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Posts posted by WildBills

  1. Agreed. Jauron didn't believe in running pass patterns where the WR could catch the ball on the run and break big chunks of YAC. It was probably too dangerous for him. Jauron's ultra conservative offense preferred the WRs to catch the ball at a dead stop.


    or catch the ball 5 yards pass the line of scrimmage and jump out of bounds.

  2. Honestly I can't read posts that are longer than 3 paragraphs. I must have ADD or something. That or these long posts really are boring.




    i concur. i stop reading after one paragraph. i don't see how people can't make their points in one paragraph.

  3. to all the dummies saying this is career ending. if it was as bad as the retards would lead you to believe on here. it would be all over the news and sports news. i wish him luck in recovery and some of you guys need to stop acting like a bunch desperate housewives. :unsure:

  4. Gee, thanks Doc. And to think all those years of med school went for **** and I'm still a retard.


    Say, if I'm having any trouble with any cases in the future can I give you a ring for a consult?


    if you're a real doctor then i suck dick for a living. good one ****! get your thumb out of your ass. :unsure:

  5. guys, while not downplaying the severity of his injury, i'm pretty sure fractures are less serious/career ending than blown ligaments/knees. Junior Seau's arm looked like that a couple years ago and he played again the next year. If it is a fracture, and no veins were disrupted (serious blood loss etc) I wouldnt be surprised to see him play again next year.


    Correct me if im wrong, but arent bone breaks more easily treated than blown knees?


    hey, i can't believe someone on here is actually not a complete retard. bone breaks are much easier to come back from than knee or ligament injuries. he has a broken fibula and tibia. he will be back mid-season at the latest next year. i will go as far as to say he could be working out in 3 months.

  6. http://blogs.nfl.com/2009/11/19/shanahan-l...ials-next-week/


    Shanahan likely to meet with Bills officials next week


    Posted: November 19th, 2009 | Vic Carucci | Tags: Bill Cowher, Buffalo Bills, Mike Shanahan, Ralph Wilson


    Mike Shanahan has emerged as the Bills’ “No. 1 candidate” to become their full-time coach after the season, according to a source close to the team.


    The source said a meeting between Shanahan, Bills owner Ralph Wilson and Bills chief operating officer/general manager Russ Brandon, who is overseeing the hiring process, likely will take place next week.


    Former Steelers coach Bill Cowher also is high on the Bills’ list of candidates, but at the moment, they are focused on Shanahan, who guided the Broncos to back-to-back Super Bowl championships in the late 1990s but was fired after last season.


    There’s also strong speculation that the Redskins are pursuing Shanahan to replace Jim Zorn as their coach after the season. However, according to the source close to the Bills, Shanahan is intrigued by the “low-maintenance” situation he would have in Buffalo as opposed to Washington.


    The Bills, the source said, are willing to offer whatever salary is necessary to land a high-end candidate such as Shanahan and would give him total control of the football operation, something Wilson has generally been opposed to doing in the past. Adding to the job’s attractiveness, according to the source, is the fact the team is in solid financial shape and not burdened by any dead salary-cap money.


    “This is his (Wilson’s) last coach and (he) is going to do everything it takes to get it right,” the source said of the 91-year-old owner.


    The Bills fired Dick Jauron on Tuesday and made defensive coordinator Perry Fewell their interim head coach.


    – Vic Carucci

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