - deservedly or not - became a rallying cry for Bills fans across the world. If he hadn't partnered up with the Toronto group, who knows, maybe they would've flown under the radar. I honestly think his inovlement in the process unexpectedly became a catylst for the team staying here.



  2. I am very busy at work today, but what John Wawrow reported is directly relevant to the intent of JBJ and the Toronto group and is certainly enough for the State and County to file an action.


    Courts repeatedly have held that circumstantial evidence is adequate. The Supreme Court in Desert Palace, Inc. v. Costa, 539 U.S. 90, 100 (2003), held:





    This is one of the Federal court jury instructions on circumstantial evidence:




    Do any of you naysayers honestly believe that there are not communications and other evidence showing that JBJ's new found devotion is just a ruse?


    Interesting... the question that I have is who would be the defendant in the suit? Would it be the trust for selling to a party that is prohibited under the lease, or would it be the Toronto group?


    My understanding is that it would be the trust, from there suit would be filed against Toronto group for looking at moving, no?

  3. http://forums.texags.com/main/forum.reply.asp?topic_id=2494121&forum_id=5


    In case you want to get a bit wound up...


    Also, that letter from the comptroller is embarrassing, small-town hokey, aw'shucks ignorant.


    Ya don't have to wheel (pun) a guy out like that, when you could just as easily, and more effectively, have a lawyer reply with a pithy lil !@#$ you.


    While I agree with your first post - I disagree with this point.. I think the entire reason for the letter is to make as much public outcry regarding this issue as possible. With all of the pub - playing off your initial post, would not be surprised to see some sort of minimum consideration be issued for use of the TM.

  4. Check out Erie County Comptroller's response letter to Texas A&M: http://www.scribd.co...ills-fan-s-back


    Wow - that is a ballsy letter to write. Good for him. In a fair fight, this is a lawsuit that would be a toss-up at best. The term 12th man has become part of the common vernacular that is used on a day to day basis to describe loyal fan bases. However, this is an issue of a School with a 5 billion dollar endowment bullying trying to beat up on someone who cant pay to fight.


    If this isn't a case of a generic trademark, then I don't know what is.

  5. How have we gotten this far into the thread and not talked about what happened last night? Unbelievable.


    Those that don't get it wont and likely never will. The good news is those people will be left behind as they got older - wondering why/how soccer is becoming more popular.


    As much as I love football - by far my favorite sport - you will see parents guiding their children into sports where concussions are not as prevalent - and we will see a surge in the quality of American soccer (as we have seen for the last 20 years).


    For those that love it - enjoy the ride the next few weeks!


    And for those that say soccer is not catching on the US - here are some random spots in the country where the game was being played last night.



  6. More anecdotes. I just proved you wrong with league wide analysis. Were those calls "bad?" Sure. Doesn't mean he gets them anymore than the other stars.


    So are you saying the diving after the knee rule change had nothing to do with Tom Brady getting hurt for the year? Or are you just saying that all star QB's get treated special... OR are you saying that all QB's are treated the same - sounds like the third option, but want to clarify.

  7. Putting a stadium anywhere but downtown, or maybe...MAYBE...Niagara Falls is a waste. Stadiums do not attract development by themselves. Proof? Look at RWS. 40 years and what have you got in the way of economic development? They made the same mistake when they built the arena. Larry Quinn touted it would be a magnet for development. It took around 18 years for anything to get going and much of it happened because Terry "Warbucks" wrote the check. Imagine if they had built the arena at Chippawa & Genesee like was originally proposed? Sure, Chippawa St. is jumping anyway, but imagine what dropping 18,000+ people 50 times a year would add? Instead they built it in a forgotten end of town with nothing but parking lots and holes in the ground around it for over a decade. Don't overthink this. Put it downtown by the FNC, Canalside, and Casino. PTR


    I read this at first and disagreed, but then I realized that I misread, so uh.. I agree. Carry on.

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